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McDuchess t1_jea92wd wrote

This is not motivating if you are naked and freezing to death.


FuckitThrowaway02 t1_jebop2d wrote

This is really bad advice if you are naked and freezing to death.


[deleted] t1_jechk0p wrote



yoooooosolo t1_jecybux wrote

Also surely he tried getting over the wall using the ladder first and if it didn't work, then it's not very useful as a ladder


Ryzel0o0o t1_jed0elu wrote

I mean, its Darwinism at play if he's found himself in that situation without any clothes on.

Also he could have used every other rung so he could at least make it possible to climb up.


yoooooosolo t1_jed1g2n wrote

Yes he should have brought his bugout bag. This is really all a question of shortsighted and lack of preparation.


the-cafinated-tiger t1_jeek2rl wrote

This can be sheet bad luck, Darwin is not involved.


Ryzel0o0o t1_jefk3ia wrote

Based on likelihood, its most likely a series of dumb decisions. Luck doesn't really exist lol, circumstance, sure.


the-cafinated-tiger t1_jefqylk wrote

🫣 Luck is a major factor of life, starting with where you get born, later the people you meet ( rather random ) and eventually the macro economic and geopolitical influences. Or are you going to tell people who get struck by a bombardment that they made a bad decision by buying a house where a bomb would explode 20 years later ? And then there's also health, which is affected by global pollution, nuclear disasters, viri...for a major part totally out of our control. Yes you can workout, eat healthy but that doesn't make you immune for the microplastics in your tuna who amongst many not yet fully understood effects mess with your immune system. You might get cancer from those and from jogging in polluted air.


Ryzel0o0o t1_jeh0g7i wrote

Right, and no I wouldn't tell them that, because its not their fault. But they were a victim of circumstance, not bad luck. Someone made the conscious decision to put them in that situation.


Madmorda t1_jec6qbi wrote

My favorite part is that the photo sort of implies that it's really cold, and he's in some sort of pit. If a deep pit with a person's body heat inside is freezing, it's probably even colder topside.

Plus, there is more than one kind of ladder, he still has plenty of wood to make a new one later.


Vocall96 t1_jectmiu wrote

So the real advice is manage your resources properly


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_jecvg61 wrote

Lighting a fire at the bottom of a pit seems like a good way to suffocate as the fire burns all the oxygen and the rising heat blocks fresh air from sinking.

Also if it's more than just a few feet deep it'll always be the same not-freezing temperature from geothermal heat.

I bet the drawing is actually depicting a cliff, not a pit.


FS_Slacker t1_jed6tyy wrote

That's only because you burned your clothes first.


moishepesach t1_jecqna6 wrote

Standing up for oneself and doing the right thing may cost you opportunities but you will have something in return far more priceless; your self-respect.


NorthCatan t1_jecz5gy wrote

Dude just ask your parents for a small $1,000,000 loan so you can buy a proper ladder.


MrShredder5002 t1_jeecbd1 wrote

I mean the guy couldve climbed up and pull the ladder up and make a fire there.