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Tomycj t1_ja56h9j wrote

Freedom of choice doesn't mean what you think it means. It all comes down to this: you are not entitled to other people's work. Capitalism is in big part the recognition of this hard to swallow but true and ethical principle, that enables peaceful social cooperation.

It's ironic that these anti-capitalist ideas are often rooted in marxism, yet they are contradicting it, because marxism predicted that capitalism would collapse due to decreasing profits, but people are complaining about their increase.

>AI and Capitalism are NOT compatible

you could make the same argument for any form of technological progress. People has done so, and will continue doing so.

edit: the user argued later that his point is true because the capitalist doesn't do any work. That is basically economics terraplanism. No serious economist denies the fact the capitalist is just another link in the chain, who provides useful contributions in the production process. They, among other things, allow the employee to not have to worry about a series of decisions, risks, and responsibilities.


Northstar1989 t1_ja65ujg wrote

> all comes down to this: you are not entitled to other people's work. Capitalism is in big part the recognition of this hard to swallow but true and ethical principle,

That's utter BS.

Capitalism is literally about the owners of Capital reaping returns for investments without doing any work.

It is the very opposite of what you are saying.

Leave it to a Neoliberal to try and turn reality on its head. You are answering in bad faith, and being blocked.