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Theamazing-rando t1_j46edp8 wrote

This is a problematic quote from Edison for many reasons; the most pertinent would be his foray into X-rays. The man had no idea what he was doing, thought it sounded interesting to play with, and caused his assistant to die a horribly painful death through radiation exposure!

Before all the "Edison stole this or that patent", which may hold some truth, the dude not only had no formal education at all, but he still managed to patent over 1000 inventions! He was a legit inventor!


Mysteroo t1_j46mq0h wrote

Eh, I think this quote is fine in that he isn't talking about X-rays. He's talking about light bulbs, right? It's not to give a license for recklessness, but to stave off discouragement with an optimistic perspective on seemingly fruitless work.

If asked about X-rays, I'd like to think he would agree that he failed when he got someone killed.


Lost_vob t1_j493fqm wrote

These people always bring up Edison failings with x-ray as if Marie Curie didn't exist. Her notebooks are still a health hazard! They're kept in lead boxes! If Edison was a failure, then so was Nobel prize winner Marie Curie.


kingtitusmedethe4th t1_j4dmapk wrote

Many inventors went back and invented some of the things he "prooved would not work"

The quote is as bad as the dudes morality.


Lost_vob t1_j48z35p wrote

Edison when blind himself from x-rays. He also paid the widow her husbands salary for the rest of his life. Was Marie Curie problematic? She did the same stuff st the same time