Submitted by Thermon01 t3_yp2aaa in GetMotivated
Thermon01 OP t1_ivh0q4r wrote
I like the way he understands the concept of life
Thermon01 OP t1_ivhjr0b wrote
Most people can't just sacrifice their families
JCPRuckus t1_ivho9d2 wrote
Yes, it was meant as a critique of the quote, not a critique of the people who don't see losing everything and gaining true freedom as a positive. It's not. True freedom is dying in the woods somewhere, because you're all alone and life is incredibly hard without society (and all its limits on your freedom).
Thermon01 OP t1_ivhoub6 wrote
True, cool thought tho
dragoniteswag t1_ivhqsxh wrote
No those are not wise words. We are social creatures we need company, and the biological purpose of our existence is to reproduce and carry on our DNA. If you use the internet in any form, you're not the type who will survive the wilderness for any prolonged period of time.
Get real.
The_Cysko_Kid t1_ivhwxgp wrote
Its just hard to take someone seriously with a user name like "please fart on my face"
testcyplover t1_ivi0zq3 wrote
Spoken like a true Incel
TheConboy22 t1_ivi43fz wrote
Doesn't sound like an incel, but a man who has had a bad run in life.
mjkjg2 t1_ivi4z1y wrote
now I need to know what u/rimjob_steve said
Wolvesthatbyte t1_ivi8p07 wrote
This made me feel better
testcyplover t1_ivi8pq0 wrote
That lead him to be involuntarily celibate
TheConboy22 t1_ivi9ihk wrote
It sounds like he’s voluntarily celibate though. Being celibate isn’t an issue. It’s people acting like it’s others fault that they are unable to get laid. Tons of people abstain for various reasons.
[deleted] t1_ivi9myi wrote
xxbatman9898 t1_ivibt54 wrote
What a sad way to live
BaconPancaaaakess t1_ivierql wrote
Lol, people who use the internet even for 1 second a week can't survive the wilderness? Dumbest shit ive ever read.
Kryptonian-Hero810 t1_ivifq9c wrote
Still better than the cisko kid tho
Kryptonian-Hero810 t1_ivifs1w wrote
Says a femcel
The_Cysko_Kid t1_ivifupf wrote
Kryptonian-Hero810 t1_ivifv07 wrote
I mean exploring and traveling the world ain't bad option at all .
KcHecKa t1_ivifykl wrote
ok kryptonian hero 🤓
TheConboy22 t1_ivigsa0 wrote
That’s what I’m saying. People need to get out of this mentality that what is for them should be the same for everyone. We all walk our own path.
Kryptonian-Hero810 t1_ivigy0s wrote
I always wanted a kryptocave a mansion in a jungle
[deleted] t1_ivih0ln wrote
Colonelfudgenustard t1_ivijmzv wrote
He can pretend to be all self-sufficient and all, but still seems to want someone to fart on his face. He still has some ways to go.
DireEWF t1_ivik4hy wrote
Meh, seems more like making the best with what you have. Even people with families can take that lesson to heart.
Bambooworm t1_ivil3tx wrote
Can you explain why you think it's sad?
vinayyy-n28 t1_ivilvln wrote
vinayyy-n28 t1_ivimbb0 wrote
Men need families, they want to love, care, provide and support them. And they want same in turn. Loneliness isn't the way, you need a brotherhood, you need a loving family, you want good relations w your co-workers, a good mental and physical health, you want to take responsibility and feel needed and wanted. The single most important thing for a man is fatherhood, their families is what keeps men going. Don't come at me w "yOu ShOuLd bE aLlOwEd To HaVe fReEdOm", freedom of what? Jacking off to porn while being miserably lonely playing video games all day? Your actions need to have meaning.
vinayyy-n28 t1_ivimcbl wrote
Humans ARE social creatures
vinayyy-n28 t1_ivimg7p wrote
vinayyy-n28 t1_ivimock wrote
Fear is an amazing motivator, if you don't put in the work, then this is how you'll end up being, like what that man's saying. It's something you should fear and try your best not to end up there.
inotparanoid t1_ivin2c7 wrote
A lot of these questions are explored in Berserk, the manga. I doesn't give you a definite answer, but it does give you certain illustrations about life.
The most important lesson I take from it is that if you've got a sword, swing it. Demons will get you in the end, but till that time...
xxbatman9898 t1_ivingd8 wrote
Idk seems lonely, having a family isn’t a bad thing.
Kryptonian-Hero810 t1_iviq5la wrote
Sorry pal it was just something i wrote in /s i didn't think a lot of people would not notice that .
awing1 t1_iviq823 wrote
Goldmansachs3030 t1_iviqaom wrote
Man, that manga is bad. That women is an unreal depiction of a survivor. Why people like that when they massacred the MC emotionally?
MC should just power up and kill the guy, but then i know, FMC will come as always and defend her rapist.
She should set her heart on one man only. The one who has been with her.Even the trauma flashback she gets is on see guts, not on the rapist. Intentional drama.
Goldmansachs3030 t1_iviqg30 wrote
Inspin or a femcel. You get that sub where women said they were alone and were getting so many pm's, they made it private. or 40 year old who all life gave "toxic" people time and then cry, or some OF girl who can get a bf easily but naaahhh, gonna cry.
Same across all spectrum, do not want to improve.
dragoniteswag t1_ivirois wrote
Yes, in a western context, if you have access to the internet through a personal device (not a library or something), that implies you lead a modern lifestyle and will never be able to endure a couple years in the wilderness.
inotparanoid t1_ivirrvr wrote
It's got it's flaws, but Berserk is one of the best Manga, nay, one of the best fiction ever written.
Bambooworm t1_ivisq98 wrote
Having a family is really nice, I agree. However, if you don't have a family isn't it better to have a good attitude about it, and to take advantage of the plus sides of being on your own rather than being sad that you're alone? To me it seemed like it was more about seeing the positive side of things and working with what you've got.
0nline_persona t1_ivit0ua wrote
At first I read it as “white kids and a white picket fence” and I thought yikes
-DethLok- t1_ivit6ar wrote
misspellted t1_ivit81l wrote
Don't tell John Plant.
TP_For_Cornholio t1_ivittv9 wrote
Hey don’t kink shame. /s
Cylon_Skin_Job_2_10 t1_ivivyme wrote
God damn, I just was telling one of my friends “I think I’m okay dying alone, if I get to live the life I want.” But really, there’s no fucking way I don’t touch enough lives between now and then that I end up entirely alone. I love having friends and being social, I’m not a hermit, I just enjoy my freedom.
There’s people I’d drop everything and go see if they needed me, and likewise. In fact, the more financial and time freedom I can create, the more space I create for that sort of thing.
mysteryawaits t1_ivixr7b wrote
Y’all sound like incels
missleeann t1_ivixs6d wrote
Living by their own mantra.
facefart t1_iviy345 wrote
I couldn't agree more.
Regi0 t1_iviy9x4 wrote
No offense but what the fuck does berserk have to do with anything
It honestly sounds like you just wanted to talk about it and needed an excuse
inotparanoid t1_ivizcji wrote
You're kind of right. For some reason when I read that passage, I thought of Berserk. It's not the only thing in fiction which explores that specific idea of incomprehensible loneliness and pain: there are many others, including One Hundred Years of Solitude, though in a very different way than the others, Kafka on the Shore, A Wizard of Earthsea... So many others.
But what they have in common is the rejection of a destiny, the contemplation of loneliness, the struggle of life, brought out in all of its forms.
Berserk, the manga, falls right into the middle of it. It's visceral, but it talks about struggling against a destiny of death. And that's life.
Johnmegaman72 t1_ivizgo7 wrote
This is oddly reassuring, thank you, will fart in your face in this life or the next.
onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_ivj0ccw wrote
Sounds very ol' skool. If playing video games and jacking off makes someone happy, it literally has zero affect on you. You need to get over the fact that people do in fact like to be alone. Sure, they might have a primitive instinctive need to have all those things you mentioned but let's face it, not you or I have any say on how somebody chooses to live their life.
onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_ivj0dj3 wrote
Fully agreed. You do you provided it doesn't harm anyone else.
vinayyy-n28 t1_ivj3tru wrote
It's not happiness, that's just instant gratification which will yield worse results. They're just dopamine junkies. Chase meaning, not hApPiNeSs because that feeling is unreliable. Have discipline. And the way they choose to live their life is all good until it starts affecting their loved ones or society over the time.
onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_ivj4j9k wrote
So video games or adult entertainment is 100% incapable of bringing someone happiness? But I guess if they sink their eyes into a book instead that okay with you though huh.
How about this, let's say you decide to move out if you haven't already but would prefer to live far from main society (cities/towns) and find a decent cabin in the forest/woods, you're telling me that's going to affect your loved ones and society when in actuality it's not doing anybody any harm? As long you are happy, your loved ones would be too.
I'll be honest, you sound miserable as fuck about what OTHER PEOPLE do with their own lives.
"Those who mind, don't matter. Those who don't mind, do matter."
Chomusuke_99 t1_ivj4r17 wrote
they asked me fart on their face. but the comment moved me so much, i sharted. I sharted all over their face.
vinayyy-n28 t1_ivj500n wrote
Video games are cool if played for a hour instead of spending your whole day in. Porn is extremely unhealthy in any amt at all, it literally affects brain in worse ways. And if your absence doesn't make a difference or if they don't need you at all, it means you provided very little value. If no one from your family's depended on you then go off lmfao. What you're saying is really irrational. You need money to even farm, lel.
Kryptonian-Hero810 t1_ivj5srx wrote
Gentleman I'm not quite getting what you are saying ?
[deleted] t1_ivj5xt2 wrote
oheyitsmoe t1_ivj6tc9 wrote
Was gonna say, this lad is a definite RJS
JoshRiddle t1_ivj7rq3 wrote
I want to know what rimjob_Steve said!
Rajarshi1993 t1_ivjb4hs wrote
Oh, the joys of having fossil fuels.
DoctorEnn t1_ivjdcdw wrote
That was largely a consequence of being alone while also being trapped within what is, as it turns out, basically a glorified large box. Going cranky-insane in the great outdoors is a whole other kettle of fish.
sirchrisalot t1_ivje1nl wrote
It's hard to believe that u/pleasefartonmyface knows much of anything about being alone...
dragoniteswag t1_ivjegts wrote
Exceptions don't make the rule.
lavenderlove1212 t1_ivjexys wrote
Wow this is terrible. Humans have a deep need for connection and belonging.
Antique-Ardvarks731 t1_ivjfi61 wrote
Humans, as a species, are communal. We are NOT loners.
Vault-Born t1_ivjhuv2 wrote
If you become homeless you don't have access to camping/hunting material or training
Vault-Born t1_ivji1ic wrote
Suffering in the wilderness sounds like the worst response to homelessness you could possibly have imo.
BaconPancaaaakess t1_ivjidei wrote
What is your point? And also that's not even true.
WiseChonk t1_ivjigh3 wrote
I love this type of freedom.
My job and hobbies are demanding, but I find them incredibly fulfilling.
Some may see this as romanticization of a spiteful mind after a break up (which can be true), but it can definitely be a chosen, enjoyable path.
Sure dating and romance is fun, but I'd often rather be doing the other things I love.
I haven't found a partner where we'd be mutually compatable for the long haul. Also it wouldn't be right for either of us to settle for less than what we deserve.
My hobbies aren't common so sure, it can be "lonely"... but that's a small piece of the bigger picture that's worth having, given the satisfaction I get from them and life.
[deleted] t1_ivjis0c wrote
taco_monger t1_ivjmflq wrote
The usernames omg, so profound
sedativumxnx t1_ivjouyk wrote
Our own mental traps we set for ourselves or for each other. Very few things are of grave consequence, we just forgot to look for the signs or pay attention to what is going on around us. So, to keep the scam going, we elaborate on the broken systems we've been dealt at birth. But in our deepest of depths, we actually know what matters and what doesn't. It just becomes harder and harder to break from that vicious cycle and look for our own path. A path which more often than not leads back to nature. However, we kinda fucked things up a bit there, going as far as to screw up the magnetic poles of this beautiful planet we all share, thus becoming harder and harder to see through the illusion of what truly means to be human.
Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_ivjpsdm wrote
To avoid responsibility because you might suffer seems antithesis and paradoxical to the purpose of motivation.
However, challenging yourself to let go of other people’s ideas of happiness and find your own is a beautiful goal and I wish you good fortune.
SpiritOfTheFox1111 t1_ivjv044 wrote
Username does not check out, but this was wonderfully said.
AfricanisedBeans t1_ivk0f1b wrote
Well he ain't got no farting wife, so he's gotta take what he can get
onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_ivk68dc wrote
What about the people who make a living by playing video games? Or the people who struggled with education and decided that adult entertainment is something they like? If no one in a family depends on someone, it can also mean that the other members of the family are equally independent, it's not unheard of. As for needing money to farm, not really, provided you know what sort of plants to look for and how to harvest the seeds properly, all you need is an empty piece of land (which is highly abundant in forested/wooded areas naturally) and some water. You'll argue against all of this obviously because you can't handle the fact that people can be independent.
Thermon01 OP t1_ivk7cqw wrote
Right? Exactly. Geez I don't know why is that so hard to imagine for some.
Auirom t1_ivk80g7 wrote
I've always wanted someone to do stuff with. Always had a hard time with getting out. Know what though? I'm going to jujitsu. People there are real nice and helpful. Fun people to be around and I'm greatly enjoying it. I'm getting a motorcycle soon. Riding by myself may not be as fun with someone else but I know deep down I'll run across someone who likes the bike I get and wants to ride with me. Being alone isn't all bad as long as I get out of the house and not stay stuck inside all the time alone.
ZerngCaith t1_ivkdp0i wrote
I think that was more of being alone and locked inside with no options, freedom was limited at least in my country.
FriendCountZero t1_ivkzr11 wrote
I completely disagree. Living with yourself at the center of your world will eventually make you miserable and it will prevent any potential relationship from working out. "If you hit it off, cool" ???? No, no one just falls in love and lives happily ever after. It's a choice you have yo make every day and it's a choice that's off the table if your #1 priority is you.
DinosaurianStarling t1_ivl9979 wrote
No worries, I'm an introvert. You know the horror that extroverts felt during lockdown? That's our normal, covid was just a break from hell
misspellted t1_ivn8i7l wrote
Every rule has an exception, except this rule.
andrew_manfredonia t1_ivna4oq wrote
takes one to know one
Clarksp2 t1_ivh095k wrote
That man is winning at life