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billetea t1_j9o0me9 wrote

Haha. Do you even know what fascism is?

I'm saying It's the end of liability free behaviour by major social media and online news service entities.. like a normal business, they should not be able to promote lies, incite violence or terrorism, host criminal material. That's being civilised. Even the Wild West had rules. It's not like they're a bunch of teenagers working out of their parents basement anymore. They're bigger and vastly more powerful than companies that are heavily regulated.

I think we are all getting to the end of endless self actualisation... even paedophiles are trying to normalise their behaviour as a sexual deviation or compare it to being something relatively normal like being gay rather than an evil act.. that's because they can congregate and normalise online.


Shineliketheson t1_j9o57xe wrote

So, who gets to decide what is true, what opinion matters, what theory is a conspiracy, etc? What you are proposing is what leads to fascism. Only a few decide all of the above.


billetea t1_j9o5nqk wrote

We have a functional legal system and a functional democracy. Who said anything about one person making the decision. We have worked out regulations and laws for centuries - why so little faith now? II don't get how that somehow ends in fascism. How do you think we worked out property laws, libel laws, any law for that matter?

What we currently confront is a small group of extremely wealthy and powerful people who think they stand above the our legal and political system. That needs to end. They are not above either and their platforms need to be brought to account to the legal system and to the people. Their argument that what they've created is somehow a uniquely separate ecosystem to that which the rest of us operates is bullshit.. it's elitism. It's why we had revolutions to devolve power to the people away from kings and others who held individual power over us.