Submitted by tellnow t3_z7w8ik in GetMotivated

Its really important to understand the title. At a certain age, you better start doing what you love or start loving what you do. Lets put a pin here.

  1. Out of 24 hours, you take out 8 for sleep, 4 for meals etc, you are left with 12 more hours that has to be used for something. Watching movies, tv series, reading, games, gymming, sports etc. You still can't do all that for 12 hours for years together. So you still need to do "something" for 8 hours a day.
  2. And you need money to survive. I mean, only 1% folks can survive on inherited money. Rest need to make atleast 10k per month to survive in India.

So after concatenating 1 and 2, you have to do "something" for 8 hours that can give you 10 thousand rupees or more.

Lets take out the pin now. You can start doing something that you love and make money out of it.

You like to write? Become a content writer etc

You like to paint? Become a designer, paint teacher etc

You like to ride? Become a bike tester or a delivery boy

You like a relaxing job? Become a night watchman at an ATM or someplace

You like to cook? Need I say more.

You like to talk to people? Become a sales guy at malls etc.

You like critical thinking? Become a coder or consultant.

I mean, you lifestyle will not be good but you'll survive. But its imp to start doing what you love or start loving what you do. To survive.

There's no free lunch.



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Affectionate_Coat337 t1_iy8v05p wrote

eh I say do what love when you can afford to fund it

job I dont like making 100k vs loving to paint no guaranteed salary

until it's profitable its a hobby


IllustriousActive3 t1_iy9lxlu wrote

It’s really not that easy to break into say the art field. Honestly trying to do that for years has really been depressing me. Then it makes me feel bad when I work on personal artwork. So what made me have joy makes me unhappy now. And I feel bad for failing. So in theory yeah I’d love to do that.


tellnow OP t1_iyc0ft7 wrote

I am not saying that you got to become the next Picasso and have an art gallery or street named after you. I am saying that you can start teaching art with minimum fees and grow. Anything is better than nothing


ChessieJackson t1_iyf4jiy wrote

Do something that interests you enough to be good at, but not so interested that it defines you