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Quantius t1_ja2wpzt wrote

Interestingly, I had a *very* short-lived blog in 2014 and I made a post about the value of information approaching zero due to hyperstimulation of communication. I wrote:

>It is because of this that we see the value of information itself
approaching zero. Wait, don’t react just yet! Information still holds
its original value, however, due to its accessibility and in the coming
case of hyperaccessibility you practically don’t even have to pursue it,
it is given to you. That is the role of all these media outlets. The
greatest value add of the future rests in packaging, and disseminating
information, not in the creation of the information.

And what you wrote reminded me of this, and that we're going to see what happened with communication/social media happen to art media. Essentially a spiral of simulacra and simulation and a degree of abandonment of individuality.