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BeyondPawn802 t1_izoarft wrote

And that Audrey Hepburn's name? Albert Einstein


OdeeSS t1_izqh0qe wrote

I clapped. Everyone clapped.


ad4d t1_izre8w3 wrote

I can confirm. I was there.


Earthguy69 t1_izrutew wrote

I want people to fear how beautiful they think I am

  • Michael Scott

    • Steve Carell

Curious_Ad9930 t1_izqqvyj wrote

Thank you. I almost thought r/GetMotivated was beyond saving until I saw your comment


kuhkuhkuhK8 t1_izqtnzk wrote

I confess: I'm lost. r/whoosh ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ


Curious_Ad9930 t1_izqvoao wrote

Itโ€™s a reference to many copypastas that parody these inspirational/feel-good viral social media posts. Thereโ€™s probably an entire genre dedicated to the LinkedIn posts like this.

Typical story arc is: Today I was doing [anything] when I saw [celebrity] help a child in a [perilous situation]. Then [celebrity] helps kid and shares a profound quote of knowledge. Who was that kid? That kid grew up to be [another celebrity]. (Usually Einstein or Musk)

If youโ€™re lucky, the story ends with everyone in the immediate area clapping and possibly donating $100 to the poor kid.