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TheDukeOfNukeEm t1_jckg2m2 wrote

Rosa Luxemburg was a communist


nertynertt t1_jckt9zc wrote

Good for her! Perhaps we shouldn't let dogmatic preconceived notions about an ideology blind us from what the person materially advocated for. Should read some more of her stuff, might be surprised at how much it resonates.


[deleted] t1_jcltnm3 wrote



Vollnoppe t1_jcm7nas wrote

And as everyone knows after the communists were murdered in 1920s germany nothing bad happened in the next 10-20 years


Silicon-Based t1_jcmn4m9 wrote

Thankfully, the main political opponents of Marxists in 1930's Germany, the Nazis, ushered in an era of peace and prosperity instead


RutbaIsBored OP t1_jckgvu0 wrote

idk anything about the writer , i found this randomly in my gallery.


nertynertt t1_jcktmou wrote

Should give her a read sometime, her writings, advocacy, and critiques are still incredibly impactful & insightful to this day :)


TheSavior666 t1_jcl5dfc wrote

Which does not prevent her from saying good or insightful things, no matter how much you hate her ideology.