Submitted by Gainsborough-Smythe t3_zb27js in GetMotivated
levitating_cucumber t1_iypuo8g wrote
He's the OP
StefenOnCaffeine t1_iypx1l8 wrote
Stop for at-least 5 hours a night so complications from sleep deprivation doesn’t get you first.
WuTang360Bees t1_iypzfe1 wrote
Is this satire or is this really your post
burtsdog t1_iyq2bn4 wrote
crypto > government digital currency > worldwide digital currency > world governing authority > world dictator > mark of the beast required to buy or sell > mass beheadings of people who do not take the mark > return of Jesus Christ
See, you just learned something.
Lillymorrison t1_iyq2i58 wrote
Wise words.
SpectralMagic t1_iyq3hyv wrote
Commenting, because that's a really fucking cool image. I know it's ai, but the vivid colours, depth and clarity make it soo so nice to view
Namaste5187 t1_iyq4brv wrote
Once you die, you stop learning - Me calling bullshit on Mr. E=MC2
Ihavegotmanyproblems t1_iyq6lqu wrote
The inverse is also true.
Lil_Delirious t1_iyq7rhw wrote
Don't you also learn a lot on your deathbed? You start going through your life
littlebabyburrito t1_iyqc7zd wrote
Tumblr is spilling over to Reddit now
WuTang360Bees t1_iyqcgy2 wrote
Is Tumblr still a thing?
Trarmp t1_iyqeh62 wrote
More platitudes being posted than motivationals nowadays.
secret-trips t1_iyqexud wrote
Where can I find the high res version of this photo without text?
enduring_student t1_iyqfa7m wrote
Thank you for posting this, I like it a lot.
funance2020 t1_iyqfrhe wrote
Very cool picture
Eragongun t1_iyqgaw5 wrote
"Capitalism as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evils" - Albert Einstein
"I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion."
-Albert Einstein
"If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."
-Stephen Hawking
I wish everyone would be reading more political science. Not many knows that the greatest minds have been anti capitalist.
I recommend Blackshirts and reds.
State and Revolution.
Fully automated luxury communism
CareerDestroyer t1_iyqhag7 wrote
He stopped learning
Specialist-Car1860 t1_iyqk0ye wrote
I can find no credible source that he said this...
Inowunderstand t1_iyqm40b wrote
SuccessfulLoser- t1_iyqn37x wrote
True. Learning new skills can slow down aging!
APlayerHater t1_iyqnshd wrote
"Hang in there, baby!" - Steven Hawking
*Note: no relation to Stephen Hawking
APlayerHater t1_iyqnxdk wrote
But Einstein never had a bugatti sports car like Andrew Tate so who's the real genius here? /s
ketchup_bro23 t1_iyqre5s wrote
Once you stop creating, you also die.
TanelornDeighton t1_iyqsx83 wrote
From the fool’s gold mouthpiece the hollow horn Plays wasted words, proves to warn That he not busy being born is busy dying.
2photoidsplease t1_iyqte4c wrote
Did you forget a med this morning?
[deleted] t1_iyqtsja wrote
musiquescents t1_iyqu6r6 wrote
Same question
ahungrylilsandwhich t1_iyqun39 wrote
Isn't this dude dead?
[deleted] t1_iyr1tmd wrote
DrenkBolij t1_iyr37h1 wrote
"The best thing for being sad is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honor trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then: to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the thing for you." - T. H. White, The Once and Future King
r0b0tch1ck3n t1_iyr3tzj wrote
This romanticized quote makes it seem like the guy instrumental in the death of over 100,000 people from atomic warfare just maybe doesn't get what dying is...
Gainsborough-Smythe OP t1_iyr503l wrote
chromium2439 t1_iyr6tm1 wrote
Once you die, you stop learning. - Sun Tzu
LittleKitty235 t1_iyr93ty wrote
This quote sounds vague enough it is almost certainly miss attributed.
BigButt_Man_1980 t1_iyraud7 wrote
With respect to people smarts, absolutely! For one, consider how each generation uses language differently. 🤔
TicklintheIvory t1_iyrb1u5 wrote
I started dying the day I was born.
[deleted] t1_iyrd7cu wrote
Sandpaper_Pants t1_iyrfarr wrote
Can we get a source for this "Einstein" quote?
one_classy_broad t1_iyrff2p wrote
Einstein didn't kill himself
Iorem_ipsum t1_iyrki12 wrote
Nice quote there - Einstein.
billbucket t1_iyroyzh wrote
You can even see stars through the shade side of the moon.
FoxFourTwo t1_iyrpp1d wrote
I mean, its a motivational poster on the subreddit /r/GetMotivated so... not sure what you were expecting lol
Compendyum t1_iyrxh41 wrote
Top 50 things that Einstein never said.
samfaith13 t1_iysdxzc wrote
I'm pretty sure this is a Michaelangelo quote, I could be wrong though. Definitely not Einstein.
SpectralMagic t1_iysfop4 wrote
200% realism
GreatKingRat666 t1_iysj500 wrote
“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet” - Einstein.
misspellted t1_iysj9zw wrote
Death and taxes...
Death and taxes...
wewantcars t1_iysqtuc wrote
I been dead 30 years damn
[deleted] t1_iysykbv wrote
BatSphincter t1_iysyu7s wrote
Does anyone have this picture without the text?
DivineCurrent t1_iyt2eli wrote
“Get busy living, or get busy dying.” -Morgan Freeman
ravendarkangelx t1_iytpfu5 wrote
Nope, was looking for this comment for a bit lol
burtsdog t1_iyuhs7d wrote
You should get up to speed on the Bible. It is famous for predicting the future, which is only one of the things that makes it special. Most of its predictions have already come true. It predicts a future where you will not be able to buy or sell unless you have a mark on your hand or forehead, which is called The Mark of the Beast. If you take the mark the Bible says you will never be allowed into Heaven, but if you do not take the mark authorities will hunt you down and kill you.
2photoidsplease t1_iyuypgr wrote
You know you're right, I had to get 666 microchips implanted in my right hand and my forehead because the rapture happened and the antichrist has risen!! Whew that bible such good predictions. No wait that hasn't and will never happen, since the bible is a collective work of fiction. There's not one prediction in the bible that has any proof it happened outside of the bible saying it did.
burtsdog t1_iywoapc wrote
Time to come back to the light before it's too late. You might want to speak with Zen Garia. He has a YT channel. Zen was paralyzed many years ago and all he does is study. That's all he can do. And not just the Bible. He studies everything he can get his hands on. You can learn a lot from him.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16-17
"And I saw thrones and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them. And I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast, nor his image, nor had received his mark upon their foreheads or on their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Revelation 20:4
2photoidsplease t1_iyy2p4o wrote
You might want to learn how to think thoughts to their full conclusions and not just take some YTers word for it. Everything else you said is complete gibberish from a chapter written by a man experiencing hallucinations due to his imprisonment.
You can quote whatever you like to me but the bible is the same as Lord of the Rings to me, so I take them both just as seriously when I'm looking for life guidance.
burtsdog t1_iyy9gwf wrote
You have been warned.
2photoidsplease t1_iz2tll8 wrote
Be warned, oogie boogie, my god loves you and will kill you because he loves you so much you will burn in fire forever and ever. Fear him!!
LMFAO Listen to yourself, seriously.
burtsdog t1_iz3n6p6 wrote
The Bible declares that Hell was never intended for man but for the devil and his demons (Matthew 25:41). Those who reject Christ choose to follow Satan, and they will follow him right into his ultimate destiny, in spite of all that God has done to save them from the fiery abyss.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
"Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father, but whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well. " 1 John 2: 22-23
2photoidsplease t1_iz74518 wrote
Never intended for man? So your god isn't omniscient nor loving? How could he be omniscient but he didn't know that when he created man that they would eat from the tree of knowledge thus condemning all humans to hell he didn't intend for them. Or he isn't all loving, if he knew man would fall and he created hell anyways.
Fuzzy_Logic_4_Life t1_iypl2vg wrote
How old was Einstein when he died?