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Newmach t1_je4mykt wrote

I think the message here is that great goals can only be achieved it you accept problems as part of the process and remove them instead of ignoring them. Keeping the eyes on the price only would contradict that.

Also to deal immediately with the issue as they otherwise might become bigger over time, maybe even to a point preventing you from your goal.


INtoCT2015 t1_je4sy0z wrote

Exactly. For example, Ali never partied or drank alcohol, and talked about how much better it made him than his opponents bc it allowed his body and focus to stay laser sharp. To Ali, partying and alcohol were a pebble in his (and his rivals’) shoes. He removed them so he could remain unworn in the pursuit of his goal.


P12oooF t1_je5yrvj wrote

Hrm. Interesting. I was thinking a bit differant. More of a if your goal seems to large, dont worry. Just tackle the small problems that you can handle amd deal with on the way to your goal. You cant move the mountains but you can remove the rock from your shoe.


jayseph95 t1_je8za71 wrote

You’re thinking along the same lines as them


P12oooF t1_je9k4v5 wrote

Yea. Its kind of the same idea spoken differently if you zoom in on it. Remove the pebbles from lofe is what you can control on your way through or up the mountain.


rainmace t1_je4v055 wrote

This is stupid. Of course you can do both at the same time. Why is everyone taking this post like it’s a mathematical logic problem. One doesn’t exclude the other


BetterReThanProlapse t1_je5snvm wrote

There's a logical operator for that


[deleted] t1_je5svom wrote



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