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ryan_s007 OP t1_j8e2arf wrote

The likely solution is probably something along the lines of AI managing all the aspects of human life while we live like the humans of Wall-E.

The other solution is to reject modernity and connivence and return to the lifestyle of our predecessors.

But if we assume automation is inevitable, ChatGPT allows for more inclusivity in the near future. Before robots begin programming other robots without any human intervention anyway.


SweetBabyAlaska t1_j8exii1 wrote

that is so naive that its painful.


ryan_s007 OP t1_j8ezrkx wrote

It's a conjecture on something I have done zero research on. The only defensible prediction I've made is that chatbots like ChatGPT will eventually become functional translation mediums.

I'm curious to know what makes you feel so confident in your own predictions.