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fblack01 t1_izqhdjd wrote

To be fair he was highly paid and well respected when he went to jail too. Respected in terms of acting anyway.


GTOdriver04 t1_izqqko8 wrote

Yeah. His role as Chaplin proved the man could act.

I view him as one of those guys who everyone knew that if he got his stuff together he would be one of the great ones.

That’s why he got so many chances: it was common knowledge that the dude was great at his job, he just needed to get himself cleaned up first. He did, and he’s flying high.


fblack01 t1_izqyi1z wrote

Agreed. Plus I alway think imagine if someone gave me all that game and money at that age. I’d probably be dead.


Marx_Forever t1_izrmdrc wrote

A lot of them do. We make comments like; "Oh what a shame they were so talented", then we move on and eventually forget about them. And they die a second time.


toadofsteel t1_izrqtxd wrote

Keeping River Phoenix alive in my heart.

Imagine him alongside his brother now.


dano415 t1_izsyyfp wrote

Even before the money he liked his drugs, especially alcohol. My brother in-law knew him when he was comming up. He said, he always had a beer in his hand.

Good genes. I don't think he ever had to worry about weight.


DearBurt t1_izsm1j1 wrote

His acting in Less Than Zero proved that. Of course, he was living that character at the time, but it definitely set him apart from his eccentric-sidekick roles in Back to School and Johnny B. Good.


FoofieLeGoogoo t1_izs8l09 wrote

And another compelling role in Weird Science.


DearBurt t1_izsm9lv wrote

His apology next to the missile in Wyatt’s bedroom was touching.


rabbitwonker t1_izsz29c wrote

I’m quite sure the show Alley McBeal would’ve been canceled several seasons earlier if he hadn’t joined it, even though he was just a side character. And when his issues did force them to write him out, the show was done.


CrumbledTheCookies t1_iztwo0f wrote

I feel like I've seen a video of a judge saying exactly this at a hearing. Like "if you clean up you'll be great, but if you fuck up again, I don't care who you are or how talented you are, I will put your ass away" or something to that effect.


Sabbra_Cadabra_ t1_izrpo98 wrote

So like the good ending to Antonio Brown and Kanye


hairysnowmonkey t1_izs6caj wrote

He was on drugs, not a detestable hate filled racist. Drugs and mental illness do a lot of things but they don't make you hate specific groups of people and continually publicly share that hate.


SarkHD t1_izrbk5b wrote

Also he can thank his career to his dad too largely.


magww t1_izrxjpf wrote

Ya the dude was set up from the start this is dumb.


DelianRaven t1_izu3xyw wrote

Devils un the details, so of course they left a few essential tidbits out.


Tac0Tuesday t1_izqtjgb wrote

Yes, it helps quite a bit to be insanely talented in your field. He ended up doing the work!


nryporter25 t1_izrxypg wrote

He was smiling more in the picture where he was being put in jail lol


the_phillipines t1_izs48k3 wrote

So I heard one day, that when RDJ was at the height of his cocaine phase, he went to stop at a burger King. The employee at the drive through was very polite, they said "have a blessed day" to him and it moved him so much that he threw his 3 kilos of coke into the harbor like some Boston tea party shit. I heard this from my schizophrenic friend so it could be all bullshit, but I always liked that story anyway


mjb85858 t1_izsem08 wrote

That’s also the reason why in Iron Man the first thing he does when he gets back after being kidnapped is get a cheeseburger from where else, Burger King!


huynguyentien t1_izsj6rp wrote

I read this story quite a while ago, and I remember that it's actually because the drug made the burger taste so disgusting that he decided to throw away all of his drugs and clean up his act.


AuzzieDonkey t1_izs5fbf wrote

For some reason I kinda recognise the story you're telling, either it's been around for a while in the rumour mill or it very much might be true.


wonderboyobe t1_iztqmps wrote

Yeah, wealth and influence will afford someone with opportunities regular people will never see


Randouser555 t1_izso17c wrote

He also was a woman abuser and would have been cancelled if he did it today.
