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Hvarfa-Bragi t1_j8jvvp8 wrote

Automated, centrally coordinated solar powered barges could release ideal concentrations over massive areas.

It's an engineering and economic challenge, it's not an ecological impossibility.


GaudExMachina t1_j8jy2hi wrote

>economic challenge,

That is what it really is. Storage on land would also be possible to an extent.
The best option would be to find a product/market to make out of the solids to offset the cost of moving it.


Hiseworns t1_j8kgbol wrote

Every chef loves sea salt . . . though you'd have to separate the edible salts from the rest of the precipitates


Aggravating-Bottle78 t1_j8n15d6 wrote

Theres a lot of other minerals that are useful. Theres a Ted talk on harvesting these.