Submitted by _Cautious_Memory t3_1053peg in GetMotivated
Content_Depth9578 t1_j39eb7b wrote
Truth! Living proof right here, and I try to tell all my younger friends the same.
Se7enLC t1_j39iiih wrote
Midnight is too late to start a movie marathon when you have work in the morning.
Zakluor t1_j39qqpd wrote
The only thing worse than starting 'late' is starting later.
Kanna-15 t1_j3a1ty5 wrote
Thank you.
JeepXJ98 t1_j3ara0k wrote
Best time to start was yesterday and the next best is now
hubbabubbahoe t1_j3au5ok wrote
It’s true. When people start catching on I just move to another town until those people catch on and I move again! It’s never too late!
MedievaLime t1_j3axb5r wrote
I think that's the try and fail step
[deleted] t1_j3dikaj wrote
harpertssseng007 t1_j3l1al2 wrote
Higira t1_j39c5w2 wrote
Me: hi, reddit told me I can start late! Boss: you're fired. Me: :(