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Lancaster61 t1_j05ubho wrote

Yeah so I travelled a lot in my last job, so I had good ideas of what I like and don’t like in terms of location. I don’t think I can do you right by recommending any specific place as that’s purely preference.

But if you have the budget, maybe go visit the place you’re interested in for a couple weeks. But keep in mind touring a place is not the same as living at a place though. So keep in mind the small details. Details like commuting time, local culture, cost of living (utilities, food, internet), weather patterns, distance to gas stations, potholes, the taste of their tap water, etc. Like for me I also look for variety of things to do a location has to offer, as I like to try new things.

Those aren’t normally things you consider when you travel there for only a week or two. The little things are the stuff that adds up and affect you. Your list of things you care about may be completely different than mine too so those examples might not even be good examples.

BUT, there’s also diving head first too. If you don’t like the new place, the cool thing is you can always try another after saving up some budget again.