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t1_j26l7w8 wrote

the desire and the trilling chase of achieving it are what make us living


t1_j26t1vx wrote

Also those things cost time and money, things I don't have much excess of what with my low paying lever pulling job that makes me work 6 days a week.


t1_j27sshm wrote

Quit your job you tool and go kite surfing to feel amazing!


t1_j284sq9 wrote

I started to realise lately this is true. Im so exhausted because I do stuff I do not want to do like 90% of time when Im awake. Yesterday I did more stuff I like and was able to do some actually good work even late at night after that..Strange.


t1_j28jkj8 wrote

It actually is because i've done too much. Too much work to have energy to do anything else. 5 days a week at work drains the body.


t1_j28lt8y wrote

Yeah let’s talk about Light with Lucifer....let’s not. Maybe once I get my godd@mn ADJD medication back. Ugh......


t1_j28w130 wrote

ahhh never thought of it like that. i should quit my job right away and go for adventure sports full time.


t1_j29d2xl wrote

Nobody actually likes working in a factory. But some people have too, regardless. I wish such stupid posts wouldnt appear in my feed anymore


t1_j2a6h23 wrote

Ah yes, I should quit my job that allows me to keep a roof over my family’s head and take up more high risk activities. Sage advice, OP.