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Early_Lawfulness_348 t1_jardv4v wrote

I’m all for a good attitude but don’t let perspective skew facts otherwise you make bad choices.


Kozeyekan_ t1_jatodaa wrote

You could also argue that the guy drawing the pretty scene is being passive, accepting his position and forfeiting momentum, while the guy drawing the bars has identified the obstacle to the life he wants, and is focused on that.

But maybe that's the red bull talking...


CommanderAGL t1_jaswijj wrote

Or its an allegory for the workplace. Gotta ask why the prison is depicted


joan_wilder t1_jaur2np wrote

“When you wear rose-colored glasses, red flags just look like flags.”


cherrymasterlou OP t1_jas9mhk wrote



CB1013 t1_jat8vjy wrote

bro did a thumbs up and got downvoted


alxwx t1_jatb5o0 wrote

It doesn’t feel genuine. This doesn’t resonate with me for the above reason, yes, we should always looks for the positive but perspective is important and no two people see the world the same. Doesn’t mean either is wrong


rpxpackage t1_jatsfz2 wrote

Something I've noticed on reddit lately is that someone will make a post that gets a bunch of upvotes but any comment they make on that post get downvoted to hell