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JCPRuckus t1_j8g19vp wrote

>“All I said was that we well might fail”. That sentence let me know how you think. People that think like that fail immediately since they don’t want to even try. In fact that type of thinking is lower than failure, since failure actually involves trying first.

Except I didn't say we shouldn't try. I ignoring things that we know work in the meantime doesn't make any sense.

Again, you're putting words in my mouth.

>In fact that type of thinking is lower than failure, since failure actually involves trying first.

Get over yourself. You can't even read and reply to what I actually say. You aren't superior to anyone.

>I’m glad they are trying to build hyperloop. Whether it fails or not. At least we are trying something new.

I never said they shouldn't. I said that forgoing HSR on the hope that maybe Hyperloop will be feasible, much less better, one day is stupid.

>Not rehashing the accomplishments of previous generations.

Again, you don't seem to understand the difference between "trying" something and "banking on" it. It's not bad to have things that actually work while you're trying to do new things.