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Autumnlove92 t1_j16290l wrote

That's something I had to realize growing up. Always dreamt of that city life that you'd see on Friends and HIMYM. Turns out all those people in real life have family who pay their expenses or family to move back in with when shit goes wrong. I don't. So I had to buckle down and get real


InfiniteDescent t1_j17gvwi wrote

That's not true. Some of them just have good jobs and work their ass off. Some of them are in debt to live a certain lifestyle. Don't think it's fair to say people living the dream you had have everything paid for by their parents, just because you couldn't do it.


TDixPix t1_j17jts0 wrote

Despite the real world factors that affect, I'm really looking forward to personal responsibility for one's situation coming back into vogue. Some of us got dealt a shitty card, but damn let's try to make sense of it and move on as best we can.


InfiniteDescent t1_j19bmng wrote

100%. I have not seen much personal responsibility lately. Even before these external factors. It's so easy to blame someone or something else. No doubt some people are more privileged than others (probably myself included). But to sit there and expect to be successful without putting in a significant amount of effort - you're playing yourself. You have to work hard to achieve - period.


LolaMent0 t1_j19txx5 wrote

I hope you all realize that this is the same complaint one generation has against the next… nothing new here. The same issues are repeated just with different players in different circumstances. The only significant difference is that now social media blows everything out of proportion. Don’t get sucked into it.