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ErlAskwyer t1_izb63i5 wrote

That's so good for me right now. I've been dipping into alcoholism, moving from a lifelong hobby of boozy boi. Couple of times it damaged my life recently. I put my kids in danger recently so had my last drink Saturday. That's it. The view seems great. But it's not when you can't stop and your blackout drunk. People around you are basically at risk. This has just bolstered my resolve, thank you.


Mattookah t1_izcda0m wrote

Good for you that’s awesome! Check out r/stopdrinking if you haven’t already for an amazing support system. I just hit 12 weeks recently for the first time ever.


ErlAskwyer t1_izdfjfa wrote

Congratulations! ✊ We got this. I'm starting EDM production, model painting and grow mushrooms. Distractions. It feels different for the long term this time x


[deleted] t1_izdj5wg wrote



ErlAskwyer t1_izdkasm wrote

What a stupid thing to say full of assumptions. I can tell you like having your say at people don't you, it would look good as well if it wasn't so misplaced. Your welcome to your opinions but you have no idea of what happens this end. I have a great business, a big house and all our needs are looked after. Well not all of mine but the 3 girls are fine. We have it better than most. I have been so busy with work I haven't been able to get to the gym as my body can't do both. I'd switched to a few beers every other evening. This over a year has crept into 'most nights' and sometimes 8 or more. Everyone is doing well and very happy including myself however I have some more to do on the house and over the last 6months not a lot has been done. This coincides with drinking. So I have decided to give that up and focus on more healthy things, bringing more energy and more free money to the situation. I'm back at the gym albeit gently because work has settled down a bit thank god. The issue the other day with my children that I feel guilty about was minor but a warning which I have taken stock of and acted on.


[deleted] t1_izdkjk2 wrote



[deleted] t1_izdklzj wrote
