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kris_mischief t1_irxv3uh wrote

The image isn’t referencing anyone but yourself.

It’s telling you that every time you’ve doubted yourself, you were wrong. So stop doubting yourself :) (or maybe, doubt yourself less)


elpajaroquemamais t1_irxywrs wrote

Yes, and it’s extrapolating that because you were always fine in the past, you will always be fine in the future. You won’t.


kris_mischief t1_irybyaw wrote

Well at least now we agree that this is all about the readers internal dialogue :)

I don’t disagree with your last post; all of us will die at some point, so once in your lifetime this post won’t be true.

Overwhelmingly, however, throughout your life, this will be true on many more occasions than the one time when it won’t.


elpajaroquemamais t1_irycu6w wrote

You might not win the competition. You might not get the job. Acceptance of that needs to be part of it.