Submitted by TreatThompson t3_zs6ela in GetMotivated
Remote-Notice-4250 t1_j16kaa9 wrote
Clap clap clap this info is very valuable and would make a difference in everyone's lives. Even the punching bags of the family.
NotForgetWatsizName t1_j16r91f wrote
You say the truth while thinking you’re being sarcastic. Ha ha
Remote-Notice-4250 t1_j16ri7b wrote
Truth is this post isn't helping most people. If all we had to do to win was get up after a fall then we all be winners wouldn't we.
ianisahurricane t1_j18ke95 wrote
Who said we are not all winners?
curiouscuriel t1_j185zjn wrote
That really depends how you define winning.
Remote-Notice-4250 t1_j186hg6 wrote
curiouscuriel t1_j18ocrr wrote
You can be happy with very little. Success is defined by the individual. Fulfillment too. You can have everything and still have nothing, or you can have nothing and still have everything. It's all up to you.
Remote-Notice-4250 t1_j18spds wrote
Who the hell done lied to you my guy?
curiouscuriel t1_j18x34n wrote
Your belief is your reality whether it's true or not. To answer your question, everyone lies to everyone, because truth is not actually known or knowable.
Remote-Notice-4250 t1_j1adrw4 wrote
What kind of acid trip type shit.
curiouscuriel t1_j1awc3a wrote
I hope you find can find peace and joy in everyday existence! Life can be really hard, we make it infinitely harder by judging ourselves and others harshly. Best wishes.
Remote-Notice-4250 t1_j1awlzh wrote
Tf is you talking about?! Im the universe punching bag, how do you expect me to find peace in such a shitty world.
TreatThompson OP t1_j16kgnh wrote
Haha! I’m glad you think so 😄
How we think really becomes how we live
Remote-Notice-4250 t1_j16kmf4 wrote
I was being sarcastic... this is awkward...
TreatThompson OP t1_j16kon2 wrote
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