Submitted by _Cautious_Memory t3_zo6hqx in GetMotivated
NachosAndMayo t1_j0l36re wrote
But Santa is real, and I am not
SpaceLemming t1_j0lirap wrote
This is so fucking stupid, I didn’t use the belief in Santa to accomplish goals. Being lied to about the existence of a person doesn’t help me at all.
TheOnlyKnight t1_j0lix0s wrote
10 seconds isn't enough. After those 10 seconds, it's back to what ever I was thinking about before.
Bigtimeduhmas t1_j0ljd9b wrote
Either this dad has like 2 billion kids and has been going around giving the same shitty advice or some of yall lying about this being advice your dad gave.
momentoirl t1_j0lmwgq wrote
I don’t think I ever believed in Santa.
snowaxe_83 t1_j0ln7bh wrote
What do you mean "you Believed"? Santa gives gifts, what's there to belief?
AverageOccidental t1_j0lpwhw wrote
I didn’t believe in santa :(
Queen-of-meme t1_j0lq0wb wrote
Lmao I love your dad
Wise_Control t1_j0m1b7u wrote
Yeah, and Santa was a lie. Wat de fuq is this? This isn’t motivating at all, it’s the opposite
Lucky-Mustard t1_j0m34zg wrote
Tell me you are stupid without telling me you are stupid.
materiamasta t1_j0m650x wrote
“But dad, I’m only 6?” “Shit, wrong kid”
amgates80 t1_j0m87e8 wrote
I never told my kids about Santa because we were usually broke, and I didn’t want them to think that “santa” gave them crap gifts, while their friends were getting iPads and other expensive gifts. Instead when we got our taxes we would take them shopping.
RelativeNihilist t1_j0m9ytf wrote
Wym?? Santa isn’t real???????
DigitalSteven1 t1_j0mbffb wrote
Nah, we were poor. Hard to keep the illusion of santa when you're poor.
bayandsilentjob t1_j0megc9 wrote
Any 8 year old who believes in Santa is pretty stupid. Most people probably believed in Santa when they were 8. I don’t think further elaboration is required.
PM_ME_YOUR_MESMER t1_j0meyw4 wrote
*Me 11 seconds later: *
> it's all hopeless.
[deleted] t1_j0mg0rd wrote
whatever32657 t1_j0mjumr wrote
excellent advice from a wise parent. perspective is everything. the point is, you believed in some dumbass myth that couldn’t possibly be true, but YOU are real. believe in your realness.
whatever32657 t1_j0mkg42 wrote
more advice from an old person: don’t take everything so damn seriously. it’s worthwhile to understand the context in which something is intended.
Vacar t1_j0mnqo0 wrote
Yeah this is one of my least favorite "motivational" quotes I see twenty times a year.
CaliTheRogue t1_j0mol9j wrote
Ok but what do I do with the rest of the thirty seconds in bed with my girlfriend?
IrrationalID_12 t1_j0mq69e wrote
But to believe in something and have confidence you need to have faith
tryingtoomoveon t1_j0mqb1n wrote
CarsonOrSanders t1_j0mqgt5 wrote
>Being lied to
Oh grow up. Christ you people are insufferable.
GhoulsinLove t1_j0mrg38 wrote
Wait why did he stop believing in Santa?
[deleted] t1_j0mxbqv wrote
xVanillaxChristmasx t1_j0mxic9 wrote
Believing in Santa and believing in yourself are two completely different things. If you don't believe in Santa then this would be considered bad advice. I mean if this is good advice for you then that's alright but some people don't believe in Santa and therefore this would've been terrible advice. No offence-
TemerityUnmitigated t1_j0mxxjg wrote
Nobody said dad gave good advice, this was just the best he had.
Puppersnme t1_j0mzvs8 wrote
Love this!
hooliganowl t1_j0n2bkb wrote
Where y’all get these fathers
RunInRunOn t1_j0n2dor wrote
I believed in myself for 8 years too
Savkorlev t1_j0n2o0r wrote
"Believe to be disappointed later on"
Southern_Name_9119 t1_j0n7aes wrote
I never recall ever believing in Santa.
I’m fucked.
Quarter120 t1_j0nacci wrote
Dang thats good
[deleted] t1_j0ncypb wrote
massivehater t1_j0ndvgk wrote
Unfortunately i never believed in Santa but this is a good message.
ruralexcursion t1_j0neg8r wrote
I am 46 and still believe in Santa.
Fight me!
KinkiestCuddles t1_j0nesf6 wrote
One thing that has never failed to make me chuckle is that I believed in Santa for 2 years longer than I believed in God.
213Lasher213 t1_j0nfklk wrote
Good advice
SpaceLemming t1_j0ngwyb wrote
Oh look more fictitious figures. People don’t believe in Santa because of their own actions.
Objective_Ad_9001 t1_j0nhfkg wrote
Sadly 1990s dad believed a lot of shit regardless. He just had less anonymity and range to spew his idiotic beliefs and no dipshits to push him to do it more.
Edit: Grammar
EquivalentFull5337 t1_j0ni3w0 wrote
SirAwesome789 t1_j0nkjy8 wrote
Santa seemed a lot more promising
SirVanyel t1_j0nkl11 wrote
Feel free to elaborate on how the psychological phenomenons differ, because as somebody who does believe in myself I see no functional difference between believing in someone else and believing in myself. The mental structure is the same, the fear of failure is the same, and the reward when you can trust your belief is the same.
AllMightYes t1_j0nkx9d wrote
goldensaur t1_j0nmzze wrote
"believing in santa" refers to believing he exists
"believing in myself" refers to believing i can achieve things if i don't give up
coughdrop1989 t1_j0nnl3h wrote
Wait. Santa isn't real?!
coughdrop1989 t1_j0nnx5d wrote
More like this.....
1990s: Don't talk to strangers, don't get into vehicles with strangers and don't believe anything on the internet.
2020s: Fact checking done specifically on the internet and you must provide a source because I'm too lazy to confirm it myself, I call an Uber get into a car with a complete stranger and proceed to inform him of where I live while I give them turn by turn directions.
santichrist t1_j0nogzr wrote
Everyone tweets this sh1t, either everyone is corny and lying for likes on Twitter or 5,000 people’s dads are the same guy
imdesigner311 t1_j0np9jo wrote
AmazonSword t1_j0nqk6r wrote
Chris714n_8 t1_j0nqqgl wrote
When your dad thinks your are a fail anyway - "Santa got 8 years.. - your-self at most 10 seconds."
[deleted] t1_j0nurc1 wrote
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JiminyDickish t1_j0nwuvh wrote
"Thanks, Dad! I now believe I exist!"
Calavera87 t1_j0nyr2b wrote
At some point in your life you believed in Santa for the last time.
msnmck t1_j0nyya2 wrote
After my brother died and I started claiming his kids as dependents, we just use the tax money to buy Christmas presents.
If the money's being spent anyway might as well save it until Christmas when we can get the best deals.
msnmck t1_j0nz1ue wrote
Oh look a redditor being a dick for no reason.
ObscuredBloodlines t1_j0nz8rc wrote
I've never believed in much except my mom and my best friend. My mom let me down heavy, and my best friend helped me keep my feet on the ground. 1-1 isn't too bad if I think of it as just the beginning I guess.
PatentedPotato t1_j0o04cy wrote
How can Santa be real, if Christmas isn't real? 🤯
PatentedPotato t1_j0o08dx wrote
But... I never believed in Santa 🙁
CarsonOrSanders t1_j0o31yc wrote
> People don’t believe in Santa because of their own actions.
People don't believe in Santa because they grow up to realize he isn't real. Jerkwads such as yourself are the reason little kids don't believe in Santa.
"Oh no! Those kids are having fun believing in something magical! I'm an angry, bitter, imbecile who can't stand for that! Let me ruin it!"
Want to "get motivated"? Try pissing off.
RollerDude347 t1_j0ofpcx wrote
As someone who isn't going to just immediately tell my kids santa isn't real.... that tax money pays my bills back to current most years.
VagueIntriguingDog t1_j0oj5bc wrote
Sweet, but not a good argument. Children believe in a lot of crazy stuff cause, well... Among other things, they don't have experience or a very realistic view of life. An average adult experiments negative events and this affects self-confidence to a higher or lower degree. Some level of general insecurity is normal also. Makes you humble and work harder to achieve things.
2reform t1_j0okklx wrote
I was reading your comment as an actual continuation of the image in the post 😌
SpaceLemming t1_j0okrwg wrote
Yes, so kids only believe in Santa because parents plant the falsehood there to begin with. Like that’s just a fact. I don’t know what the rest of your strawman argument is as I didn’t say any of that.
Pentaminymum t1_j0ol96r wrote
But its easier to believe in an imaginary figure than believeing in myself...
stupidbitch69 t1_j0ove08 wrote
I really like this.
JohnGenericDoe t1_j0ox8w2 wrote
Sounds like dad wants to take the credit for filling your head with fantasies but won't accept responsibility for not instilling self-confidence.
Take a guess which of the two is easier?
ApeCheeksClapper t1_j0oyaw7 wrote
ArmedPostalWorker t1_j0p615v wrote
For ten seconds or less, Dad? Is that the only thing that matters?
ShvoogieCookie t1_j0p9hup wrote
"Santa was very busy this year helping those families that already managed to help themselves effectively"
Plus_Lifeguard1630 t1_j0p9mfo wrote
You can just continue being stupid and believe everything others say to you, trust me
PatentedPotato t1_j0po73j wrote
Sounds like a good horror story prompt.
"Mirror Santa isn't real. Mirror Santa can't hurt you"
As OP stares at the Santa ornament, it remains perfectly still. But in a mirror, the eyes of it's reflection slowly turn.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town begins to play...
CSGB13 t1_j0l1z7l wrote
Dude spoilers!