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takachi8 t1_j9mp1r9 wrote

As someone who primary source of entertainment is YouTube, and has been on YouTube along time. I can say their video filter is not perfect in any sense. I have seen videos that should have been pulled down do to it violating their terms and conditions that stayed for along time. I have also seen "perfectly good" (lack of better word) video get pulled down or straight up demonetize for variety of reasons that made zero sense but was marked by their AI. Improper marking causing content creators to lose money which in turns hurts YouTube and their creators.

I have been on YouTube long time, and everything that was ever recommended to me has been closely related to what I have or am actively watching. I would say their algorithm for recommending video for person who actual has an account with them is pretty spot on. The only time I seen off the wall stuff is when I watch YouTube from a device that I'm not login into or incognito mode, and the same thing for advertisements. My question is what are people looking up that causing YouTube to recommend this kind of stuff cause I never seen it on YouTube or google advertise. Usually I find on reddit.