Submitted by motivationswag t3_y127ho in GetMotivated
samthemanthecan t1_irvcni6 wrote
So good
SnooAvocados2102 t1_irvdolq wrote
yuyururu0914 t1_irvdzqv wrote
I needed this
[deleted] t1_irvg1d2 wrote
[deleted] t1_irvgt7k wrote
[deleted] t1_irvhmid wrote
happy_little_indian t1_irvkql7 wrote
This is lovely and a great way to look forward without being overwhelmed by the possibility of failure. That being said, I keep seeing the neck fur on the fox as it’s lips. Love it.
thaddeus423 t1_irvl97q wrote
That mind. Always playing tricks on us. Even when we think we’re the ones in charge.
scotty3281 t1_irvmcnb wrote
I don’t really have any words right now.
In June, I realized I was trans. Crazy to think but ever since then, my mind has been telling me all kinds of negative things about how this will go. As you might have guessed, my entire life I have been filled with self-doubt, low self-esteem, no self-confidence. This has led to me continuously questioning whether or not I really am making the right decision despite what I know and everyone in my life has told me repeatedly in the last six months.
Today, is another big step in my transition as I go to the doctor for HRT. I didn’t sleep at all last night, and I’ve been a nervous wreck. At one point I even considered just ghosting my doctor and paying whatever cancellation fee. It’s silly really. I know what I need but my mind is using 38 years of professional self-gaslighting to make me stay in this miserable existence simply because it is comfortable and it is a known thing.
This image… I cannot tell you how much these words mean. In the last six months, all of these doubts and negative thoughts have been wrong. I know this negative thought about HRT being wrong for me is also wrong.
Thank you very much.
mikey0007 t1_irvnnt1 wrote
Same. Been a difficult time lately.
color-not-colour t1_irvntpu wrote
Here's the source. Please follow and share their other art too :)
Voldymoldy7 t1_irvogiz wrote
I was having a pretty rough day. Thanks for this :,)
elpajaroquemamais t1_irvpcp2 wrote
This is by definition survivorship bias.
porcupine9 t1_irvsp3h wrote
Ditto. Came at the right time for me
666inyoursight t1_irvta3o wrote
Very true but also elegant and assuring.
BleuSansFil t1_irvumpf wrote
I can't unseen lips in the middle of the fox neck
AffinityGauntlet t1_irvwm2p wrote
I think about this a lot. Thanks for sharing OP.
In a similar vein I like to think: there’s a chance the worst day of my life is already past me. Can you imagine? That feeling alone gives me everything I need to continue forward
dashingstag t1_irvx7mn wrote
Survivor bias
Wendybird13 t1_irvx91h wrote
If you like the art and the message, you can follow thelatestkate on Instagram or support her on Patreon.
[deleted] t1_irvxiuq wrote
brickolala t1_irvy3wo wrote
Thanks for sharing, was looking to see if anyone mentioned the artist!
ailingswan t1_irvylxz wrote
Wow, can't tell you how necessary this was!
TheRealMudi t1_irw0p39 wrote
Shit, for the first time in my life, thank you
-Mr_Unknown- t1_irw17ae wrote
and my favourite animal, thank you :)
caffeinatedkazzastic t1_irw1gnd wrote
I really needed this today.
sneaky_squirrel t1_irw41md wrote
Well, TECHNICALLY the people who didn't make it would not be alive to see this poster.
So I do agree with the caption, can't be wrong if it is not read by a counter example.
HumanHuman123 t1_irw44s3 wrote
I'm going to commit sewerslide to prove you wrong
SoTaxMuchCPA t1_irw4l4b wrote
Sure but the only people alive to see this are the survivors of the past.
BusyMakingCupcakes t1_irw4pns wrote
It's always fine until it's not.
elpajaroquemamais t1_irw4unc wrote
Sure but it’s a little dismissive. It might not be okay.
NoDramaIceberg t1_irw88as wrote
Except that one time when you won't make it, but it'll be peaceful.
Barziboy t1_irw8tlr wrote
Yeh definitely. I'll see you guys in the next life.
jack27nikkkk t1_irw9rvj wrote
but still why🥲 I dont think I don't have anything to be exist
Zachariot88 t1_irwa0dn wrote
Yeah, pour one out for all the homies that were correct about not making it through something.
Eight_Pride t1_irwaroj wrote
Me too. But it will get better. Eventually.
Antisocialbumblefuck t1_irwe9z2 wrote
Un-aliving is the inevitable outcome of aliving. It'll be fine.
ClydesLadyJ t1_irwf6c3 wrote
10 days sober!!!
Light-Burst t1_irwh60y wrote
Really needed this. Thank you <3
Mastertimelord t1_irwkscz wrote
My issue is I know I’ll make it through and I don’t want to. It has never been ok.
Trips-Over-Tail t1_irwlyj5 wrote
All the terrible things my mind told me turned out to be correct. That many of these reveals happened during CBT completely scuppered my therapy and left me worse off than before.
SycophanticFeline t1_irwmv3q wrote
When exactly? Been waiting 16 years already
UWO_Throw_Away t1_irwpdp4 wrote
Fox, “I gotta stop eating those fermented berries. I’m talking to the trees again!”
j5a9 t1_irwsai0 wrote
But natural selection has already weeded out a lot of the people for whom it won’t be ok, so you’re reading this, the odds are in your favor.
Rrraou t1_irwtg3n wrote
Those moments when it feels so wrong to be right.
alopez1592 t1_irwzx7l wrote
supremelyunhelpful t1_irx12yh wrote
It'll be right at least once.
SuicidalLettuce t1_irx2dl0 wrote
Me laying in bed with a weighted blanket, I needed this, thank you.
majortom106 t1_irx4bsw wrote
This is literally false.
kris_mischief t1_irx4oj8 wrote
Actually, it’s not because it’s not stating that anyone else can be successful based on someone else’s success.
It’s simply reminding you that you’ve always managed to defy your own internal negative monologue.
Suyefuji t1_irx64ca wrote
Yeah, what does this mean for people who survived but were permanently injured? "Survival" is a terrible measurement of success.
kinderhooksurprise t1_irxb5op wrote
Do we matter? Perhaps that's a shit question. Who do you matter to? That's a bit better. How else can we ask... Do you want to matter to others? Do others matter to you? If so, why? What's the benefit of having others matter to you, and you to them? What are the cons of not mattering? Is it worth the effort to find others to care about?
These are the deeper questions that help me. Our minds have not evolved for so long to be isolated without people caring for us and vice versa. Take that away, then there goes one of our core pillars.
Our system has enslaved us. We sell our time, and when the culture has taught us that our value is based on our ability to make money for our family, then our value is doomed. Gotta redefine where our value is. It's possible and not a lie or trick. Human connection, bond, and growth is where I get my value. Deep connections with those close to me, focusing on where I can legit make an impact without over extending myself.
Sorry for the sermon. I love our species, even though we seem doomed to praise and promote our slavers. But there is enlightenment happening. It's possible that each generation can inch us closer to a world we want. Hell, if our generation can maneuver there way out of religion to secularism, without destroying ourselves, I call that a win. We are pushing back on so many fronts, but it's bad rn. It is. Facts. I believe this is a huge pivot point in the human experience. Just look at our welcoming back of psychedelics.
But the ruling class will not go out quietly. Your value being found in production is exactly what they want. You got this my friend. I hope I do to. I hope we all do.
purplecowgirlnerves t1_irxbn5e wrote
It’s gonna be right at least once.
Celcius_87 t1_irxc525 wrote
Thank you OP
JamesScott1781 t1_irxcq80 wrote
Living just to spite that bitch
elpajaroquemamais t1_irxcty9 wrote
If only there was a word that meant: continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.
FemtoKitten t1_irxcwgy wrote
I mean for non lethal internal monologues they might still be going. And for lethal ones well obviously only the people who didn't fall to despair would be able to read this.
Somestunned t1_irxgcmh wrote
We all survive every hardship. Except for the last one.
BlazeBurst01 t1_irxgzy8 wrote
To all the people in the comments talking about survivorship bias and all the negativity, we don't need you here. There's people that are really struggling, and an encouraging world is literally gold out there. If you believe it enough, nothing can stop you. Your mind will play tricks to you all the time, but you need to be strong! I believe in you all. Stay hard!
jamesoliverex t1_irxh427 wrote
Wraith-Gear t1_irxhucj wrote
Don’t listen to that! Will-o-whisps lead people astray to kill them! /s
elpajaroquemamais t1_irxln1g wrote
I agree with that part. It’s the “it’s going to be ok” that I don’t.
that_one_wierd_guy t1_irxlvvp wrote
be a lot more convincing if it weren't a will o' the wisp delivering the message
kris_mischief t1_irxq3aj wrote
Perseverance ;)
Rainbike80 t1_irxrg5c wrote
Damn fox made me cry...
elpajaroquemamais t1_irxs75y wrote
Survive. Survive is the word I was referencing.
kris_mischief t1_irxtm6q wrote
LOL sure :) but this image still isn’t survivorship bias
elpajaroquemamais t1_irxu4s7 wrote
How? It’s assuming you’ll always make it in the future because you made it in the past despite not everyone making it in the past.
Pink_Flash t1_irxunxp wrote
I completely feel that.
Along with all that shit I just got ghosted again after trying to reach out. Nope, just another reminder that I don't matter.
kris_mischief t1_irxv3uh wrote
The image isn’t referencing anyone but yourself.
It’s telling you that every time you’ve doubted yourself, you were wrong. So stop doubting yourself :) (or maybe, doubt yourself less)
captnmrgn24 t1_irxvtch wrote
But still. No one knows what you say!
elpajaroquemamais t1_irxywrs wrote
Yes, and it’s extrapolating that because you were always fine in the past, you will always be fine in the future. You won’t.
stoneandglass t1_iry0887 wrote
Check out The Latest Kate, the artist. She has an email newsletter that sends a daily image with some words like this. I save them all and open them on days I need them.
stoneandglass t1_iry0dbk wrote
Also they have an email newsletter which has a daily image along these lines. I recommend signing up.
MaznSpooderman t1_iry0u7d wrote
Pessimism's a bitch huh
elpajaroquemamais t1_iry21uj wrote
I’m a super positive person but this is dumb. There are better ways to get across the same idea without a literal logical fallacy.
MaznSpooderman t1_iry38qx wrote
Different strokes for different folks I guess
elpajaroquemamais t1_iry3be7 wrote
Yeah some folks like things that are actually motivating.
MaznSpooderman t1_iry3s3q wrote
Damn dude, it's a picture on the internet. If some people find it helpful, what's the problem?
elpajaroquemamais t1_iry3wwv wrote
If some don’t, what’s the problem? You’re the one who keeps trying to convince me.
MaznSpooderman t1_iry4k5u wrote
Nah, this is just a product of your unconvincing argument. The problem with your statement is it ASSUMES survivors bias. It depends on the origins of the statement and the reality of the artists situation. That's why I find it needlessly negative and thus pessimistic.
elpajaroquemamais t1_iry6tz2 wrote
I don’t have to assume anything. It’s telling someone that because they survived something (something that others may not have survived) that they will always survive other things in the future (they won’t).
A better less derivative way of saying the same thing would be:
Remember when you thought you couldn’t do it? Well, you proved yourself wrong. You did it. Keep that in mind next time you have doubts.
Pepperloza t1_iry8ob1 wrote
Thank you
wholesome_cream t1_iryaflr wrote
Well yes but if you're alive and you read this post, provided that your mind told you at least one time you wouldn't make it through, it's an undeniably true statement.
[deleted] t1_irybk12 wrote
kris_mischief t1_irybyaw wrote
Well at least now we agree that this is all about the readers internal dialogue :)
I don’t disagree with your last post; all of us will die at some point, so once in your lifetime this post won’t be true.
Overwhelmingly, however, throughout your life, this will be true on many more occasions than the one time when it won’t.
elpajaroquemamais t1_irycu6w wrote
You might not win the competition. You might not get the job. Acceptance of that needs to be part of it.
Illustrious-purplee t1_irykm8m wrote
sometimes right things, jst hit u at the right time!!
Catbunny123 t1_irym1m7 wrote
The only barrier is our minds. As long as we persist we will get whatever we want. ❤️
nCRedditor-21 t1_irypz2m wrote
The Latest Kate is amazing, she’s got a mailing list which,if you sign up to, sends out 3 motivational pictures every morning 👍
magnoliasmanor t1_iryqph9 wrote
That's just survivorship bias.
[deleted] t1_irysep4 wrote
velezaraptor t1_iryskeb wrote
KadoMane t1_iryw202 wrote
I thought you were gonna send an episode of Worst Case Scenario: w Bear Grylls …boy was I wrong.
Professional-Pace-58 t1_irznjnq wrote
So that’s what the fox say?
enduring_student t1_irzqvji wrote
I know this, but it's nice to have a reminder too. Thank you.
It won't be okay. Nothing will ever be okay again. I can't wait to finally die
Sohodolls t1_irv6igi wrote
Thanks for this <3