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Proper_Mortgage_1538 t1_jcer6j4 wrote

life is such a blessing there's upside down scenario but always worth it to live always live life to the fullest


Areyouuk2 t1_jceu9ll wrote

*rabbit phone rings.. “where are you? Your shift started half an hour ago”


GeorgeThe13th t1_jcev657 wrote

Would have been better without the incessant cursing


BurantX40 t1_jcexpvv wrote

I swear I've seen this with a bird...


Xu_Lin t1_jceyq31 wrote

As someone who enjoys nature walks, yes.


Agent101g t1_jcezf3x wrote

Bunny’s about to get demonetized


axelalva8703 t1_jcf21h7 wrote

Insert eagle swooping in and nabbing that bunny. The eagle says, “nothing beats THIS shit!”


GuitarGeezer t1_jcfixs4 wrote

Another happy customer of the medical marijuana industry. Sigh, it makes me tear up 😭


TotallynottheCCP t1_jcfnv9o wrote

Now I'm imaging the rabbits in Watership Down cursing like sailors.


Gh0stSwerve t1_jcfo8po wrote

Again... cool four-panel meme and all :) but this is eons more about appreciating the small things in life than about being motivated. Is that clear to you, OP?


AaronDotCom t1_jcfr9tn wrote


Why do I hear boss music?



xDaBaDee t1_jcfszr7 wrote

I want this as a tshirt, or a mug, let's put this sht on a mug.


DandaIf t1_jcfxynk wrote

Can someone explain why a rabbit using expletives to appreciate something feels so wholesome?


Ooh-Rah t1_jcg28vf wrote

Damn, it feels good to be a gangster.


jaiox t1_jcg5qbm wrote

One of my favorite pictures of all time, makes me laugh every time


Realistic_Match2577 t1_jcgo6e2 wrote

I can’t believe what kind of stupid boomers would find this entertaining


tsivv t1_jcgqn19 wrote

Wash your filthy mouth.


decrementsf t1_jcgrp12 wrote

Going outside and watching sunrise is this meme in real life. Whenever I do roll out of bed and get outside to watch sunrise, the animals are having a party. Birds going nuts. Deer running across a field. Hard not to feel some gratitude. And incidentally the wavelengths of sunlight on the horizon anchor all of your biological processes, fix up when hormones are expressed that optimizes every other activity for the rest of the day including improving mood. Hate that it's an ideas my grandmother would recommend. If you're ever experiencing what you think is depression, try out sunrise. Feels like it works.


suttleb t1_jch9p50 wrote

I hit a rabbit on my way to work today so this did not bring back a good memory for me


AshofYggdrasil t1_jchc9ra wrote

I'm currently in the opposite bag. Nothings working out. Im about to be evicted. My health has been getting progressively worse since my last bought with covid. Nothings looking good and honestly I'm so fucking tired of trying to keep my home that I just want it all to end


lebowtzu t1_jchrj9j wrote

You made me think about this harder than I thought I would. I’ll take a stab at it and call it something like an embittered, self conscious or self aware attempt at optimism. Or positivity for those to whom it doesn’t come naturally, still with the self consciousness or self awareness. Though not necessarily self consciousness of the curse words themselves but of the dual emotions.

But this is assuming that this cartoon is intended as the inner monologue of the rabbit, which seems to be the case. If there was an intended audience within the cartoon then it would just seem like some kind of pretension.

Edit: added “or self awareness” twice because I’m not sure what I’m getting at precisely


hurtloam t1_jchsjpm wrote

Have you met a rabbit? They look all cute, but they have a lot of attitude. They even flip you off with their feet when they're angry or even just mildly annoyed.


rvralph803 t1_jchtf18 wrote

Cut to the hawk that's about to have an even better day.


Rangerman007 t1_jci030p wrote

What's that sound? Oh it's just the gardener with his lawnmower

Looks like he's heading for that garden bed

Wait, isn't that the garden bed where my babies are nesting?



blueskies1800 t1_jci1dr1 wrote

I need a copy of this to hang in my bedroom so it is the first thing I see in the morning.


scotlandz t1_jci7is3 wrote

I think the rabbit ate some magic mushrooms.


KaimeiJay t1_jcirsc4 wrote

No joke. I was not feeling good today. Made myself take a walk. Sunny day in the woods by the river. No flowers or butterflies, but dang, what a beautiful day. Life is good. More of that, please.


Regnes t1_jcj1pt5 wrote

Is this a promo for the upcoming Watership Down prequel series?