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PlasmaPulsar t1_it65rb1 wrote

I don't understand where this quote wants to lead me. When I try to help my friends with their problems, I always try to sort the positive and negative aspects of their situation. I put the effort to go through every details to be sure they don't miss the best by always seeing the bad. There is no "only good" or "only bad" experiences, but there is a ton of means to see them. In my opinion, toxic positivity is just not putting effort in someone. People then say : "just think of the positive !" Without going through this with the person they speak to. But people seems to don't understand that you have to change your point of view if you want to go through a difficult situation. You can't always complain without trying something. I mean, there are bad situations where it's really hard to see something positive, I know that. But the vast majority of those situations is surmountable and require a sharp mind that can see farther than the bad of this.

Tell me what do you think of that.