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Hop3fullyhopeful t1_jcqvxea wrote

I wish I had a good answer to this. I thought I’d at least comment and say I have had a lot of the same thoughts lately. I’m putting a lot of effort into therapy and trying to navigate my way into a healthier mindset, yet I can’t seem to shake the often overwhelming shame around my life not panning out as I had hoped and worked so hard for. My social circle has dwindled to a couple of people, I spend most of my time at home since I work from home and have very little in the way of fulfilling hobbies. My wife and I have not been able to have children and have had two miscarriages in the last year. I had wanted to be a father more than anything.

Anyways, I’m right here with you friend. Know that as you fight these battles there are others fighting similar and you are not alone.


brooke512744 OP t1_jcqw61s wrote

I’m so sorry about your struggles. I appreciate your reply and vulnerability in sharing ❤️


Relentless-Dragonfly t1_jcspr9l wrote

I severely underestimated how much working from home was affecting my mental health. Might be something to look into if at all possible. Sure work from home has its perks, but spending most of my day out of the house has done wonders for me.


yohoob t1_jcsu308 wrote

I feel the same way, I don't even have a partner to share anything with. Honestly, when I go on dates. I almost feel so much apathy for dating. It just makes it harder. Almost like ground hog day. Same conversations every time.

I booked some solo trips and got my passport a few weeks back. I want to start traveling and making more of my time off. Try and get out of my rut.