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agent_wolfe t1_je3y112 wrote

How do you be kind to yourself? I’m still beating myself for things I said or did 30 years ago. Also last week.


Zeldon567 t1_je4g56k wrote

Accept what happened, acknowledge it, and make peace with it. Teach yourself to learn from the past without letting it harm you emotionally. And learn to forgive yourself for that which you can't change. The fact that you remember and feel bad about your mistakes implies that you're a good person at heart. Those without empathy would not regret their mistakes. Try to remember that and be kind to yourself.


mantasmark OP t1_je3z1mf wrote

Aknowledging ur wrongs is first step towards greatness. From there its only up my G


carmium t1_je5lhv6 wrote

I've got 30 years on top of that to look back on and cringe about. I could say you have to leave those to rot away in the past, but I don't practice what I preach much.