Submitted by eagleclaw901 t3_yorjdg in GetMotivated
dyingbreed6009 t1_ivfg7yv wrote
It just sounds like I'm insane... next tip?
DarkMenace00 t1_ivflz8z wrote
Interesting advice.
ViolentSarcasm t1_ivfpoyj wrote
Yeah I’ll just go laugh beside my friend’s coffin and change that narrative … good intentions but this is a dumb saying
rafael-a t1_ivfshdy wrote
True, same thing would also be very weird to just go to a hospital, hang out there and laugh, very condescending with people there.
ViolentSarcasm t1_ivfty5z wrote
Very true, it’s obvious this quote was written by someone who’s never really had to grieve over the loss of someone close
baddiest_reaper t1_ivfuxwv wrote
Instructions unclear, got kicked off my friend's funeral
Netskimmer t1_ivfv28a wrote
Pro tip, DON'T do this at the holocaust museum...
gluis11 t1_ivfvkj2 wrote
This proper tickled me
PotentJelly13 t1_ivfwiw2 wrote
PotentJelly13 t1_ivfwvkb wrote
My ex wife just called the cops on me because I’m standing on her front porch laughing like a mad man. Is this how I change the narrative?
Edit: a word
WeirdCreeper t1_ivfz422 wrote
I mean in all places it is normal to laugh where I have cried before I've probably done so sometimes even at the same time mania is one heck of a status effect.
Not_as_witty_as_u t1_ivg0tzr wrote
I suspect this was penned by the same enigmatic author who blessed us with laugh love live
Autumnlove92 t1_ivg1dlf wrote
For those taking this too literally, it interpretates to: go back to the places with bad memories and try to make good ones.
I get that. I've done it a few times. But some places are also too hard to revisit, and are best left in the past
RAGE_CAKES t1_ivg4gds wrote
Got kicked out of the holocaust museum. Now I've been labeled as antisemitic.
Thanks OP :/
Muscalp t1_ivg4mg6 wrote
On my Gramps‘ funeral they played some of the jazz from him and his band and it was so unfittingly cheery that I indeed burst out laughing
barrelofsandals t1_ivgep8u wrote
I mean, who's going to complain?
barrelofsandals t1_ivgg59c wrote
The amount of people intentionally being thick-skulled on this is baffling.
Nobody is saying go laugh at suffering or make fun of others' grief. They are saying you can take control of your suffering and you have the power to interact with these feelings and experiences as you see fit. It's about reframing your perspective.
i_like_trains_a_lot1 t1_ivgglke wrote
tots4scott t1_ivgngrn wrote
OP is just a karmafarmer. Clearly didn't think about this terrible post twice.
Kanojononeko t1_ivgpi51 wrote
I'm afraid I'd get arrested, why is this middle-aged lady laughing in the junior high school girls' bathroom??!
TrixicAcePolyamEnby t1_ivgpjbo wrote
at0mheart t1_ivgptka wrote
Funeral home ??
YogurtclosetChoice81 t1_ivgr27j wrote
BRB off to have a lol in the work toilets
Maleficent-Appeal-56 t1_ivgt4h6 wrote
this is actually kind of genius and I am doing it first thing tomorrow.
shadowsword420 t1_ivgtkg4 wrote
To the funeral hall!
SmashedSugar t1_ivguc8i wrote
Hard to laugh in a cemetery at plot 666
AJPowers17123 t1_ivguj64 wrote
Cancer therapy wards
My university library
Mockingbird2388 t1_ivgwwvk wrote
I don't think your mom will let me in her bedroom again.
SwordShanker t1_ivgzbf2 wrote
Perfect for when you visit the funeral home
Ultravoltron t1_ivgzx2k wrote
Sinicalkush t1_ivh1783 wrote
Uh I recently buried my grandmother in the cemetery and cried pretty hard about it. Are you telling me to go laugh as hard as I can AT A CEMETERY????
bluedevils9 t1_ivh3bt7 wrote
Boy my Ex is pisssseddddd!
chevymonza t1_ivh3ffy wrote
Nice!! It helps to know that the people from your past are mostly gone, buildings get renovated, stores change, etc.
chevymonza t1_ivh3i09 wrote
This is another version of "living well is the best revenge."
Plywood-Records t1_ivh3ouq wrote
So, I got arrested at the funeral home.... again.
Bearded_Guardian t1_ivh44u3 wrote
*horrified looks from the ICU staff at the local hospital
zzonked7 t1_ivh4yq1 wrote
It's live laugh love you heathen. That's like saying Jerry and Ben's ice cream.
pooferfeesh97 t1_ivh88l5 wrote
Jews going back to the camps...
dabomb2012 t1_ivh8tb1 wrote
You absolutely have a point here, but this doesn’t mean that the saying is wrong in all circumstances. It can, and has worked for me (though the reason I cried is nowhere near the pain you experienced - which is why it’s worked for me)
sea-teabag t1_ivh9bo6 wrote
laughs at previous wank location
FreeMyMen t1_ivh9jo1 wrote
That's a good idea, why not feel joy for your past experiences with someone that has gone?
MafiaMommaBruno t1_ivh9x2m wrote
Gonna go back to that classroom I was raped in on a college campus and lookup this post again.
riotousviscera t1_ivhbrch wrote
yes!!!! cannot stand how deliberately dense people are being here.
I had a really bad time in junior high. took a lot of abuse from classmates, and school faculty covered it up (at best - at worst they pretty much condoned it). fast forward about 17 years and the building is abandoned. as it happens I am into urbex, so yeah, I actually planned out a visit and managed to enjoy myself there. it was a significant healing experience and I felt much better afterward.
this is definitely something you want to be careful with, though. i had gone there a year prior on a whim, just to see the building, not to go inside. but I saw an open door, went in and just was NOT prepared to be in there... it was a really bad experience that stuck with me until I went back. YMMV.
Embo1 t1_ivhbx8v wrote
Well at least you changed the narrative
paracog t1_ivhdjam wrote
I spent the second through fourth grade in an abusive boys boarding school; it was later closed by the feds. As an adult, I went back up the valley where it had been located, on a BSA Hornet with a cute blonde on the back, and on the concrete pad where my school room used to be, was a beautiful mountain lion looking at me. That was a good day.
Not_as_witty_as_u t1_ivhduje wrote
i love Jerry and Bens! I always get it from Robbins Baskin
MooreCandy t1_ivhfvd5 wrote
BRB, going to go laugh in my Chem classroom
Ozzimoto0818 t1_ivhgirc wrote
I can’t go back to jail. I just can’t.
NoiseTank0 t1_ivhgnoa wrote
yeah this is just pure vacuous crap.
DrunkAsFuckButtSlut t1_ivhisoe wrote
thank u sign but im not getting kicked out of a holocaust museum again
momijimanko t1_ivhjlhn wrote
go cackle in the hospital room where your child died downvote all ya like, it’s toxic positivity and it’s dumb as hell. let people grieve their losses, whatever they may be. this isn’t motivational.
ACuriousBidet t1_ivhjqel wrote
It's OK Kanye just take your meds
Not_MrNice t1_ivhk1x1 wrote
Narrative: "I cried in this location"
Changed narrative: "I cried in this location, then came back later and forced myself to laugh."
Lesson: "No fucking clue"
tychus-findlay t1_ivhkp63 wrote
That's very cool man, rather than running from it you faced it and neutralized it
tychus-findlay t1_ivhkt6m wrote
He did have a cool username didn't he
agentchuck t1_ivhnc9g wrote
Hi, Stacey? Remember me? I couldn't get it up on prom night, '08? Well, I just downloaded some Chappelle stand up and I need to get into your parents bedroom.
tanned_pixie t1_ivho5rm wrote
Relativistic_Duck t1_ivhoxbt wrote
Gaslight yourself that they did and keep laughing.
Accomplished_Pop_279 t1_ivhpj2r wrote
I actually did something like this after my ex broke up with me. After a couple months, I made an effort to go to as many of the places we went to together alone so that I could take away the negative emotions associated with that place. I did it so I wouldn’t have to come back to a place or drive by it one day and get this whole flashback of emotions and forfeit my freedom to do certain things.
Legitimate-Echo-7651 t1_ivhpojj wrote
What if someone else lives there now?
TrixicAcePolyamEnby t1_ivhr78q wrote
He had a cool gurgle.
SuperNerdAce t1_ivhry0r wrote
Sorry, but it'll look pretty weird for a grown adult walking into a series of schools and laughing
NumberlessColors t1_ivhubgp wrote
"Hahahahahahaha!" "..... please get out of my bed kevin." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Serfo t1_ivhunda wrote
I think most people get the overall message but chose to go the meme route just because.
Scipio-Byzantine t1_ivhvge4 wrote
This is as obnoxious as Live Laugh Love
TenesmusSupreme t1_ivhwtfa wrote
Turn on your inner Joker
pixelbased t1_ivhy07k wrote
Wow, thanks, I’m cured.
ocelot08 t1_ivhy5yb wrote
My God, there's narrative all over this place!
Dasguudmane t1_ivhzqkr wrote
Ah yes I can get arrested for trespassing like I've always wanted.
DJSugarSnatch t1_ivhzxmm wrote
They really didn't like it when we did that at the Anne Frank House - Bert "The Machine"
implicate t1_ivi0de5 wrote
I just went and laughed in my childhood home's backyard where my dog is buried.
The family that lives there now was not pleased.
Buddhadevine t1_ivi0f8m wrote
I think I’d get kicked out of a cemetery for doing that
FreddieKruiger t1_ivi1oc0 wrote
OK, funerals it is.
Aedesius t1_ivi2c9v wrote
That’s Reddit for you
SummonTarpan t1_ivi3v3n wrote
“Sir we are having a funeral, you can’t just come here and laugh for no reason”
Halo_Chief117 t1_ivi4glp wrote
I’m not going to be that guy at a cemetery laughing.
Halo_Chief117 t1_ivi4ps9 wrote
goodintrovert t1_ivi8t8u wrote
Oh go and laugh at your Grandmas funeral
DetectiveNo4110 t1_ivic9f6 wrote
Let's confuse and irritate the haters by our laugh😉😃😂
WildJuggernaut t1_ividrxc wrote
Nana's funeral is gonna be lit 🔥
GuntherFromGmod t1_iviesum wrote
I do this in my room all the time!
SEMlickspo t1_ivig2yr wrote
Laughing alone in the walk in fridge is actually probably worst than being caught crying alone in the walk in fridge.
Either is better than getting caught sleeping or vaping.
What happens in the walk in fridge, should stay in the walk in fridge.
RikimaruRamen t1_iviigud wrote
Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do this at a war memorial.
audiosf t1_ivijv27 wrote
This is the "You'd look prettier if you smiled" of fucking sign advice.
ChuCHuPALX t1_ivilqwj wrote
Reposting in this format is innovative. Is it a repost if the OP's title us now embedded in an image? Thumps temple
righteousop t1_ivim3tt wrote
Guess I'm going back to Iraq
sarcasm_247 t1_ivin0tp wrote
Be strong sweets 🫶🏻
Eviscerator95 t1_ivinym6 wrote
I don't want to go back to work.
PaddleMonkey t1_iviperx wrote
Like Nelson Muntz point and laugh?
apizartron t1_iviq2z2 wrote
Do many people actually cry in places like that? Get sad and deep in thought sure, but cry?
SirDerpsalot123 t1_iviqy0g wrote
Instructions unclear, kicked out of funeral.
stiiknafuulia t1_ivisgi7 wrote
Peemaban for such thoughtless and callous bs 'advice' would not be out of order
theodopolis13 t1_ivitfv8 wrote
So, everywhere?
Moug-10 t1_iviunkf wrote
Apparently, some people are very sensitive when it comes to such subjects.
adviceKiwi t1_iviwh72 wrote
I'm laughing in a toilet, it's weirding lots of people out.
RabidAstronaut t1_ivixbmb wrote
Laughs manically in the nursing supply room
fantasticoder t1_ivixc58 wrote
Do you really need to go there physically. Maybe it's just in mind. Just metaphorically go there and ... change the narrative.
Metal_Thorn t1_ivixxan wrote
Somehow i feel like laughing at my gan's grave would be disrespectful.
Earth_W0rm-J1m t1_ivizwuw wrote
I tried, my ex wouldn't open her door though
Earth_W0rm-J1m t1_ivizy9t wrote
And now the police are here. Thanks.
Earth_W0rm-J1m t1_ivj0755 wrote
Fuck, anyone know any good lawyers?
Anonymous694207680 t1_ivj0y1y wrote
So at my grandma's grave I should laugh
tty5 t1_ivj13fl wrote
The one in actual concentration camp has things that you cannot unsee. Once you are standing in front of a massive pile of glasses or artificial limbs taken from the victims you only realize this place was a factory of death, purpose built to exterminate at the highest efficiency and lowest cost. Members of the same species built this recently - some survivors and perpetrators are still alive. ....fuuuuuuck.
Imagine having a personal connection on top of that.
Drunken_Sailor69420 t1_ivj31db wrote
starts laughing at the graves of my grandparents
MaxTennyson88 t1_ivj3h1k wrote
Hard doing this in a cemetery
MagnusCaseus t1_ivj5168 wrote
Same things that make us laugh, make us cry -Big Smoke
Netskimmer t1_ivj7dbh wrote
Some do, especially if someone they loved, like grandparent made it through alive.
dontsuckmydick t1_ivj8jlr wrote
Start gathering some clowns to form a posse.
dontsuckmydick t1_ivj8pta wrote
Did you just express how upset you were that people were taking this literally and then share your story on how you took this literally?
kloexnamik t1_ivj8u9e wrote
When you have bad LSD trip, do LSD again tomorrow
Febrilinde t1_ivj9lb6 wrote
No, no you don't get. You are going to change the narrative. Go ahead and laugh manically in a hospital or in a funeral it will look like this is something you planned , you will probably go to jail and start laughing there and it will look like that was also something you wanted and planned. People will stay away from you you will be lonely and then you will start laugh at everything, laugh forever because the life is a joke muhahaha... (So yeah he basically wants to create an army of Joker's, by changing the narrative)
fishandbanana t1_ivjbd4h wrote
I might just laugh at the next funeral i go to... let's see how motivating that would be.
tlst9999 t1_ivjdbtz wrote
Probably saw his ex cheating at the Holocaust museum.
thegreatmizzle7 t1_ivjeovh wrote
It'd be a little fucked for me to laugh at the haulocaust museum.
CollapsedSelf t1_ivjfs3y wrote
Some joker type shit
ViralGeist_ t1_ivjga27 wrote
Gonna go sneak into my exes place in a different state and laugh
Individual_Village47 t1_ivji4n2 wrote
Cool! I’ll just go laugh in the viewing room of the funeral home where my dad was shown. That’ll make that next family feel good!
IndependentDot7481 t1_ivjjdx0 wrote
I went to the WWII monument in my local park and people were looking at me weirdly...
supermarkise t1_ivjjxna wrote
And they send you as a kid and teenager. This stuff is horrifying.
reddrighthand t1_ivjl5ua wrote
No, my first thought was this is fuckin' horrible advice.
I'm just supposed to go laugh in the places I used to visit with a person who's no longer here? Without any context other than I miss them like hell, especially there?
No, this has fine intentions it just missed the mark.
yrtemmysitnA t1_ivjl8tk wrote
What if you're too dead inside to cry, asking for a friend
Calm_1_too t1_ivjls4k wrote
Reminds me of the lessons in the book, The Power of Neuroplasticity.
itsjojothehobo t1_ivjlyoi wrote
Standing on a bridge looking down at a sea of children’s shoes at the holocaust museum. You bet your ass I cried.
KDLGates t1_ivjmitz wrote
I've been to the Washington DC holocaust museum and the one where I live (Tampa, FL), both well organized but I didn't have that "this is where it happened" effect.
I guess it's not really a musem per se if it's at a camp itself (unless it's an attached/new facility), more of a memorial. That's different and it seems like a good idea to keep them preserved.
Zeraldonith t1_ivjq98g wrote
Go cry in the places you've laughed.
acidicbreeze t1_ivjyun6 wrote
Well, that was a strange trip to the funeral home.
geronimoglass t1_ivk14ir wrote
The people at the funeral home won’t stop looking at me…
Extension_Buy5963 t1_ivm72gt wrote
My ex-wife just called the police on me because I'm standing on her front porch laughing like a maniac. Do I change the narrative in this way?
riotousviscera t1_ivvkqy4 wrote
... no? I expressed annoyance at people choosing to be dense regarding the meaning of the saying, and then shared a story about how i did something like that and it helped me.
you are not actually this dumb.
_TheGreatDevourer_ t1_ivffsbv wrote
go on, laugh in a cemetery