Submitted by Th3MysticArcher t3_zrzgro in GetMotivated
ChihuahuaJedi t1_j15isy1 wrote
Ooh I like this one.
Remote-Notice-4250 t1_j15k7fs wrote
Are those people looking, laughing, pointing, and or talking about me and how i failed? Then its my business. I dont see the logic and what that teacher said.
bitofrock t1_j15ncxq wrote
Aaah, the pleasure of failing when it isn't a big risk to you.
When you're poor, failure can mean living on the streets. You simply can't take that many risks. I had friends who would try and get me to take risks, but if it all went wrong they had their parents to stay with. I had nobody.
So I didn't fear people laughing at me for failing. I feared being destitute.
apamirRogue t1_j15qdsy wrote
When peoples’ opinions of me determine my ability to put food on the table and keep a roof over my head, I think it’s okay to be a tad curious.
sorrybouthat00 t1_j15vftz wrote
People tend to make it your business, whether you ask them to or not. My personal policy: you can think whatever the hell you want about me or anything else, just don't make it my fucking problem.
Vakulum t1_j15xq08 wrote
Nah mate. I'm afraid of failure. I build my brittle self esteem on the stuff I can do. If I fail everything crumbles.
Like one of my biggest fears is ending up like that person everyone knows one of. A guy who is nice and everything, not lazy tries his best and all but still simply not cut out for the job and utterly useless and incompetent.
shakefistatsky t1_j15xsn5 wrote
heybebs t1_j15yemu wrote
Yeah but it’s so hard to not care.
captchaos03 t1_j15zn1x wrote
Aaaaand she posted on social media wanting people to think about her when they read this😂🤣😂🤣
Autumnlove92 t1_j16290l wrote
That's something I had to realize growing up. Always dreamt of that city life that you'd see on Friends and HIMYM. Turns out all those people in real life have family who pay their expenses or family to move back in with when shit goes wrong. I don't. So I had to buckle down and get real
MajorRico155 t1_j167mw8 wrote
You should be afraid of spelling tonight wrong on a big post like thjs
vessva11 t1_j16bo5v wrote
Especially when it’s your own family criticizing you and you can’t just leave.
oatmeal28 t1_j16em69 wrote
MasterWee t1_j16hzn2 wrote
This is bad advice. What other people think of you is important.
If you are an asshole who steamrolls people, how could you know that you are being inconsiderate if you lack self awareness? I hate this toxic positivity movement pushing the idea that “being self-centered” is the key to happiness and success. It is flat out wrong and completely unfulfilling as a philosophy about life. You should give a shit about people, and by extension, how they look at you. Social pressures are fine in certain places, like encouraging people to shower, or being respectful to a stranger. Going through life with the mentality of “Fuck everyone else and what they think, I am looking out for #1” is just bad advice.
Also, everyone fails all the time; failure isn’t always a big deal. Sometimes it is, but the last thing it should be about is the optics of your failure.
conspiracydawg t1_j16lf6t wrote
How are you doing nowaydays?
anlskjdfiajelf t1_j16mr0s wrote
No... I just don't want to fail for my own reasons lol. Failing feels bad regardless of external judgement or not. Idgaf if people think I'm an idiot, I care if I think I'm an idiot
Naes2187 t1_j16njgf wrote
If your coworkers think you’re an asshole who’s bad at their job then your failure and their opinions will very much become your problem. This teacher is a moron and the advice is horrible.
joebojax t1_j16nvfz wrote
sometimes if you fail you lose the capacity to pay back a $250,000 medical school student loan though and apparently what bankers think of you matters a lot.
JMHSrowing t1_j16o32s wrote
But what if I do care?
What if one of my main goals in life is to acquire significant relationships, which even if unlikely looking the fool in the eyes of others could be a negative towards?
Though I also have social anxiety which means that I’m certainly going to be scared of what people think
zzzkitten t1_j16o5li wrote
I would think it more poignant to say that what other people think doesn’t fucking matter.
an4x t1_j16qcts wrote
When the namaste get omannasty.
redditdreamer05 t1_j16qir4 wrote
Lol. Exactly. There are things I expect for myself and if I don’t do well, I’m hard on myself. I don’t care about other people’s opinions about it.
1EspressoSip t1_j16qmpb wrote
I once had a yoga teacher say, "...remember if you fall, the floor isn't that far." Not sure why but it was so comforting.
sarcasm_247 t1_j16rye2 wrote
letmeusespaces t1_j16towx wrote
as a husband and father, I'm ABSOLUTELY afraid of failing
prettylittle t1_j16viq1 wrote
Yeah, here I am stressing about whether my daughter’s medication will get here before the ice storm but I guess it’s just the judgement of strangers I’m afraid of.
BurnerOnlyForPorn t1_j16viu2 wrote
I can somehow hear this in Shohreh Aghdashloo’s voice
iupac_name t1_j16x6yz wrote
I felt that too 🥹
east_portal t1_j16xmth wrote
Lost me at “my yoga teacher”
makkael t1_j16y31e wrote
Reviews of someone's business completely kills this entire thought. Other peoples thoughts of your business is literally your business. It matters.
FauxGw2 t1_j16z9gl wrote
Me learning skateboarding "no I'm scared of breaking my ankle when I fail".
4myoldGaffer t1_j16zkte wrote
and zen they left the class
FuturisticNostalgia2 t1_j1716p1 wrote
I didn't think yoga was that serious
Shawnigmatic t1_j171ik4 wrote
The antagonist stance of so many people here on getmotivated is unnecessary.
Of course one line of text won't apply to every situation or have all the answers.
Sometimes it isn't even meant to be a literal guidance.
You have to take away the positive message, discern for yourself as you must in life.
If you are in a situation where failing is not going to negatively impact you other than others opinions of you then it is a very freeing feeling to know that failure is okay.
Of course if failing means losing your job or progress in lie there is more at stake. The lesson is to let yourself fail if it won't cost you anything.
Taking from that try things that you'll fail without consequence more. Try new hobbies, dates, etc knowing they could go badly but knowing that failing is okay.
The key to life isn't written down somewhere you have to interpret positive lessons for yourself.
norcalcooter t1_j1723hz wrote
I'm living the results of my failures right now, including a bankruptcy filing. I gambled and lost.
startwithaidea t1_j1729q5 wrote
Quote of all quotes to end the year on ❤️
[deleted] t1_j172ht2 wrote
wracking_mybrain t1_j1746n8 wrote
Well said
godamongmen22 t1_j1751bf wrote
Also it’s tv lol
10000thmaniac t1_j175t9e wrote
Frankly I hate it when yoga teachers try to give sage advice. I'm going through a divorce and my mother's terminal illness and I don't need life advice from Caileigh from Monterey, I'm just here to try to relieve some stress.
focus503 t1_j176k3l wrote
Not sure I understand why it's not my business to know or care what people think of me.
PinguProductions t1_j176psc wrote
This is bullshit.
Only extremely egotistical people think that way. The majority of people on earth are afraid of failing because of the impacts it could have on them and those around them and their future.
[deleted] t1_j177nks wrote
notenoughroomtofitmy t1_j178f15 wrote
It is a 3 line quote. No 3 line quote is ever meant to be global advice applicable to every situation. Even the best quotes you read online will have limited use cases and completely fall apart in certain scenarios.
It’s an inspirational sentence meant to be applied to any applicable situation after putting in some thought. If I mug a person after listening to this quote, the blame is on me not the author.
notenoughroomtofitmy t1_j178z80 wrote
This comment needs to be stickied in every post that has any sort of quote in it.
No single line, paragraph, page or even book will hold the secret to all of life. Quotes are meant to provoke thought not blindly be applied to life situations and then complain why it isn’t working. If you read a quote and your mind immediately goes to find use cases where the quote fails, you’re doing quotes wrong. Sure there is some horrible advice out there written in beautiful fonts, but this post isn’t one of them.
[deleted] t1_j179f9c wrote
[deleted] t1_j179jeb wrote
freerangetacos t1_j179nx5 wrote
No, op didn't say yoga teacher said fuck everybody. You said that off on your tangent and it's an extreme take. The yoga teacher was saying to be more concerned about your own perceptions than being fixated on guessing the perceptions of others. Sage advice. But I do agree that we are bound by moral decency to care about others. Truly self centered people are the bane of existence. On that, we agree.
Examineme1812 t1_j17a92y wrote
Perfectionists everywhere would disagree. No body is harder on someone than themselves when they are a perfectionist.
Source: am perfectionist
Edit then/than
educatedkoala t1_j17af42 wrote
I got fired for performance and have just been telling everyone I got laid off. I've never failed at anything big before in life. This hits pretty hard.
sydneydanger t1_j17blx2 wrote
Right? It was a yoga class. It probably went as deep as “next class session, maybe try the advanced pose instead of the “if you’re not feeling comfortable” pose I suggest afterwards” because nobody else in the yoga class cares if you don’t do it perfectly, or if you have to give up halfway thru trying and do the normal pose. It’s not that deep.
KPookz t1_j17c7j7 wrote
Left my family for this. No regrets.
Just_One_Umami t1_j17djfu wrote
Yeah, I mean that’s cool and all, but I really don’t care much what other people think of me. Doesn’t solve a lot of anything
Cats-n-Corks-n-Cubes t1_j17eils wrote
Exactly. Everyone out here is applying it to being homeless or losing their job. The first phrase is "my yoga teacher", not their philosophy professor. Geez Louise.
MystikIncarnate t1_j17g5nx wrote
Yep. This. I'm living this now.
All my life I've had a lifeline with my father. He's always given me a roof over my head, food on the table, and a warm bed to sleep in, no matter what. He was my safety net.
He died a year ago, it's been a sobering realization while living paycheck to paycheck, that if I take the wrong step... If I take a chance and lose, I'm destitute, with nobody to lean on.
Then friends, even family, look at me strangely when I don't even touch alcohol, and don't take dumb risks at all, and don't go out and spend money on partying or going out for drinks or whatever..... Literally anything could happen and put me in the poor house. I could lose everything and it scares the shit out of me at every turn.
I'm constantly afraid that I'm going to dig myself into debt, or worse and not have anyone who is able to give me a lifeline like my dad did. I don't want to rely on anyone the way I haphazardly relied on him for so long. I must stand on my own two feet, and right now, if shit hit the fan, I couldn't. I need things to go well right now until I find some measure of security. I can't lose it. Not now. I don't have the luxury of being able to up and quit my job, if I haven't already lined up another. One missed payment and I could be out on the street.
I'm scared.
InfiniteDescent t1_j17gvwi wrote
That's not true. Some of them just have good jobs and work their ass off. Some of them are in debt to live a certain lifestyle. Don't think it's fair to say people living the dream you had have everything paid for by their parents, just because you couldn't do it.
InfiniteDescent t1_j17gybn wrote
PeterTinkle t1_j17he5q wrote
That is a victim mentality point of view.
[deleted] t1_j17hoo5 wrote
dizzyfingerz3525 t1_j17hzw8 wrote
You say you’re afraid, but I read this and see someone who’s demonstrating strength and bravery in the face of serious consequences. I know this message doesn’t change your situation, but I just wanted to share that your comment touched me, and that I hope you’re able to gain the stability you seek. Also, happy cake day.
judgementforeveryone t1_j17jfnn wrote
💯 needed to hear this. TU!
TDixPix t1_j17jts0 wrote
Despite the real world factors that affect, I'm really looking forward to personal responsibility for one's situation coming back into vogue. Some of us got dealt a shitty card, but damn let's try to make sense of it and move on as best we can.
TDixPix t1_j17k42x wrote
I agree so much. It's that same antagonist stance that will make the next generations 'bootstrap' mantras so much more pointed, likely because they're so spiteful of the present generation.
Do what you can with what you have, work to improve the system and try not to feel too sorry for yourself on Reddit.
InsaneChihuahua t1_j17kbvd wrote
Still have that fear and I have a masters degree.
cuteriemi t1_j17kons wrote
The most meta comment for people trying to better themselves - find what works for you, not just follow what people say will work for you.
milkshakakhan t1_j17l27w wrote
I think maybe it’s talking about starting out?
I’m a lawyer and I’d be disbarred if I failed at my job (gave legal advice so bad it warranted malpractice), but when I was starting out painting I’d tell myself that I’d wad up the painting study when I was done with it, and the fact that only I’d see it took some of the pressure off to get started on practicing?
Idk it’s poorly worded.
[deleted] t1_j17lzrw wrote
[deleted] t1_j17m3c4 wrote
mondie797 t1_j17mgur wrote
Agree. It's mainly like if no one sees then I did not fail.
bitofrock t1_j17nebw wrote
Pretty good! I worked on basic stability for the first ten years of my career, preferring a stable job in a corporate. That gave me, eventually, a skillset that was hot in the late nineties job market.
I also by then had a girlfriend and we had a house that was pleasant but not a big stretch. I then worked ten years contracting but although I enjoyed some pf the extra money I banked plenty and resisted big liabilities I saw some colleagues take on. I banked plenty.
Which meant I could take the next risk. Starting a business. Bootstrapped as other people's capital (like VCs) wouldn't have been available to me at that stage. The business made an effective loss for me for years but nowadays, another decade and a half, it's running well.
I'm by no means rich. Setting up a business, unless you snaffle an amazing sector, rarely makes you a millionaire. You can't spend loads either. You just have to work it hard and nurture something bigger. Eventually though it starts to mature.
So you can see how I've grabbed opportunities and climbed gently, avoiding the steep and risky route until I was ready to step it up a little.
bitofrock t1_j17nodb wrote
Yeah, I was a victim of bad circumstances and needed to make sure they didn't get worse.
Winner mentality, risk it all on red style, can bring massive success but you just don't hear from the failures.
I'm old enough to know people who claimed to be making a fortune on crypto or forex or back in the late nineties with tech shares. Yet so often their lifestyle doesn't change and they one day go quiet. If pressed, some tell you they lost a pile. Then, as a result of the burn, they don't try again. That's loser mentality.
bitofrock t1_j17nr7c wrote
Check out personal finance subs about the path to financial independence. Once you achieve that the risks become easier to take. I spent twenty years working towards it.
upsetwords t1_j17of7a wrote
It did provoke thought and that thought was, "this is stupid."
It's just not true or useful advice, and it's needlessly antagonistic.
bitofrock t1_j17ofah wrote
You sound to me like someone who is, however, facing and acknowledging their fears.
Try not to live like a monk, but now work to increase your income at each opportunity. Work like an immigrant. Make yourself a financial safety net. Once you know you can survive a year, or even a few months, without work you're starting to be able to relax.
Take every training program or government scheme or tax break/benefit you can get. Don't be too humble.
I went from poor terror to comfortable, and possibly am a paper millionaire now. I spent years working out how I'd reach the end of the month.
And I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I know people in this sort of situation and it's been so tough for them. But it really does get better if you just grasp your opportunities, take am active interest in your work, and crack on.
bitofrock t1_j17ogly wrote
Oh, and thanks for asking. How are you getting on?
hobopwnzor t1_j17p4dd wrote
Depends on the context. Accurate for yoga
[deleted] t1_j17plvb wrote
znk t1_j17s4l4 wrote
Very narrow view of what the message is. It applies to everything not just business/professional. Like asking that girl out, taking on a new hobby, etc...
MasterWee t1_j17txp3 wrote
Thank you. I get very fed up with the entirety of “toxic positivity” and self-help promoting that people need to exist in a vacuum only containing themselves. It completely dismisses the reality that you will be involving with people. Instead of teaching people how to associate and cope with other human beings, these movements simply write off that you should just narcissistically proceed with your life.
It is so bad, and people listen to it. It ultimately affects people and I just want to help these people who suffer realize that the real world involves learning to deal with people.
I don’t think it is a hot take. I really just don’t like this bad advice. Maybe I am bias’d or something, idk.
MasterWee t1_j17u7hr wrote
I know. And respectively I don’t think people take these things that literally.
I do feel that these kinds of simplified encouragements water-down the nuances of the world for some people. I know people (maybe you do too) who go through life with a “Put myself first” mentality and I would argue strongly against that. They might use stupid little three lines like this as a component of many justifications for that mentality.
I am not daft haha. I appreciate your specificity though
MasterWee t1_j17ua28 wrote
You might not take it as that deep, nor do I. But neither of us can speak for everyone. There likely exists people who do take it to that level of seriousness. I speak out for their benefit, not for you or me.
MasterWee t1_j17uejb wrote
I think my criticism is fair, if not entirely practical. I am not claiming there is an epidemic of people believing these quotes. I am just making a stated argument that life contains more nuances than a 3 sentence quote can solve is all.
MasterWee t1_j17up58 wrote
I apologize for coming off as having a hostile take. Maybe you (and me) interpret this as sage advice, but neither you nor I can speak on behalf of every interpretation this quote has for people. I am merely trying to safeguard the absolutist pull from this quote.
As per my third paragraph in my original comment, I do concede that there is value to be had in this line of thinking.
qwer1627 t1_j17urju wrote
Autobot rule pls
Cinnamon2017 t1_j17v0xc wrote
It's than themselves. Not then.
Mystycie t1_j17v1eq wrote
I need to attend this yoga teacher's classes.
OMG_GOP_WTF t1_j17weto wrote
What I learned from being fired is there's life on the other side. Congratulations...keep going!
snakehead1998 t1_j17wtyl wrote
No not really. I dont care about what others think about me.
But when I fail it will be another year wasted, another month not getting anywhere, another day without progress.
Its not about others for me, it's about finally moving towards my goals.
FreeThinkInk t1_j17xymq wrote
By that metric what my boss/share holders think doesn't matter. I can just "not care..."
When we're all done living in La la land, I'm sure we'll see how hilarious this quote is. In a world where no one owns anything and currency doesn't exist (because it's a zombie apocalypse...)... Sure... It doesn't matter what anyone thinks... 🤣🤡🌎
Grobur t1_j17yion wrote
> tonite 🙃
[deleted] t1_j17z2k8 wrote
_DocChicken t1_j17z8z1 wrote
This guy never worked in an office setting.
ace400 t1_j18332c wrote
I think everyone who cares too much about what others think, know that it's mostly doesn't matter what others think.. but here we still are...
[deleted] t1_j186fuu wrote
[deleted] t1_j1878yw wrote
ArkitekZero t1_j188ffw wrote
Anybody who says anything like this has clearly never had any issues attracting a partner.
Majukun t1_j189je9 wrote
Pretty sure I'm also afraid of failing And pretty sure you need other people in your life other than yourself
Examineme1812 t1_j18a5vh wrote
Thanks mate.
JohnGenericDoe t1_j18bgun wrote
They're probably not thinking about you at all anyway
InsaneChihuahua t1_j18ewup wrote
My problem is not knowing jackshit about investing
Sonova_Vondruke t1_j18hf10 wrote
Nope. I tried not telling anyone... Still didn't motivate me.
anon2282 t1_j18lm45 wrote
your yoga teacher dropped an F bomb before saying namaste?
bitofrock t1_j18m2ba wrote
It's worth hanging around the personal finance groups for your country. I know the UK one has really solid advice, but the UK is quite tightly regulated on these things.
Lillymorrison t1_j18nhy9 wrote
A+ to that yoga teacher.
NotGeorglopez t1_j18nwxq wrote
tjmox t1_j18tf6q wrote
So good
[deleted] t1_j18xdem wrote
dryo t1_j18yucb wrote
How do you fail at Yoga again? I mean, if he has a Yoga teacher I'm pretty sure there are several things which that person did not failed at.
nigelfitz t1_j18z9ch wrote
Thats true but I feel like context matters here and looking at it from that position, it makes sense.
I mean, if youre fearing to be homeless, I seriously hope youre not signing up for a yoga class.
EsIstNichtAlt t1_j1909z0 wrote
I think the idea is that failure in this context is a possible outcome of risk-taking decisions. If you’re working toward something you need or to avoid something which is already a predetermined threat, that’s a different context.
donotgogenlty t1_j19152x wrote
She made that whole ass speech just to let one rip
[deleted] t1_j1967bb wrote
[deleted] t1_j196qnt wrote
[deleted] t1_j196zw6 wrote
InfiniteDescent t1_j19bmng wrote
100%. I have not seen much personal responsibility lately. Even before these external factors. It's so easy to blame someone or something else. No doubt some people are more privileged than others (probably myself included). But to sit there and expect to be successful without putting in a significant amount of effort - you're playing yourself. You have to work hard to achieve - period.
[deleted] t1_j19dyj9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j19h855 wrote
[deleted] t1_j19h9as wrote
MystikIncarnate t1_j19leh8 wrote
My natural mentality is to be a provider. It's part of the reason I don't drink often. I'm ready, at a moment's notice, to provide help to any of my friends and family. I'm sober enough to drive and capable to handling almost anything. My weakness has always been finances. In the pursuit of being ready to assist and having reliable equipment on hand and things that won't break when I really need them, I tend to buy very durable (read, costly) items, so they don't have functional problems when I need them to function. Additionally, I tend to have a backup, or some solution I can Jerry rig as a stand in for the tools and components I have. I can cobble together what I need to get any job done.
On top of that, I've been building my life skills up, deep diving into electrical, plumbing, construction, automotive, etc. So I have a full set of tools for working on vehicles, wiring, construction, etc.... There's overlap, which provides redundancy and efficiencies in redundancies. When I have money to spend I'm usually spending it on something to perform a function that will benefit me, my family and friends. I'm becoming what my dad was for me. I'm everyone's safety net, which is why I've never expressed my dread and fear about all this to anyone in those circles. This was my first time talking about it and really admitting it "out loud".
I'm ill equipped financially, but I'm almost fully outfitted for almost every other life challenge short of full scale civil war, or worse.
I'm certified in standard first aid, I do IT as my day job, I have a passable understanding of construction and general repair, as well as electrical and plumbing, I can do most light to medium work on automobiles, short of pulling an engine, or a complete rebuild/overhaul.
I've been renovating my own place, painting and doing flooring, which, up to 6 months ago, I had no idea how to do. It's going okay, but slow.
I'm not trying to boast at all, I'm still far and away an idiot in most things (non-IT) compared to anyone working in those fields. My point is that I have spent almost all my time, effort, and money, on being an extremely helpful person. Someone you can call regardless of the problem and I can usually fix it, or patch something together to get by until a professional can make a visit.
This effort has left me with no personal safety net financially. I'm at a loss if my financial situation takes a downturn. I won't have another choice but to ask for help. I'm never too proud to ask for help, but I almost never need it, and I don't like being in a position where I might, which is actually where I sit financially right now. I'm trying to work with the people I live with to help build a buffer of funds to lean on if something goes critically wrong. I'm at a turning point in my life where my skills are being more fully utilized than ever before. I've invested almost everything I have, financially, and removed any buffer that could have been a safety net for me. I'll build it back up, but I'm very very vulnerable right now, and it's not a good feeling. I'm worried all the time, and while you're absolutely right, I have friends who will step up if I ask them to (some already did without me asking), my mindset is to be the provider of security, not the recipient; and right now, that's not the case. It's uncomfortable.
LolaMent0 t1_j19txx5 wrote
I hope you all realize that this is the same complaint one generation has against the next… nothing new here. The same issues are repeated just with different players in different circumstances. The only significant difference is that now social media blows everything out of proportion. Don’t get sucked into it.
Sweet_Taurus0728 t1_j19vxf3 wrote
If it's about you, it's your business.
Unless it's their private thoughts.
LolaMent0 t1_j19w1zu wrote
I agree. It sounds like (s)he’s making sacrifices, something a lot of people don’t know how to do. My husband and I went through it… we actually joined the Army, got money for college, always lived under our means (still do) and made the best decisions with the information we had available. But now we own two houses outright and have a good retirement in place. We enjoy life but we made sacrifices, and they paid off. And even though our daughter grew up what some would call “privileged” she’s super thrifty and money conscious, independent and making sacrifices for her future. Keep on keeping on!
LolaMent0 t1_j19wz05 wrote
Most jobs 401k have standard offerings, or use a IRA venue with your bank. Any safe investment is better than none, so get on it today!
[deleted] t1_j1acjxl wrote
bitofrock t1_j1as7ru wrote
Well done on doing that. The forces can be a great route for the right people.
xdqz t1_j1csksb wrote
But also, people are really bad at judging risks--especially those who are risk-averse. It's why people buy insurance (like AppleCare) when it usually doesn't make sense mathematically.
Sometimes you think a certain failure would be really bad or really likely, when in fact it's not. At least for me, this has held me back before.
bitofrock t1_j1eal2h wrote
Absolutely. It's a definite problem for people.
Cats-n-Corks-n-Cubes t1_j1fksl1 wrote
You said "this is bad advice". It's not bad advice in a yoga class, which is where it was given. Well, unless someone is afraid of failing a difficult pose, resulting in a fall and brain trauma, or something like that.
You're certainly correct that not every 3-sentence quote applies to every nuanced situation in life. I don't believe this particular quote was claiming to, though.
MasterWee t1_j1fwetf wrote
So this is where we have to use the contextual meaning, and peel away from what is textual here.
The advice was at the “end” of the class. So maybe it could have been about yoga poses, but as a send away it seems very much like “go off and use my wisdom in the real world!” We all interpret things differently. But GOOD advice is very specific. If someone can misinterpret something so easily, it is inherently a bad attempt at communication, and thus, bad advice.
The tone of the advice was very harsh and aggressive. This is suggested by the use of the world “fucking” at the end of it. Now, I don’t claim to be a yogi, but from my limited knowledge, shanti, or inner peace, is kind of one of the goals of practicing yoga. I find a heavy conflict between achieving shanti and having an inner dialogue telling me “fucking” do things. Maybe I don’t fully understand the art so I, once again, can be wrong here.
If the advice was limited to just the first sentence then this would actually be a very positive and insightful message. It retains the advice to just dealing with failure. The addition of the second sentence derails the advice into a call for narcissism and individual selfishness, a very not Yoga principle. Yoga isn’t “think of yourself first/only”, Yoga teaches respect and consideration for others through namaste.
Words have meaning. Deliberate meaning. The length of our speech does not correlate with the heaviness of emotion it evokes. There is a call on your phone. You pick it up… “Mom died”… two words, three lines, an entire manuscript. Words, and the meanings those words convey can be very powerful. Never doubt that being of their length.
Lastly, Yoga is an art form, and art always contains a deeper meaning. I don’t know how many yogis you know, but many of them explore the teachings of it to find extrapolations of Yogas meaning into their life (and more than just posing). This phrase said by a yogi at the end of creating/performing their art. Look at the subreddit this was posted in; this is very intentionally meant to be about more than just Yoga.
So not only is this bad advice generally, but even in the context of Yoga it is bad advice. Namaste!
MasterWee t1_j1fy3ri wrote
So this is where we have to use the contextual meaning, and peel away from what is textual here. At least if we want to figure out how deep it could be.
The advice was at the “end” of the class. So maybe it could have been about yoga poses, but as a send away it seems very much like “go off and use my wisdom in the real world!” We all interpret things differently. But GOOD advice is very specific. If someone can misinterpret something so easily, it is inherently a bad attempt at communication, and thus, bad advice.
The tone of the advice was very harsh and aggressive. This is suggested by the use of the world “fucking” at the end of it. Now, I don’t claim to be a yogi, but from my limited knowledge, shanti, or inner peace, is kind of one of the goals of practicing yoga. I find a heavy conflict between achieving shanti and having an inner dialogue telling me “fucking” do things. Maybe I don’t fully understand the art so I, once again, can be wrong here.
If the advice was limited to just the first sentence then this would actually be a very positive and insightful message. It retains the advice to just dealing with failure. The addition of the second sentence derails the advice into a call for narcissism and individual selfishness, a very not Yoga principle. Yoga isn’t “think of yourself first/only”, Yoga teaches respect and consideration for others through namaste.
Words have meaning. Deliberate meaning. The length of our speech does not correlate with the heaviness of emotion it evokes. There is a call on your phone. You pick it up… “Mom died”… two words, three lines, an entire manuscript. Words, and the meanings of those words can be very powerful. Never doubt words strength based of their length.
Lastly, Yoga is an art form, and art always contains a deeper meaning. I don’t know how many yogis you know, but many of them explore the teachings of it to find extrapolations of Yogas meaning into their life (and more than just posing). This phrase said by a yogi at the end of creating/performing their art. Look at the subreddit this was posted in; this is very intentionally meant to be about more than just Yoga.
So not only is this bad advice generally, but even in the context of Yoga it is bad advice. Namaste!
MasterWee t1_j1fye97 wrote
So this is where we have to use the contextual meaning, and peel away from what is textual here.
The advice was at the “end” of the class. So maybe it could have been about yoga poses, but as a send away it seems very much like “go off and use my wisdom in the real world!” We all interpret things differently. But GOOD advice is very specific. If someone can misinterpret something so easily, it is inherently a bad attempt at communication, and thus, bad advice.
The tone of the advice was very harsh and aggressive. This is suggested by the use of the world “fucking” at the end of it. Now, I don’t claim to be a yogi, but from my limited knowledge, shanti, or inner peace, is kind of one of the goals of practicing yoga. I find a heavy conflict between achieving shanti and having an inner dialogue telling me “fucking” do things. Maybe I don’t fully understand the art so I, once again, can be wrong here.
If the advice was limited to just the first sentence then this would actually be a very positive and insightful message. It retains the advice to just dealing with failure. The addition of the second sentence derails the advice into a call for narcissism and individual selfishness, a very not Yoga principle. Yoga isn’t “think of yourself first/only”, Yoga teaches respect and consideration for others through namaste.
Words have meaning. Deliberate meaning. The length of our speech does not correlate with the heaviness of emotion it evokes. There is a call on your phone. You pick it up… “Mom died”… two words, three lines, an entire manuscript. Words, and the meanings those words convey can be very powerful. Never doubt that being of their length.
Lastly, Yoga is an art form, and art always contains a deeper meaning. I don’t know how many yogis you know, but many of them explore the teachings of it to find extrapolations of Yogas meaning into their life (and more than just posing). This phrase said by a yogi at the end of creating/performing their art. Look at the subreddit this was posted in; this is very intentionally meant to be about more than just Yoga.
So not only is this bad advice generally, but even in the context of Yoga it is bad advice. Namaste!
sydneydanger t1_j1g00tj wrote
I’m convinced that people go to r/getmotivated just to try and make every single argument they can find against just chilling out and taking advice lightly. The best piece of advice you could take out of here is take a breath, chill out. Nothing is that serious. Be excellent to each other and back up enough from yourself to realize that nothing is really that important. You don’t need to write an academic thesis with bullet points about how you think an offhand comment from a strip mall yoga class teacher is damaging to the general population. Get a grip. Take yourself less seriously. Every yogi I have known has been someone who in real life struggles very much to practice what they preach. I understand that’s part of the process and I am not judging anyone for where they are in their own personal journey. But I can’t say I have ever met a yogi who I envied for their grasp on the way the world works.
freerangetacos t1_j1g30f0 wrote
Interesting delayed rebuttal. All I will say is: good for you for thinking it through and achieving a solid position. One person's bad advice might be another's good advice. Peace, yo! And I do mean that.
MasterWee t1_j1gw3sz wrote
I appreciate the concern, but talking things out is how we can grow and identify truths in this world. People can use reddit however they feel so long as it is with community guidelines. These discussions might not be for you, or you might eye-roll about them, but people want to share and exchange thoughts and opinions. That is why there is a comment section for posts.
Things are that important sometimes. Using your advice of “be excellent to each other” is why I commented in the first comment; I believe that there was bad advice/misinformation be circulated around that could be potentially harmful to that idea of “be excellent to each other”. My initial concern was other people’s well being. I know you mean well, but gatekeeping other people’s reddit experience isn’t really the W you think it is. I am allowed to be as transparent and argumentative in my discussions as I want to be.
MasterWee t1_j1gw6n2 wrote
Absolutely! Peace unto you!
aweebitdafter t1_j15fqsv wrote
Damn. That's shit will humble you real quick