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t1_izod3wc wrote

‟Walk with the knowledge you will never walk alone.”

That's something. I am gonna be thinking about this for a while.


t1_izorog8 wrote

So if I eat 8 cheese burgers for dinner but give two to the homeless I won't get fat?


t1_izp114k wrote

Also, have good genes.


t1_izp5kvq wrote

Did Audrey have children and allow their manky cookie covered fingers run through her hair? No chance my friend!


t1_izpcejf wrote

People expect too much from women. Why do they have to do even any of those things to be beautiful, even though they aren't considered typical standards of beauty. Let me be a mess


t1_izpiiqi wrote

Idk I’m usually on the same boat but I think this can be good advice for anyone in general

Maybe not “DO THIS NOW” but more like “ain’t too bad if you add this to your life”


t1_izpln1m wrote

Kinda easier to turn all that stuff abstract or whatever when you’re as stunningly gorgeous as Audrey Hepburn.


t1_izpm2ee wrote

No way I’m letting a grubby children’s hands in my hair. That’s not even a “good” thing to do like speaking words of kindness or sharing food


t1_izpnqyv wrote

You sure about that?

A person running their hands through your hair or playing with it can be rather stimulating. It can induce this nice feeling on your scalp, neck and all the way down your spine.


t1_izpoikj wrote

Find rich people who had their children kidnapped. Sometimes the kidnapper sends the childs finger to get them to act and I bet those rich fucks don't even use the fingers afterward.


t1_izprevw wrote

My mom likes these kinds of old timey inspirational quotes. We used to have em framed and hung around the house when I was growing up.


t1_izpvydv wrote

I appreciate what you are saying. I didn't necessarily say that I want society to accept people like me who consider themseles " low maintenance" , though we should not be ridiculed or told it is unattractive or what have you, because people don't " appreciate it". What I want to accept is my business. Accepting that people think my style of self maintenance is unacceptable, is literally none of their business.


t1_izpw0sg wrote

Lol I don’t have a problem with kids but it’s weird to assume everyone just wants kids running their hands through your hair every day - I’ll hang out w my friends kids and her at the park or give a high five but that’s too much


t1_izpyb46 wrote

She is beautiful but she did have plastic surgery so the platitudes are pointless


t1_izpyrng wrote

Based as heck. She was pure class, and had an approach to life that is sorely uncommon, both then and now.


t1_izpz02z wrote

I complimented someone today and I am still an ugly fucker. How long does it take??


t1_izq10bf wrote

This is brainwashing material -feminists


t1_izq73q8 wrote

I wonder how the Kardashians would respond


t1_izq84io wrote

Not to mention how she was malnourished for a long time as a kid/teenager, I forget exactly why. Damn shame a woman has to be emaciated to be "beautiful."


t1_izqgf62 wrote

She used to dance for the Nazis occupying her hometown during WWII to raise money to help fund the underground. She also helped hide and feed allied soldiers so they wouldn't be captured, then after a short career in film, went on to dedicate her life to humanitarian work in Africa.

She was arguably one of the most incredible women of the 20th century. There's a book called Dutch Girl that is absolutely worth the read.


t1_izqh1vr wrote

I mean, as a general rule society expects everyone not in war or engaged in otherwise violent or extreme work, to have a sense of charity, decorum, positivity, and social life, all of which A. H. Covers, and that’s pretty much it, she says nothing of grooming, nothing of makeup or clothes, I walk around wearing work clothes 90% of the time, I look about as basic as it gets, but people will mostly judge me based on how I interact with them and others, not whether or not I picked my caveman unibrow or cleaned out my ears, though they might a bit if I haven’t bathed for a while


t1_izqhstz wrote

As a childless man in my early 30s, gonna pass on asking a child to run their fingers through my hair. But thanks Audrey


t1_izqijac wrote

Sounds like a good way to get boogers in your hair.


t1_izqj6t7 wrote

Anyone can say something beautiful. In real life she had an eating disorder and was obsessed about her appearance.


t1_izqnqld wrote

2022 advice: shove cake in your mouth constantly and yell at people that don’t find you attractive


t1_izqpftk wrote

I was almost arrested by doing all the doctrines above. Lucky that I got Saul Goodman as my lawyer.


t1_izquhvq wrote

Someone please send your child over to me. My hair needs attention and I dont think my cat is willing to do that job.


t1_izqvoao wrote

It’s a reference to many copypastas that parody these inspirational/feel-good viral social media posts. There’s probably an entire genre dedicated to the LinkedIn posts like this.

Typical story arc is: Today I was doing [anything] when I saw [celebrity] help a child in a [perilous situation]. Then [celebrity] helps kid and shares a profound quote of knowledge. Who was that kid? That kid grew up to be [another celebrity]. (Usually Einstein or Musk)

If you’re lucky, the story ends with everyone in the immediate area clapping and possibly donating $100 to the poor kid.


t1_izqx95b wrote

Children's hands are sticky. I am not letting them run their grubby fingers in my hair.


t1_izqyydx wrote

And it’s easy to blame the world for your failures once you dye your hair blue and decide being healthy is a sign of the oppression.

Think about the meaning of the world and not the obviously stunning appearance. Plenty of beautiful assholes out there, and ugly ones too.


t1_izr57of wrote

Directions unclear. I'm no longer allowed near schools.

My hair sure is beautiful though!


t1_izrjbov wrote

Says a woman that made a name for herself on basically being beautiful her whole life 🙄


t1_izrnca0 wrote

She did, she was noted to be a wonderful mother and very kind to children.

She devoted her life to working with UNICEF to help child refugees. As she herself had her childhood ruined by the horrors of the second world war.

So I would say yeah. Good person.


t1_izro81d wrote

It is easy to say that beauty is not about the look when you look fantastic. Beautiful people and ugly people are just live in different worlds no need to deny that.


t1_izs2krm wrote

As a middle aged man with no kids, I’ll think I’ll make peace with not having beautiful hair, rather than follow this advice.


t1_izs7mxc wrote


Plenty of healthy and beautiful women with dyed hair exist. Plenty of healthy women with natural hair colors will also never be as attractive as Audrey Hebburn. Some will be be unattractive even.

But thanks for letting everyone know where your biases are.


t1_izs7to2 wrote

Easy for her say when genetics helped her out a lot.


t1_izspj0b wrote

The writer deserves props this is good, but she didn’t say this.