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Celticlady47 t1_je6t202 wrote

Sometimes I find it more fun to face a bad day with a sarcastic attitude, but not a mean one.


Limp_Distribution t1_je6zt1g wrote

”It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”



Velocityraptor28 t1_je7h27v wrote

"when you have a bad day, give up, go home and sleep, fuck it, try again tomorrow"


BrownRecluse90 t1_je7n4x5 wrote

You get tired of that too... Keeping up with appearances when shit just sucks ass.


SoDamnUnoriginal OP t1_je7utzn wrote

I do feel ya' on that, friend. Trust me. It's okay to break down, cry, be pissed, etc. Life can really fucking suck sometimes...hell, most times even. I just find that positive self-talk has helped me turn a shit day around. When I have those days that feel like everything and anything is going wrong, I usually just accept the chaos with a bit of humor. I'll literally laugh out loud and try to do something that brings me joy...whether it be play video games, cook myself a nice dinner, go for a walk with the dogs, and so on. I tell myself that what I'm feeling is only temporary and, as cliché as it may be, tomorrow is a new day. Life will pan out the way it does and I have no control of the uncontrollable, but I have control over how I react and let it affect me.


Omnomnomnivor3 t1_je83vlg wrote

I'll always power through the rough days and I'm looking forward to the time I'd be able to hug my person again in the future, that's my way of recharging


Ninjabroni t1_je87tgs wrote

This applies most of the time for most people, but there is a subset of people that can not control their attitude due to a mental disorder. One example, depression is a hell of a thing and still so misunderstood. For someone that has been there, I’ll tell ya there is absolutely no control over the inner voice and trying to positive talk yourself makes you feel even worse because at the time it feels like more pathetic BS. Sometimes people are just stuck with a bad time with a bad attitude. Not trying to demean the quote for most, but it’s nonsense for someone in that situation.


nml11287 t1_je88f33 wrote

Like my Papa used to say, “there are no such things as bad days: just some days are better than others”.


siler7 t1_je8g7lv wrote

Sure, if you're perfect. Which nobody is. So this isn't true.


TechIsATool t1_je8i8o6 wrote

If everyday is a good day in your mind , no day is a 'good' day. Feel all the emotions of the day , but just don't let it go out of hand. This mind control 'feel good , good attitude' sounds good , but leads to total apathy after a while , I am speaking from experience .


leftysrevenge t1_je8nahu wrote

Never let a bad day pull you down. Drag it up to meet you.


Majukun t1_je8vo7l wrote

Pretty sure good attitude will mean shit to solve my problems


PreciousTater311 t1_je90hbw wrote

You can face a bad day with a good attitude. But, can you face a bad week, a bad month, or a bad season with a good attitude?