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jackinsomniac t1_j26km4u wrote

It's cool, this comment was more in general to everyone, not specifically aimed at you.

I know how it is, in school you get taught about how he's an awesome inventor, but nothing about the bad stuff he did. School focuses all on the lightbulb story, but never mentions the electrocuted elephant. So later in life when people learn about the horrible stuff Edison did, it's like they flip 100% to the opposite side. "It's ALL lies, he NEVER did anything of note! He's just a lying, cheating, stealer!"

But that 180 deg turn in attitude towards Edison isn't completely accurate either. That's all I want to remind people of. Yes, you weren't told the whole truth, but that doesn't invalidate the other facts of his story either. Dude didn't even go to bed with his wife on his wedding night, he HAD to go continue work in his shop instead. That's not something a greedy hedonist does, that's the sign of an overly dedicated man. He's no saint, but he isn't some greedy businessman either, who couldn't care less about inventions. He loved inventing.