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StampYoPassport t1_j9q76ii wrote

Climate change is false, now excuse me while I enjoy this perfectly normal February 23rd on a beautiful 67F day here in South Eastern Pennsylvania.


SettleDownAlready t1_j9qzksk wrote

I enjoyed it too but that crazy cherry tree around the corner blossoming?


Bewaretheicespiders t1_j9q8met wrote

Thats weather. Not saying climate change is false, because it isnt, but its unrelated to a hot winter day the same way its not disproved by a cold summer day.


DrMushroomStamp t1_j9qokl4 wrote

Just had a whole month of 50s and a few 60s in a area I have lived for 40 years.

Used to be a a whole lotta snow to play in around here when I was younger.

I grew up sledding this entire month and building snow forts.