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aka_mythos t1_ja4xcsl wrote

AI is only that way if you look at it as something of a monolithic entity. In a world with AI's there will be many AI's each with their own characteristics and identity. From that we'll get the variability in simulated creativity. Instead if you think of AI as a tool, what you have is something that can transform and actualize the simplest and smallest of human creative thoughts and ideas. The least creative and skilled people will be able to see their ideas given form. A person could write a simple poem and see it transformed into the visual, or extrapolated into a full story, or rendered into a movie. If every similarly capable AI were prompted to do the same task, the result would likely be distinct. Yes, AI acting in isolation will make many things even more disposable than they already are, but the individual can be enabled to create works instilled with personal value. Customization and personalization of media is what AI can bring us.