Submitted by rockefellerbr t3_yvappe in GetMotivated
madogson t1_iwdfkvq wrote
This fact makes this quote more motivating, as diamonds are more common than we think
iamacraftyhooker t1_iwdjhw7 wrote
Your value is what you make it. You need to sell yourself
ZerngCaith t1_iwdslzi wrote
We can all shine, there is nothing wrong with that.
spydersens t1_iwduhu6 wrote
If you do nothing to help yourself, you are setting yourself up for deception.
Pudding_Hero t1_iwdypqk wrote
Que some half starved African kid with an AK pulling the stone from the rock
SirFancyPantsBrock t1_iwe4z99 wrote
Unfortunately a turd under pressure is still just a turd.
Bestihlmyhart t1_iwe75gw wrote
Be the De Beers cartel to your diamond
touchallthebutt t1_iweb62o wrote
This is terrible advice. Don’t wait to be found, do what is in your control.
jerseygunz t1_iwedffn wrote
jerseygunz t1_iwedotf wrote
There’s something poetic about being told your building “value” and “uniqueness” and then when you get out into the real world you realize it was a scam and and there’s billions out there like you, diamonds actually make the perfect metaphor
BlueHorse84 t1_iwedqd0 wrote
That would be a huge gold-plated diamond-studded YES.
Pinguanec t1_iwei6d8 wrote
Also their "preciousness" is mostly artificially inflated.
Jealous_Release_6740 t1_iweklry wrote
The advice is to not be discouraged in the process homie
Arthurdubya t1_iwelqek wrote
Diamond doesn't have to pay rent.
stormrockox t1_iwen27h wrote
Haha, tell that to every jewelry store.
Seriously they charge waaaay to much for diamonds.
cashewbiscuit t1_iweo61b wrote
But a diamond doesn't know its value
CptHammer_ t1_iweptyw wrote
Most diamonds are used as abrasives. They do the hardest work and are discarded.
FandomMenace t1_iweqmda wrote
It's artificially inflated. The reason why diamonds are even popular is because they go with everything (no color clashing) and they are hard (durable).
DesignatedDonut t1_iweqo87 wrote
Not just the world but it's common in the universe in general
Diamond are just artificial expensive as we all know thanks to DeBeers lol
waxonwaxoff87 t1_iwequs5 wrote
By a small child working at a mining company.
dman2316 t1_iwer3ic wrote
I thought that was illegal?
ReasonablePanda3 t1_iwerzjq wrote
I was wondering if this was to be factored jnto the motivational quote or not, like you value is determined by those who control the market your labor and skills are bought for in? The answer is yes..
[deleted] t1_iwes0py wrote
dman2316 t1_iwes4lt wrote
My brother in christ...
jadedconsumer t1_iwetraj wrote
Flattery will get you nowhere.
Celcius_87 t1_iwev23z wrote
I am indeed a diamond
Edit: sure, downvote me haters
tomsequitur t1_iwev4kx wrote
so won't the real slim shady plz stand up
chevymonza t1_iwexi5v wrote
This is nice for the diamonds, but I don't have thousands of years.
WastelandThief t1_iwexzip wrote
But I'm a ball of shit
fallenKlNG t1_iwf0d3g wrote
And they can all be replicated in a lab
Starl19ht_2 t1_iwf1428 wrote
Diamonds are worth a fraction of what people think they are cause diamonds are controlled in reserves to inflate their prices
GregoryBluehorse t1_iwf1dv7 wrote
I personally prefer Marcus Aurelius's thoughts: "Does the emerald lose its beauty for lack of admiration? Does gold, or ivory, or purple? A lyre or a dagger, a rosebud or a sapling?"
thought_about_it t1_iwf22x3 wrote
Where to even begin? Our value is not determined by the appraisal of others. Once a diamond is dug up it is almost always cut and molded to be a more “perfect” form. Nobody is walking around with a uncut diamond because it’s unique. Also many many diamonds will never be found and will forever know nothing but high pressures, incredible heat, and everlasting darkness until they’re eventually consumed with the planet.
JonnyBrah t1_iwf37b2 wrote
From the days of cavemen to today. People are still enamored by shiny rocks. De Beers just hoards and overprices them.
at_least_its_unique t1_iwf5608 wrote
ZanzabarOHenry t1_iwf5xuw wrote
What is rare, however, is proper grammar and punctuation in this post.
LittleKitty235 t1_iwf6rjj wrote
Wouldn't a diamond's crystalline structure suggest it is less unique than carbon in a less organized state?
PLZ_STOP_PMING_TITS t1_iwf87pm wrote
There's millions or billions or more diamonds buried deep in the earth that will never be found. Probably the majority of them. And the process often makes them imperfect enough to make them almost worthless, except to be ground into abrasive powder.
underbite420 t1_iwf8edi wrote
Shouldn’t it be “letS the process”?
techpriestyahuaa t1_iwf97xp wrote
Initially read it with Darkest Dungeon narration
FeartheReign87 t1_iwf992v wrote
Diamonds are worthless pieces of carbon that serve no purpose whatsoever. Don't be a diamond.
stiletto929 t1_iwf9l12 wrote
So passively (and ungrammatically) sit through a huge amount of pressure in hopes someone will eventually dig you up and decide you have worth. Hard pass. ;)
Electronic-1911 t1_iwf9ut0 wrote
Until you realize that they can make better versions of you in a lab.
ToothpickInCockhole t1_iwfdi7i wrote
Yeah, I’m sure there’s a lot of diamonds out there that will never be found.
imagination_machine t1_iwfdp4l wrote
Have to say, this kind of motivational comment just makes me more depressed.
If you're over 30, especially over 40, You will know that many diamonds never get found,
Bad metaphor.
softsigmaballs t1_iwfdqag wrote
Don't be the diamond which is buried so deep that no one would ever find it.
Digimatically t1_iwfe1o2 wrote
This metaphor is meaningless without mentioning DeBeers
[deleted] t1_iwfeg9u wrote
Master_of_Frogs t1_iwfeo3n wrote
Diamonds aren't unique, nor are they all that valuable.
MeatyOkraPuns t1_iwff2bg wrote
Diamonds aren't rare. They're just never found because corporations don't want them to be. They're still there. Still made under pressure, shining bright unique and beautiful. But kept buried in the dark depths just to keep the value of the ones that are found artificially inflated.
RainingComputers t1_iwfgwon wrote
Yeah but nobody will dig me up from my grave after I die, I don't live forever
FandomMenace t1_iwfhbsj wrote
While I totally agree with your sentiment, there's are a couple problems. First, there is a missing period. The comma should come after the "and", not before it, so the sentence can make sense on its own without the aside. I can't tell if they meant to voice this in past or present tense since they bounce back and forth. "Let" suggests past tense, while "lets" would suggest the diamond's growth is ongoing, which I think would suit it better. Ultimately, there are some poor choices in words and grammar that make this aphorism inherently more flawed than a diamond.
nintendomech t1_iwfiwu2 wrote
I’ll take a cubic zirconia
6doo6bins6 t1_iwfl3q4 wrote
Not so much with the lab grown ones that are just as diamondy. Fuck diamonds.
6doo6bins6 t1_iwfl88i wrote
This is clearly some big diamond bullshit
theworldiscarmen t1_iwflrin wrote
I feel like this just reminds me in a creative way that precious metal and Diamond mining will cover the earth and destroy our planet, eventually! Lol
karma_the_sequel t1_iwfngay wrote
Diamonds aren't sentient beings -- they don't worry about anything.
ericstern t1_iwfnwox wrote
They can also be synthetically produced to be as productive as non-synthetic ones.
SleuthMechanism t1_iwfomxy wrote
unlike a diamond though i don't have thousands of years
RedditNeedstoDie3 t1_iwfpcmh wrote
Diamonds aren’t worth shit so thank you
flamingotwist t1_iwfr9ky wrote
It's true, Rose winters found that diamond in the megamycete. Hell of a cost though
LuvIsMyReligion t1_iwfsxaa wrote
whoever wrote this did not live in LA
BigCommieMachine t1_iwfv27u wrote
Yeah, but I die….while diamonds are forever.
Zeitgeber907 t1_iwfyb35 wrote
That's nice but diamonds don't have to pay rent.
FerretChrist t1_iwfzfue wrote
But if you're really lucky, you might get to nestle in a celebrity's cleavage now and again!
MysteryPlaid t1_iwfzl2i wrote
Lmao came to say the same, but somehow it makes the post more poingnant
deaf_ears_in_aus t1_iwg0t4n wrote
Damn , just walked out of my annual performance review session and in desperation read this script out to my manager. He locked a little perplexed.
I guess next 72 hours are going to be interesting to say the least.
xTheHatteRx t1_iwg2jsm wrote
The only value diamonds have is what some people assign to them. So not that good of a motivational phrase.
SuspiciousBadger t1_iwg4n6x wrote
Yeah. So this could be read as "Don't worry if you feel useless, someone will find a way to exploit you for profit <3"
moonlightavenger t1_iwg4u9j wrote
Diamonds don't have feelings. Also, their value is artificial.
4ssteroid t1_iwg5fc0 wrote
1-3.3 billion years
Chromattix t1_iwg8dxz wrote
Difference is a diamond has a billion years to be found. I'd be lucky to get 80.
Westcobbguy t1_iwg95en wrote
Yeah, don’t sit there waiting forever for someone to uncover your worth. Get out there and show it. This post is horrible advice
SaariToTellYou t1_iwgdpg0 wrote
Also how you dig doesn’t affect the Diamond
exion_zero t1_iwgerta wrote
Now that's a metaphor that actually applies in the real world!
shaymcquaid t1_iwgkloy wrote
That is dumb as shit.
SerKevanLannister t1_iwglt0u wrote
Yes, in true terms diamonds have zero inherent value (same as gold). They can be put to certain purposes outside of outrageous decorations for rich people (as in certain metals like copper while gold is useless)
SerKevanLannister t1_iwgm2og wrote
“is not worried to prove” is very awkwardly worded English
But each one of those billions is valuable to someone
jerseygunz t1_iwgnm8t wrote
Yeah, but we don’t hold kids at gun point to mine special people
freedomfightre t1_iwgnqo0 wrote
That's because diamonds are inanimate objects that can't feel emotions such as worry.
Because if they weren't inanimate objects, I bet they would worry.
Dynamo_Ham t1_iwgpwpg wrote
And in the meantime the world invented man-made diamonds and doesn't need to you anymore, and you stay buried forever. The end.
ackillesBAC t1_iwgra6j wrote
One day you could appear to be worth millions.ut actually be worth a few bucks and used for industrial purposes
carveyourself t1_iwguy59 wrote
CerealKiller3030 t1_iwhbtca wrote
"Is not worried to prove its value to the world"
No shit, it's a diamond. Not a sentient creature
NESpahtenJosh t1_iwhegpy wrote
And then it's value is artificially inflated by money grubbing whores.
HighNoon1200 t1_iwhev4g wrote
Gotcha, do nothing and one day someone will come along and pretend I have value.
2many2know t1_iwhfu5y wrote
By force to be used for profit for the unworthy. I’d rather be a pile of shit people leave alone lol.
PhilipWaterford t1_iwhi12p wrote
>gold is useless
danegerously t1_iwhmo4n wrote
The melting point of a diamond is 4000 degrees C. Lava is much less. The sun is 5500 deg C. The core of the earth is the same as the suns surface.
[deleted] t1_iwhn8ml wrote
[deleted] t1_iwhnkn2 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwhnraw wrote
[deleted] t1_iwhnx4d wrote
Bermudav3 t1_iwhshzk wrote
Don't the use gold in electronics bruh 🤦
lawlesstoast t1_iwhxcdk wrote
Diamonds worth is artificially created... just like my own :(
opaldenska t1_iwi2cf7 wrote
Maybe it means the individual finding their own self worth (after they've been buried in stone for millions of years, lol). The illustrations earned my upvote!
Responsible_Meeting9 t1_iwi4moy wrote
you can always behold yourself.
ThyShirtIsBlue t1_iwija24 wrote
Inanimate objects do not have desires.
Diamonds are not particularly rare, and are massively overvalued for what they are.
So I guess the lesson is to just do nothing until someone comes along and realizes that I can be easily exploited and sold to unwitting people who don't realize that I'm actually quite worthless?
ashoka_akira t1_iwip1aj wrote
Yea its just Toxic Positivity BS. Tell this to some of the millions of people currently living in utter poverty. This is meant for university students facing Finals and feel down on themselves.
chevymonza t1_iwiul3c wrote
That too.
FandomMenace t1_iwdadr1 wrote
Diamonds are the most common precious gemstones found on earth tho.