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barabara4 t1_ixz6igp wrote

I've been surrounded by successful people most of my life and I still haven't learned anything. I'm the most pessimistic, negative person. My selfsteeim is on the floor.


vingeran t1_ixzcnll wrote

Ok so you need therapy. If you are suicidal, you need to call the suicide prevention services. Eat good food, run outdoors, get a pet, seek therapy.


barabara4 t1_ixzdshp wrote

Thank you. I think the only thing I don't do from the list you suggested, is eat well. I run, I have a few pets, and I am in therapy. I'll just keep pushing through. Thanks again.


SirCSquared t1_ixzv9v5 wrote

I’d depersonalize that language a bit. Things like pessimism and negativity are emotional experiences we all have. You may be in a place because of circumstances or experiences or chemistry that you reside in those states more often or regularly. But, you are not those things in terms of your intrinsic character.

This helped with my OCD treatment. I wasn’t an “anxious, obsessive” person, I was someone experiencing anxious preoccupation. Now that my disorder is treated and managed well, I don’t identify with it at all.


SayeretJoe t1_ixzi86z wrote

Never compare yourself to others, your success is from being better than you were yesterday, only compare yourself with your old “you”. And it sounds like this is the case, love the process life will never be perfect, there will always be that next shiny achievement to unlock, be happy with the process and be present in life! Best to you!


barabara4 t1_ixzkobx wrote

I will keep doing my best for sure. Thank you


SayeretJoe t1_ixzq1es wrote

Our best is all we really have! However do not torture yourself just for “discipline” sake, if you hate running change it for something else, switch it around have fun with it! :)


ALQatelx t1_iy0md4n wrote

What is the 1800 number gonna do exactly? If i wake up every day wishing i didn't is some random thats being payed to talk to me gonna not make me feel that way,


Platti_J t1_iy09p1s wrote

Successful people don't want to share their road to success because they don't want competition.


barabara4 t1_iy0bx8s wrote

I was referring more to the side that if you are surrounded by successful people, you will learn from them and get better and better. Successful people go to a lot of troubles too, but they have that ability(if you can call it that) to push through and get to where they are.