[Image] Your feelings are valid. You are strong. Give yourself enough credit for how far you've come. You're the lighthouse in the darkest moments of your life. Don't give up.
Submitted by motivationswag t3_y6wx5i in GetMotivated
I dont know man. Every way i tried, denied. Every job iv, denied. Rwsume denied. The thought 'does it worth trying' 'im useless huh' 'there is no need for me in this world' just keep comung. I know its bad. But its coming. Been following r/getmotivated for a while, but this one hit. Am i worth it to keep trying. I dont know man.
Keep trying it’s the only option or die…
Thats why option no 2 seem really alluring. Dont really have any reason anymore to keep trying other than slight fear of death and what come next
My advice , don't rush death. It will come if tou want it or not ao while you keep beign alive keep changing and improving. One day it will all make sense. So far for me it's been years without "luck" but i move bit by bit , slower than others but better than my yesterday self. Wish i could end our pain but we need to get better at resisting it.
I feel you. But if you’re gonna get beaten down by life anyway, at least fight back, so you can say that you at least tried, tried hard…
ive always had this thought, even at my lowest of lows, and it keeps me going more often times than i can count
death is pointless. killing yourself is pointless, for what? what reason?
theres nothing to it
yeah, sometimes life feels pointless, and sometimes for a very, very very long time
but theres still a chance, when youre alive, theres still a chance for a good moment, a good day, or even a good life at the end of it all
but if youre dead then thats it, you dont even have the chance, theres nothing to it and there never will be,
keep living, and maybe youll be alright, even if for just a moment, youre gonna be okay
i dont know if this makes sense im a tad tipsy sorry about that
i hope you understand anyway, and i hope you choose to get through this shit anyway
you die no matter what, if youre alive, then you atleast have the chance for something good, is what im trying to say i think
wish you the best
If you think you have hit rock bottom, then there's nowhere to go but up. Take any job you can until it gets better. But to spin in despair is not an option. I worked 3 jobs one being a full time job and I didn't like either one. I had 2 kids who looked up and depended on me and I had no safety net. So, I had no choice but to keep plugging till I made away. Its implied that you have a roof over your head and no children to support because of the omission. Get busy living or get busy dying ( from a move) has been my motto. My dad always said sometimes in life you have time crawl before you walk, but there will be a day when you can run. I've been running ever since. Good luck.
> Am i worth it to keep trying. I dont know man.
If yes, good things are possible.
If no, good things are not possible.
Obviously we should assume yes if we are to allow good things. There is no other option.
Only way things can get better is if you keep trying. There are plenty of people who are in fantasies spots today, who are only there because they kept trying when they were in that same position.
I've been there, so I won't throw useless truisms at you cause I know they don't help. The only thing I've really found from years of slogging through this is that, no one really has the answers. You just have to keep going, and going, and going. Even when the light in your life is the smallest shimmer from a tiny, dying diode, just...hold on.
Eventually you may find some of the answers, and them more after that. And then more, and looking back, you might realize that, even though things are dark, there's a lot more lights, so much that you can almost imagine what it's like in the daytime.
Also, getmotivated is mostly just trite advice. People who made it don't actually have any more say on what it takes, more often than not they're lucky or misidentify why they were successful. Start with something like Therapy if you can.
I wish I had your answers. Just keep going. Even if going is just living another day.
I almost gave up sometime this year, I was shutting down and didn’t want to live anymore, I was drained.
I had decided this was going to be the last job application assignment I was doing. I submitted the take away assignment and took a nap, I woke up to a voice telling me “Why are you always worrying, when have I ever not taken care of you” I woke up feeling euphoric and just let out a heavy sigh.
2 weeks later, I get the job and it has changed my life in very very very many ways. Never stop dreaming, never stop believing.
I hear you man, I graduated college almost a decade ago and can't seem to get a job in the field I went for. Last year I decided to say screw it I'm gonna get my masters, it can't hurt right? I'm mid getting my self into more school debt and just hoping that I get somewhere this time, but gotta keep moving forward.
For me the sub occasionally hits hard, for some reason this post is one of those times, and I've been listening to Alan Watts lectures and it's the main things keeping me sane. It's hard, I have a lot of "bad thoughts" and ideation but I know that it's all temporary.
I have no clue if this helps but know, please please please know, that this right now, this dark place is needed so that your light can shine when it you get out of the dark. From random internet stranger #57432675, but someone who has similar feelings it will get better, it has to get better! You are worth more then anything in this world, just make sure you keep your light burning, even a little bit, so the world gets a chance to see your light when it beems brightest!
Idk why your post compelled me so much to reply, I usually never do, but just keep going!
Listen man, idk if this will help but there is a white tailed deer that has been living in my yard for weeks now, and it has a broken back leg, the foot is literally twisted the other way. However, this deer continues to get up every morning and hobbles around foraging for grass, doing whatever it is deer do. What I'm trying to say is, that deer has every reason to just lay down and give up, but it doesn't, it forces itself on its feet everyday and keeps pushing on, and that's what I want you to do.
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