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40moreyears t1_j3d0gox wrote

Better to speak the truth rather than your truth.


startwithaidea OP t1_j3dbhyo wrote

Yes, it very much depends on what the truth is to you.


L_Ardman t1_j3dezds wrote

If it’s different from everybody else’s you’re doing something very wrong. Self-delusion is no way to go through life.


Ok-Bandicoot2857 t1_j3f94wg wrote

depends... there is a large sum of lefties who are wrong


2021ischeeringforyou t1_j3gt3gt wrote

Ah yes, the lefties. With their empathic policies and scientific bias. How dare they not get charged guilty for molesting children.


Ok-Bandicoot2857 t1_j3gx0zk wrote

they should be charged w all the issues involving children. and yes indeed unscientific biases are the worst. enjoy though negating actual topics with narcissistic comments like you just did. 💯🤦🏿‍♀️ Edit: this is why im Loaded w/$ and your all broke asf. get your mentality lvl right


2021ischeeringforyou t1_j3lo9om wrote

The left isn't the one actually molesting children. Ergo, they're not the ones with guilty convictions. Compared to Republicans who do, in fact, collect guilty charges. Due to their guilt.


Ok-Bandicoot2857 t1_j3s97m0 wrote

all you did was veto and neglect the actual subjects at hand. yes the left is endangering kids and causing bodily harm + increased chances of molestation due to our unsafe boarder. 💯🤦🏿‍♀️ you need help w education before you get on reddit ffs.


2021ischeeringforyou t1_j4lr5nx wrote

You say increased chances from the left.

I say actual guilty charges have been served against the right.

Forgive me for not fearing what could be, I'm too stuck on what is. Your politics are so screwed up you support the actual child molesters. Who, again, have been charged guilty.