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[deleted] t1_jcc8oyr wrote

Yay, we can all live in mansions and eat out every meal, we are all worthy of everything we want!

Wait, who's gunna build our mansions and cook our meals? ... hmm... the unworthy ones can do that


MrCrash t1_jccbt53 wrote

Okay so self-confidence is great.

Self-esteem, very important.

"I should get everything I want" is fucking entitlement.

And it is the cancer that's killing our society.


nage_ t1_jccgbwk wrote

As a guy that plays rpgs this is some dangerous thinking for real life


trynagetfitforsummer t1_jcci8jd wrote

You don't deserve anything

You're supposed to bleed and sweat to have it ,you don't deserve it


LonerDottyRebel t1_jccqnb8 wrote

If you want it, earn it.

Believing you're worth something changes nothing.

You have to show your worth to others and enrich their lives with goods or services.

Then others will just hand your desires to you.

So instead, decide that other people are worth it. They will decide the same thing about you.


jtxiii t1_jccqoyo wrote

Terrible, terrible words to live by.


ReelyAndrard t1_jcctwlj wrote

You might be worthy, you'll just never get them.

So we good, right?


Rotaryqm t1_jccvcwx wrote

My co-workers tell me this every day. Especially when they want credit for work they never did


Alternative-Run-5515 t1_jccwxw9 wrote

again, the sign doesn’t say that.

not saying the sign is right in all scenarios, but it’s a surface message that you’re deliberately overgeneralizing lol. what do you expect? a list of exceptions in fine print?


vegancookie t1_jccx2ej wrote

I’ve been struggling a lot with not eating the rich, feeling like maybe I shouldn’t just because I want to, but this meme has definitely helped me to realise I do deserve to eat the rich, thank you! ❤️

Nom nom nom


MuricanA321 t1_jccy45h wrote

No, you are not necessarily worthy of all the things you want.

Does this gibberish actually inspire people?


Pirascule t1_jcczxae wrote

God, that would get philosophers arguing.

Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher said that “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”

Being worthy for not wanting stuff in the first place as opposed to trying to grasp things out of reach that ego dictates you are worthy of is somewhat narcissistic and compensatory


twilliwilkinsonshire t1_jcd023o wrote

Uhhhh no.

This isnt motivation, this is just selfworship. You should not be telling yourself that anything you want is correct.


PrepareToTyEdition t1_jcd0921 wrote

At the risk of entering circle-jerk territory, I want to say 'thank you' for making me feel less insane & isolated for being kind of disgusted by this post.

Don't hate yourself needlessly & deprive yourself of basic needs, but sweet gherkin, you can't have everything you want! That's like, rule #1 of life, not just a rule of society.


Magic18 t1_jcdci8e wrote

"I want a man who is at least 6ft tall." "I want to marry a Virginia girl"

Reddit be triggered.


ImmaculateRedditor t1_jcdcik4 wrote

On the road of wanting is a road to misery. A road of acceptance and fluidity is a road to bliss. You don't have to give up your overall goals, just be okay with getting there a little later at any given point.


PLEASEHIREZ t1_jcdcjxd wrote

At risk of being downvoted. No. North America is the leader of woke culture, and this is the stuff that propagates nonsense line of thinking. You want something does not mean you deserve it. You earn your way through life. You will receive basic respect and courtesy as is required to keep society generally pleasant and functioning.


Bludongle t1_jcdd17m wrote

I am worthy of all the things I want.
Even the things that feel out of reach.
As long as I am willing to work for them and understand that many will strive to keep them from me even as the hold the same in their hand.


vegancookie t1_jcdd7lc wrote

A lot of “wholesome” is toxic positivity, rule of thumb for me is, would this encourage or justify abhorrently evil things, if yes, it’s not wholesome, it’s a form of toxic positivity.

Same with does it erase legitimate emotional reactions, if it’s blindly telling someone to be happy when they are depressed, sad, grieving so on so forth, it is not wholesome.


booooimaghost t1_jcdmrnf wrote

Words of wisdom for the crackhead looking up at this from street


Hannibal_Barca_ t1_jcdpqq6 wrote

I disagree. You don't necessarily deserve what you want, but with work you could.


nibble25 t1_jcdqo8r wrote

The world doesn't owe you anything. Sometimes you don't get what you want and what you do after that will be the test of your character.


leftside72 t1_jcdrm7t wrote

Repeat after me: Don’t let computers justify your text.


RixxFett t1_jcdujn0 wrote

Heh. Life's has taught me that no, I'm not. 🤷🏽‍♂️


sneaky_squirrel t1_jcdv6x6 wrote

Wow, that's pretty arrogant of you OP. No I am not going to recite this to stroke your ego.

I'm kidding, just a bad joke of mine. The gag is that I fail to realize that this is meant to refer to me, and assume that I think that the OP is bragging about how perfect he is.


minos157 t1_jcdwb9k wrote

You may be worthy of things out of your reach but you'll still need me at 6'3" to get it off the top shelf for you.


lkodl t1_jcdympa wrote

Bouncer: excuse me, sir. You can't just cut to the front of the line.

Guy: *points to sign. I want to cut the line. I'm worthy of getting that.

Bouncer: I want you to leave. I'm worthy of getting that.

Guy: that's your opinion.


TotallynottheCCP t1_jce0vyx wrote

Just because I feel worthy of winning the lottery doesn't mean I should expect to...


Citrus210 t1_jceedn3 wrote

Yes, everything I want I should have, typical modern societies.


basuragoddess t1_jcef0o0 wrote

Coming to the comments and it’s all negative… some of y’all never felt like you didn’t deserve to be successful and it shows.

It doesn’t say “I deserve all the things I want”… it says “I am worthy of all the things I want”. It means you are inherently enough, that your goals are valid no matter how seemingly unattainable, and you deserve to push yourself to go after them.

Like damn y’all. Why hop on a motivational sub to act bitter?


Roger_Sceadu t1_jcem4w9 wrote

Errr, no. Feeling unworthy for certain things does not mean you shouldn't feel worthy for them one day. But you need to feel unworthy about it so that you can understand the "why" first, before getting to being worthy. It's not always an entitlement.

Feeling like shit can be great at times, so as long you also learn how to feel great as well. Both the good and bad.


SpartasMom t1_jceq3s7 wrote

Worthy... having or showing the qualities or abilities that merit recognition in a specified way. I don't think that word means what you think it means.


bridge_view t1_jceqkfm wrote

Blessed is the man who is happy with his portion.


newyerker t1_jcesmb7 wrote

wow is this the reddit i know?? how are there so many clear thinking redditers in some random sub? impossible.....

fuck wokism btw.


xGooselordx_TTV t1_jcesvsw wrote

repeat after me. this is not a good mantra. "want" sounds entitled. this is what i assume people who are spoiled feel in their head 24/7


feel_the_minge t1_jceta9q wrote

That is not motivation but rather what is wrong with our society today


Kakistokratic t1_jcev434 wrote

I like Alan Watts take on it.

..."The buddha said 'We suffer because we desire. If you can give up desire, you won't suffer.' But he didn't say that as the last word; he said that as the opening step of a dialogue. Because if you say that to someone, they're going to come back after a while and say 'Yes, but now I'm desiring not to desire.' And so the buddha will answer, 'Well at last you're beginning to understand the point.' Because you can't give up desire. Why would you try to do that? It's already desire. So in the same way you say 'You ought to be unselfish' or to give up you ego. Let go, relax. Why do you want to do that? Just because it's another way of beating the game, isn't it? The moment you hypothesize that you are different from the universe, you want to get one up on it. But if you try to get one up on the universe, and you're in competition with it, that means you don't understand you ARE it. You think there's a real difference between 'self' and 'other.' But 'self,' what you call yourself, and what you call 'other' are mutually necessary to each other like back and front. They're really one. But just as a magnet polarizes itself at north and south, but it's all one magnet, so experience polarizes itself as self and other, but it's all one. If you try to make the south pole defeat the north pole, or get the mastery of it, you show you don't know what's going on."


MrLyht t1_jcewcw4 wrote

Unless you want to exploit other people.


hamimono t1_jcexh4l wrote

Ugh. I hate this faux affirmation shit.

No one is “worthy” of all the things they “want.”

It sounds like toddler logic.

“But I dEsErvE it!!!”



pattyG80 t1_jcf0zq6 wrote

I'm worthy of my neighbors house...and his wife? Sweet.

Fuck this stupid sign


TheAgentD t1_jcf16e6 wrote

My favourite Putin quote, indeed.


shay4578 t1_jcf1rgh wrote

That's a toxic way to approach certain things and it may get you arrested


YodaCodar t1_jcf4o03 wrote

Entitlement is not motivational lol


deck4242 t1_jcf6tgr wrote

Sounds very self entilted, narcissic bs.


PrepareToTyEdition t1_jcf8bpz wrote

There's no such thing as a perfect society, but I'll defend society as far as this: if a society is going to work, there has to be checks and balances of power. The concept of everyone deserving exactly what they want is the antithesis of checks and balances.


Jakenlovesbacon t1_jcfb2n0 wrote

I get the message but for me personally I feel like theres a lot of work to be done before I can earn this feeling


Shmogt t1_jcfbdef wrote

It says"worthy". It doesn't say I should get it all. Just that it's possible that I could. Most people have very limited beliefs in who they are and what they are capable of


2001_Chevy_Prizm t1_jcfbkp5 wrote

Cue billionaires who own more than they could possibly ever spend in a hundred lifetimes by exploiting everyone they can and the planet:


Mainely420Gaming t1_jcfdlzw wrote

Now tape a dollar bill on the sign, just slightly outta reach.


DannyA88 t1_jcfjuiz wrote

Want in one hand and shit in the other.. which one fills up first.


loopthereitis t1_jcfmjao wrote

kinda disingenious to think that being worthy means you dont have to work for something to get it

lots of people don't try to do good things for themselves because they think it's just too good for them. like applying to that big job or dream school. that's obviously what this is about.


stultum t1_jcfq8zj wrote

Vladimir Putin liked this.


Intrepid_Bat_7172 t1_jcfsoma wrote

“i want to achieve vast amounts of power and abuse it” - a sarcastic conan obrien interview


hkbreezy8 t1_jcfsrox wrote

I just want freedom from the 9 to 5 so I can spend more time with my family. It's insane to me that I'm stuck re living the same day over and over again, and it consists of spending 9 hours around a bunch of grumpy rednecks and only 2 hours with my daughter.


elpinche_wayas t1_jcg5x7l wrote

People are reading this wrong! It doesn't say that you'll obtain everything you want or that you'll get it without a fight. Sometimes in life you get something that you love more than anything in this world, like a Significant other, a kid or simply a better job, but your mind or your impostor syndrome is going to fuck with your head and you gonna feel like you are not good enough to have it, like you don't deserve it, it's gonna make it feel wrong like it's a set up or a trap because you are not use to good things happening in your life.


Kruse002 t1_jcg70y9 wrote

If this isn’t a confirmation of Half Life 3, I don’t know what is.


Dizzy_Smile3807 t1_jcg8dr5 wrote

You're getting downvoted, but you're absolutely correct.

Feeling like you are worthy of something is not the same thing as demanding it in an entitled way.

If you are closed-minded and constantly limiting yourself, the idea that someone would think this way would come off as offensive, so I'd take the critics here with a grain of salt.


No_Hovercraft_2719 t1_jcgtwip wrote

I am worthy of all the things I want. That’s some shit the One Ring would be whispering to you.


onlooker61 t1_jchg5ra wrote

Nah, you really aren't Stop being delusional


Queens-kid t1_jck84aa wrote

Some people want things they cannot afford…