Impostor syndrome is what you’re experiencing and is something that is engrained in you for birth and from your ancestors. Your mind is trying to protect you from doing something new because “it could be dangerous and kill you.” It’s the same thing that kept us fro jumping from tall distances when we didn’t know that it would kill us if we landed wrong or, we landed on a rock. That is actually part of your primitive mind, and it is natural to all of us. Furthermore, you’re more conditioned to listen to your negative feelings than you are to your positive feelings. When impostor syndrome strikes, it is best to just observe the thought and realize it is just that. A thought. It isn’t you. It does not define who YOU are. Accept that it’s there and move on. Imagine yourself being in a crowded bar with lots of people talking while you carry on a conversation with a friend. Those other conversations are there, but you don’t have to hone on them because you are in conversation with your friend, and nothing else matters.
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