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[deleted] t1_j0o4raa wrote

From taco to taco salad.


Sad_Art6281 t1_j0oegz3 wrote

inb4 reddit edgelords start shitting on this post


Rallye_Man340 t1_j0ofjpz wrote

I always go soft taco because I like try to keep my life together


matrixreloading t1_j0oniun wrote

You're meant to be eaten after you break?

That sounds dumb.


Daisend t1_j0oo7oc wrote

I don’t think they’re amazing because they fall apart. Give me a burrito over a taco everyday.


Keirabella999 t1_j0ore8g wrote

Is anybody on this subreddit motivated to not post the same motivational f****** posts I see everywhere?


spinyfever t1_j0ornmb wrote

How dare you compare me to a taco? Tacos are way better and provide way more value to the world. Take it back or were gonna have a problem.


malloybrick t1_j0os30e wrote

Where is he buying his cheep fall apart tacos. Go to Reynosa, don’t get killed, then find a taco stand that would never pass inspection, but has tables and a kitchen. There you will find tacos that don’t break up until you bite them, even then they don’t crumble.


jp_rockhound t1_j0oxige wrote

Tacos only become nachos when they fall apart.


connie-lingus38 t1_j0p10kc wrote

i fucking hate this quote fuck whoever came up with this bullshit


52ndstreet t1_j0p25ww wrote

Nachos are just tacos that don’t have their shit together


nevus_bock t1_j0p34b3 wrote

Is he cosplaying Ian Hecox?


Beneficial-Crow7054 t1_j0p4u2t wrote

Honestly I have been having a really tough time these past few weeks... This helped a little thanks


Elmst333 t1_j0p58dd wrote

Don't be stealing jokes bro!!!! I'm the joke police. Pull over!


Honza368 t1_j0p9uyp wrote

This guy low key looks like Gordon Freeman


Cassereddit t1_j0pb17c wrote

The moral of the story is: be all about that beef and you're automatically awesome


JonathanBadwolf t1_j0pc616 wrote

Get motivated so you too can steal bits from mediocre comedians for internet points


Zero_Life_Left t1_j0pew66 wrote

Hey, great advice. My brother was doing great, had a wife and a career. All of a sudden he "fell apart", had a psychotic episode and went into the psychiatric ward at the hospital for 2 years. In that time his wife left him, his debts piled, so he had to declare bankruptcy, and through stress and a poor mental state he suffered a lot of bodily degredations, so he's been unable to work for the last 20 years now. But hey, I'll just remind him that he was just a hard shell tortilla taco that became nachos.


Ta-bar-nack t1_j0pjxjw wrote

Fallen apart tacos are not amazing, they are annoying and nobody wants a destroyed taco. This really is a bad analogy.


clevertexthere t1_j0pl5qz wrote

Tacos have something worth the effort on the inside.


krysp432 t1_j0pohnj wrote

Wise man say, “If your taco breaks, you now have Nachos.”


RoyOfCon t1_j0pvjh7 wrote

Hey if this guy can steal a Gabriel Iglesias joke and reuse it on twitter so can you


Littleman88 t1_j0pxoa3 wrote

And we expect it to happen, so we put a plate and/or another shell below them.

Meanwhile in the real world, we expect it to happen to people, but they're actively taking away the already tiny plate and backup shell.


Grhodes1969 t1_j0q39h8 wrote

They don’t have tacos in Russia!


marie_nola t1_j0r0mug wrote

Well good because I am falling apart.


Moleypeg t1_j0ral9i wrote

Wtf is this nonsense? I’m not food.