Submitted by Ok_Chocolate_3480 t3_xv9a15 in GetMotivated
Golden-Octopus t1_ir0ah2w wrote
Maybe he was working as a baggage handler while he was training to be a pilot?
[deleted] t1_ir0an1s wrote
cmde44 t1_ir0b99k wrote
While working as a baggage handler I had a lot of co-workers that were training to become pilots.
AccountWithAName t1_ir0br56 wrote
In 6 years he managed to shrink by a foot.
Planedrawn t1_ir0c9xs wrote
It's not impossible if you have the right kind of support. Probably a program through the employer. The biggest obstacle to achieve this would be money and pure opportunity - and if you already work for an airline... Of course, you have to be able to fly and commit to the work. Good for him.
[deleted] t1_ir0dw2a wrote
GoMoriartyOnPlanets t1_ir0j7a5 wrote
From Google:
Pilots made a median salary of $130,440 in 2020. The best-paid 25 percent made $208,000 that year, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $90,470.
That's pretty awesome, consideting that baggage handlers make minimum wage. ~$11/hr
Edit: Others have mentioned these numbers are really high. Pilots get these salaries 20+ year later. Starting numbers are im $30k/year. Welders make more than pilots when they're starting. I just don't want anyone to get their hopes high.
Edit2: Also per Google: "Pilot pay at jetBlue ranges from $44,956.80 per year for a new first officer up to $183,691.20 per year for a senior captain." I don't know how long it takes to become a senior captain. I also found out that pilot vacation is not that great. Starts from 2 weeks, and goes up to 4 weeks after 20 year service. I don't really understand how many hours pilots work in a month. I wanna say they get some time off from flying during the month, but I'm not sure.
Notadude5150 t1_ir0nt46 wrote
United Airlines started putting their employees through flight school because they are so low on pilots
Remote_War_313 t1_ir0pxua wrote
Some ppl would enjoy working as the before instead 😅
SamSamTheDingDongMan t1_ir0srio wrote
Many airlines have programs for line workers to go through pilot training. It’s very difficult and selective but absolutely happens.
As a example, Delta airlines has the Propel program, which is you go through the company pathway current employees can interview and get selected to get aid in becoming a pilot, and eventually come back and fly for delta once they accrue enough hours
dont_shoot_jr t1_ir0u8ug wrote
I reckon it would take me longer
jrumley911 t1_ir0wnvq wrote
His shirt turned into a cone! Nice work captain
MrWhiteVincent t1_ir0wyps wrote
In the right picture we see this guy gave a birth to a cone.
In the left picture, he actually was a cone!
darian2hunter t1_ir0yamb wrote
-Drunken_Jedi- t1_ir12y7k wrote
Congratulations to that guy, what a life change.
Dr_Peter_Blood t1_ir13xcw wrote
He was a normal size guy until he shrunk and started to shit cones, nevertheless, he is as happy as he was 6 years ago.
ScumbageMan t1_ir17dcs wrote
Don't forget where you came from. He still has Safety sense with Pinecone Congrats
shiafisher t1_ir1b192 wrote
Most agree, the cone is responsible for this transformation
JoshSidekick t1_ir1cchw wrote
Look at the first picture. That's not a cone, it's his son hiding behind him while he takes the picture. He became a pilot and started a family.
anon2282 t1_ir1cg0k wrote
It takes long because it basically comes out like a 3D printer.
AnomalousApiary t1_ir1dke1 wrote
That number is grossly averaged out. That’s lumping together captains and FO’s, regional and legacy airlines and cargo companies.
Rikkrishub t1_ir1g375 wrote
royal_the_hunter t1_ir1ks98 wrote
Thank God he listened to Edna.
InsertDisc11 t1_ir1m48h wrote
Mr Milchick (from severance) does know how to do basically everything!
darknbubbly t1_ir1mtqm wrote
Congratulations! Now do you have enough legroom? 😉
XonicGamer t1_ir1ncn5 wrote
He has to eat and digest the orange vest 1st
ThunderGunFour t1_ir1nidv wrote
It looks like he got shorter lol
bsylent t1_ir1omki wrote
Takes a while to suck all the orange out of your vest though your skin to get the coloring right
Osiris_Raphious t1_ir1qg1w wrote
Ever wonder why there are like no female pilots?
Nathan_Poe t1_ir1quj3 wrote
Dude could have ordered a traffic cone from Amazon and had it in two days.
iama_bad_person t1_ir1t5ir wrote
As someone who was going into Aviation, those numbers are laughably skewed.
DiogenesStudent t1_ir1tk70 wrote
Those numbers must be at a pro-airline/anti-union website…starting salary for an airline pilot is less than 30k/year. It takes decades to get to 6 figures and that’s only if you make it that long through all the BS. Welders make more out of the gate, than a pilot.
Musicferret t1_ir1ud2c wrote
It took you 6 years to change into a new costume?! Dude, those are rookie numbers.
Seriously though, way to go! :-)
aliciarius t1_ir1w2d6 wrote
That wasn’t flying, that was falling with style.
Canilickyourfeet t1_ir1xvcc wrote
Thought that was Ludacrous in the first pic, thought this was a meme, I was trying to remember what role he played as a baggage handler.
Anyway, congrats OP. Keep up the momentum
------------------GL t1_ir1yngp wrote
Took 6 years to change his clothes?
SequinSaturn t1_ir1zrtq wrote
If that did start. Wouldnt it chop you up?
My theory is it never started.
poonamsurange t1_ir212fr wrote
Congratulations🎉and installed the VLC player as well, cone and all..
GreenFox1505 t1_ir213kj wrote
PrinceHumperTinkTink t1_ir226w4 wrote
It took 6 years to find a pilot's uniform so you could take this picture?
InAFakeBritishAccent t1_ir22bnv wrote
Humans are 3D printers if you learn to walk and poop at the same time.
bakinpants t1_ir22iqn wrote
There are many airlines that sponsor training for employment. Perhaps a 10 second Google prior to a skeptical reddit post young man.
need_more_legroom t1_ir23nzx wrote
I actually did it in 2 years, this picture is just my full circle return back to my original company, 6 total years and a few airlines later.
I paid for the training in full, and paid the loan back in 4 years.
Thank you so much for the kind words.
AMasonJar t1_ir23we0 wrote
From crop dusting to crop fertilizing
AMasonJar t1_ir241yn wrote
Why the hell do they get paid so low? I thought it was a fairly high skill job? Not to mention the responsibility..
thatbromatt t1_ir28n2t wrote
Once the taxiway traffic cone fully matures, it splits off to reproduce asexually, starting the cycle anew, whilst the other half goes on to pilot jumbo jets. Such is the circle of life
GoMoriartyOnPlanets t1_ir28n48 wrote
Well I'd like to think ma man here is making top dollar.
GoMoriartyOnPlanets t1_ir28te7 wrote
Like they're low or high?
Helloperson554 t1_ir28xqg wrote
It also caused him to shrink.
ExternalFuture1920 t1_ir2abf2 wrote
6 years to steal a pilot costume for Halloween 🎃. Noice
Austinp-woodworking t1_ir2bbzu wrote
> who paid for the training
Flight training isn't cheap, but it's not really any more expensive than a 4 year degree and you can get loans for it
friendly_specimen t1_ir2gi0e wrote
He looks so much happier on the recent one
iama_bad_person t1_ir2ha5o wrote
High ranking Captains and First Officers with 20+ years experience will be pulling those averages sky high. To even be considered for a regional airline flying turboprops or small jets you will need to work as an instructor for a number of years to get your hours up. A friend who actually completed flight school (I dropped out) has just made captain at a regional airline and it took him 10 years and that is fast, and he is still just flying turboprops but is looking at a internal promotion to fly trans-pacific flights soon. AFAIK he is on at least 100k which isn't low in any sense of the word and is obviously better than a baggage handler, but he's had to put off family life and social events for a lot of those 10 years. I just couldn't do that.
[deleted] t1_ir2irvg wrote
Bfunk4real t1_ir2jz58 wrote
“Ok, ok. Give us the hat back.”
need_more_legroom t1_ir2lyhm wrote
Always looking for more!
Thank you!
need_more_legroom t1_ir2lzhv wrote
Never. Ever.
ollie1271993 t1_ir2m9d2 wrote
scottsummerstheyouth t1_ir2r8ao wrote
Good thing he’s not wearing a cape
frothysmile t1_ir2rg7c wrote
Its good to see an African American defy the odds.
Samheadbangersball t1_ir2sqbb wrote
All you need is a different uniform
Smarterthanlastweek t1_ir2tj66 wrote
Good on you man! Congrats!
Seralth t1_ir2tnzt wrote
Doubt it your man over there is green. Give him 20 years and hopefully the crazy shit that is the airline industry hopefully hasn't driven him insane given him mental issues and stress to bring on early heart attacks. And maybe he will be making top dollar.
Gotta be realistic.
Seralth t1_ir2tyh9 wrote
Barely and only after a decade plus. Plus the industry is cancer and you basically have to give up having a normal life.
iuseallthebandwidth t1_ir2uqvo wrote
“You could spend a life searching for the perfect comment, and it would not be a wasted life.” This comment is… perfect.
Mr_nobrody t1_ir2uylf wrote
In the uk it costs £120,000 to become a pilot with no loans to cover it sadly
VeniVidiVichyssoise t1_ir31sr3 wrote
Congratulations! I need me some of that motivation. Lol can I borrow some when you done with it?
Artanthos t1_ir338cj wrote
Some airlines will pay for most of the training.
YouAreNotABard549 t1_ir345ut wrote
This comment is a dime a dozen unfunny reddit trash, but I still don’t think you should have been downvoted for liking it.
Devil_Demize t1_ir34tks wrote
The problem with becoming a pilot is you need a lot of certification hours and even after you get your hours there is tiers to even the top pilots hours of what they can and can't fly.
Cargo pilots, airline pilots these have different requirements. And these are people who already put in the time to the worst aspects of getting there.
If you want to be a pilot, it is very expensive. You need to get your hours by first paying someone to teach you. Then.. Once you're certified to fly on your own. You need to teach other people to get the rest of your hours for any company to hire you. All while renting a plane for your training sessions and making close to nothing while doing it.
Most people who become successful pilots are either from a family who can fully support them, from the military where they don't have to pay to get the requirements, or are willing to live in poverty until they succeed.
Wooden_Increase5184 t1_ir35pq4 wrote
You don't just start as an airline pilot, you spend years and years getting all of your certifications, and then flying planes for non airline commercial reasons to build the hours you need for the required rating to work as an airline transport pilot. After you've hit the minimum requirements to get hired you'll be most likely stuck working at some regional airliner not making a ton, but those guys make a decent amount more than someone who does aerial surveys or instructs.
By the time you make it to a major airline you're making pretty decent money, even as "just" an FO.
Claiming that airline pilots start off making nothing is about the same as claiming that doctors don't make shit because they start off as students, and we all know students don't make shit for money. It's true if you stretch the meanings of words.
TongueTwistingTiger t1_ir35re7 wrote
Wtaf is the point in trying to achieve anything? Even “elite” jobs pay so terrible you can’t afford to sit in them for more than a few years. I make more than that for my shitty collections job, never mind having actually human fucking lives hang in the balance.
Fuck this world and everyone in it. If I found out my years of work were going to amount to 30k, I’d nosedive after my first ascent.
portthames t1_ir37iq5 wrote
Well done you.
Parker01314 t1_ir37zw7 wrote
Cone must have hurt coming out…
thebetterman88 t1_ir3br6b wrote
Hey! Current regional first officer here.
While working as a flight instructor in small planes might average you $30-40k a year, the jump to a regional airline has changed significantly in the last 6 months. You need at least 1000 hours of time flying before going to the regionals, and you usually instruct or time build from 250 hours onward to the 1000 - 1500 that’s required.
As a first officer at most of the regionals, you are making 75-100 a a flight hour at a 75 hour a month guarantee. This jump almost overnight, is due to an extreme captain shortage from the regionals, as those pilots left jobs for the major airlines. It’s there that can make more money and enjoy a higher quality of life.
So thankfully it’s getting a lot better! But yes, it wasn’t that long ago that wages were atrocious for the work we did.
sigmatrophic t1_ir3d11o wrote
Dude loves aviation... Glad to see hard work paying off. Lots of love!
ObjectiveJackfruit35 t1_ir3e3b0 wrote
woodyshag t1_ir3f45u wrote
Maybe 6 years to save enough for the pilot uniform?
Itchy_Tasty87 t1_ir3mb6q wrote
That’s clearly a different plane…
thethunder92 t1_ir3mmv8 wrote
Good job on the moustache!
FreeMyMen t1_ir3pgha wrote
How much did your parents make and were they good parents to you growing up?
Edit: inbox replies are turned off for this entire thread so I won't see any replies, no offense. (:
need_more_legroom t1_ir3po3m wrote
Single parent household around 50K I believe. Parent was supportive.
[deleted] t1_ir3qdst wrote
need_more_legroom t1_ir3qln0 wrote
Sure? Thanks for that comment. I don’t see what 1990’s prices have to do with that.
[deleted] t1_ir3qwdk wrote
need_more_legroom t1_ir3r6u6 wrote
Ah I see. I was born in 96. Lower middle class from NYC.
The 50k was in reference to 2010 numbers.
But thanks.
_far-seeker_ t1_ir3smzi wrote
No the plane also got promoted. 😏
h0riz0nl0ve t1_ir3svfw wrote
So its true what they say. If you be around the vicinity of success, you'll soon be successful.
HFY_HFY t1_ir3u6fe wrote
Jetblue pays starting a FO $89/hour per google
Slant1985 t1_ir3vc7x wrote
He looks pretty freakin excited in the first one too. I reckon this fella was walkin on clouds both days in his life.
mypersonalprivacyact t1_ir3w1xb wrote
Slant1985 t1_ir3wo2s wrote
Yeah we all know the point you’re trying to make, but instead of making a point you’re making an excuse. Why try to down play this man’s, or anyone’s, awesome accomplishment?
Just because “the numbers” say you’re likely to not succeed because of your socioeconomic upbringing doesn’t mean that you can’t. That’s some copium bullshit to excuse giving up before you even start.
Fearless_Samurai t1_ir41yhz wrote
Thought it took him that long to pick a costume for Halloween.
VoidExileR t1_ir42r6y wrote
Have a seat my good sir
LuxAeterna1337 t1_ir45jhw wrote
Am I the only one thinking something here 🤔...
[deleted] t1_ir460kk wrote
[deleted] t1_ir465vq wrote
spiderOX2 t1_ir46sqs wrote
what does that have to do with this?
Slant1985 t1_ir47okd wrote
Whatever you say boss.
[deleted] t1_ir496l5 wrote
[deleted] t1_ir49961 wrote
gljivicad t1_ir49ogi wrote
What responsibility? As far as I remember, you're not allowed to fly a full passenger plane after you have a decent amount of flight hours?
Slant1985 t1_ir4a2l2 wrote
There we go. Thanks for coming clean with your agenda. Hopefully that homeless man gets the help he needs and is able to get his life into a healthier place. Rather than read your comment and say “fuck it, it’s not even worth trying cause I’ll probably fail.”
And statistically he probably will fail. Maybe a few times. But he also might catch a break and turn things around. He sure as hell won’t catch a break if he follows your advice and just makes excuses to not try.
I’ll keep pushing people to try and succeed. You go ahead and keep telling people they’re fucked from the start so just quit. I know which one sounds more clownish to me.
jmconrad t1_ir4afg0 wrote
We get it dude, you’re a loser and it’s not your fault. It’s the worlds fault. Thanks for chiming in.
NorthCatan t1_ir4aiif wrote
To br fair that come is a big one.
Total-Khaos t1_ir4bvu9 wrote
> from the military where they don't have to pay to get the requirements
This right here is your meal ticket if funds are a problem.
[deleted] t1_ir4d4qy wrote
sayamemangdemikian t1_ir4doq4 wrote
Wait... You shrink??
[deleted] t1_ir4dsko wrote
1stbaam t1_ir4eeu6 wrote
His point not to give people unrealistic expectations of what they can aspire to be. Being a pilot is not a viable or affordable career route for most people.
horridgoblyn t1_ir4euqt wrote
That's awesome! If dude escaped the shithole of groundhandling and got his pilot's license that's an upgrade. Congrats!
EnigmaticSorceries t1_ir4fv8c wrote
Pretty sure not everything is about money. I would choose to be a pilot even if it paid less than dumpster waste collector.
gljivicad t1_ir4g1rv wrote
It seems to me that you're the shallow husk here
Scp-vexulus t1_ir4gjg7 wrote
Next pictures is the twin towers …
88cowboy t1_ir4gktb wrote
Like everything Depends where you work and what you're qualified to fly things are different . A small regional airline with 10 small planes will pay less than Delta.
Year one salaries major airlines can be low but they have significant jumps year 2 then annual raises after that. By year 6 making 140+ on low end for major airlines.
For a first officer:
Spirit you go from 33k to 61k after one year.
Southwest go from 55k to 90k after one year.
Fedex starts 84k and year 6 200k
If you become captain you can really make some money especially if you want overtime. It's not a bad life if you're single. Lot less stressful than being a truck driver.
88cowboy t1_ir4h8jd wrote
50k is middle class in New York? What his parents making in 2010 is a lot more relevant than what they were making in 1996. Especially since you tend to earn more money as you get older not less.
S1umL0rdAkr0n t1_ir4mvn7 wrote
Hell yeah!
blue23454 t1_ir4ns3v wrote
How it started vs how it’s Boeing
Slant1985 t1_ir536yq wrote
No but being a baggage handler is, and then working your way forward towards other goals you set for yourself certainly is.
His point of OP becoming a pilot because he had a loving parent and a certain socioeconomic upbringing is dismissive of the time, effort, and sacrifice OP himself made for his accomplishment.
GoMoriartyOnPlanets t1_ir5iwpz wrote
Also per Google:
Pilot pay at jetBlue ranges from $44,956.80 per year for a new first officer up to $183,691.20 per year for a senior captain.
jmconrad t1_ir5tdzr wrote
Join the military - they’ll pay for your pilot training and pay you while you do it! Alternatively, take out a loan or save money..
This attitude that you can’t succeed if you’re not born into privilege is dead wrong and prohibitive to people who are actually willing to take adversity head-on.
1stbaam t1_ir5vj8z wrote
>This attitude that you can’t succeed if you’re not born into privilege is dead wrong and prohibitive to people who are actually willing to take adversity head-on.
I agree but dying for oil isn't a good example.
jmconrad t1_ir5vx1a wrote
Ha! Fair point… Coast Guard has pilots!
jmconrad t1_ir5ybwn wrote
Also just to add - he said he was raised by a single parent making 50k in NYC. u/FreeMyMen then extrapolated (not certain why) that he was referencing what that parent’s earnings were 15 years ago (???), did some arithmetic, and then labeled this guy privileged and not deserving of praise.
bunch of bullshit and shameful activity by someone who spends every waking second on Reddit and is looking to rationalize why hes a loser while the people who go outside are capable of success.
Osiris_Raphious t1_ir63o4s wrote
Perhaps the topic of pilots you silly person that has like ZERO contextual awareness apparently...
spiderOX2 t1_ir66aj6 wrote
And what does the number of female pilots have to do with a guy happy that he became a pilot?
Osiris_Raphious t1_ir6a4ml wrote
but if you want answers google them
spiderOX2 t1_ir6o7oj wrote
What do you want me to google? Why the number of female pilots has anything to do with this post?
Slant1985 t1_ir6wx4j wrote
Dude has a major chip on his shoulder, that’s for sure. Hopefully, he’ll realize that plenty of us without a privileged upbringing still went on to make something of ourselves. Also success and happiness looks different for everyone. Just because it was becoming a pilot for one guy doesn’t mean that’s the metric to hold everyone to.
[deleted] t1_ir714op wrote
[deleted] t1_ir782fe wrote
Osiris_Raphious t1_ir8cgr5 wrote
Why does it bother you, why are you bothering me? Who are you?
enduring_student t1_irdisvq wrote
cragion t1_irk778a wrote
Ya bro, unless you're born in a gutter by a Crack fiend who leaves you and are then raised by raccoons, you're success means absolutely nothing
AdAdministrative8478 t1_irqxfk2 wrote
Want motivation listen to jack ma speech
ChessieJackson t1_isf9a0w wrote
Consider yourself lucky you went that far in 6 years.
ChessieJackson t1_isfb16o wrote
That's how you used to get suckered into that job.
25 years ago you'd get paid about 25k to fly commuters so you could build hours to go to a real airline. You'd live like shit, have crash pads shared with 10 people.
That changed after Colgan 3407 crashed. That crew was a mess.
Sadly from what I see another incident is going to happen. In the past year or so the industry has been flooded with inexperience and incompetence due to replacing a slew who left.
Xfissionx t1_ir00wmi wrote
How bout that… it only takes 6 yrs to shit a traffic cone.