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koopa72 t1_j4au1oc wrote

Don't forget back pain


TrickyTreat_ t1_j4axrda wrote

My coach said this to me last night, this exact thing


UnicornSlayer5000 t1_j4ayp9k wrote

Apparently I chose pain in my knee, my back, my neck, my elbow joints....


buwefy t1_j4b0fnz wrote

There is another, the pain of discipline AND regret. Sometimes you discipline in a dumb thing, sometimes you get unlucky, and then you regret wasting your life being discipleship, when your asshole friends who always just had a good time, keep having a good time, a don't even know how to do that... It's important to choose battles wisely!


TheNegAgeN t1_j4b0nyg wrote

The pain of attempting discipline, failing AND regret.


the_other_irrevenant t1_j4b381o wrote

Everyone should choose to be immediately suspicious of anyone who says there are only two, highly specific, choices.


Spoonerize_Duck_Fat t1_j4b3e60 wrote

How about half-assed discipline followed by half the amount of regret? That seems to be where I’m at most days.


stobors t1_j4b4qft wrote

TIL my step-father was a philosopher.

His saying was: "Boy, a hard head gonna make for a soft ass and I aim to tenderize yours."

And he proceeded to do so many times over the course of my teenage years.l

It made me smarter about not getting caught.

Then I realized that if I didn't do <insert teen problem>, I didn't have to worry about being caught.


cashewbiscuit t1_j4b6of3 wrote

Can I choose the relief of death. No? Society doesn't like it.


DirtyJezus t1_j4bbx8k wrote

There is only pain. Live in the pain. Love the pain. We are in hell.


noorderling t1_j4bechx wrote

I trained really hard for a half marathon. About 3 months of building up from doing the 10 miles. Got into shape, looked forward. Then 2 days before the run: the flu. High fevers, the whole thing.

So yeah, I had both, for the same project. Oh well..


pixelnull t1_j4beumm wrote

Pains that also exist:

  • The pain of grief.
  • The pain of existence.
  • The pain of a broken heart.
  • The pain of real pain.

There is the positive feelings of the opposite of the pains in the image too:

  • The joy of freedom from discipline
  • The freedom of not dwelling on regret

The59Sownd t1_j4bfa06 wrote

Life essentially comes down to a battle between short-term and long-term benefits. Taking the easy way out to gain immediate gratification will often result in later consequences and often in important life areas, whereas doing the hard thing now will often pay off in big ways. There is no path without pain, so choose the pain that benefits you. Nothing worth having comes easy.


jerryleebee t1_j4bfdu2 wrote

I needed to hear this. Also, If you want something you've never had, you'll need to do something you've never done.


Vivid-Ad-148 t1_j4bhs1j wrote

We all have to suffer. Just make yours for something important.


TheFenn t1_j4bhzcg wrote

I have chosen.... Regret.


DarkFlameShadowNinja t1_j4bi3ha wrote

Exactly in life it can be anything
Sometimes even if you had the right pain of discipline it will not always end in the intended or right outcome only to end up in the pain of regret whether the pain of discipline was dumb, normal or smart cuz life is made to be this way same goes for regret
Problem with the OP quote is only between but in life it could be both or one leading to another either way what people need to realize that not every thing goes according to plan and manage expectations wisely


I_Tory_I t1_j4bl56v wrote

Why would I put in the effort for discipline, if it's pain either way?


MintYogi t1_j4bogo2 wrote

I appreciate a good motivational statement. This isn’t one because it’s a false dichotomy.


N1ckp347 t1_j4bs4ml wrote

Best one I have seen in a while


std5050 t1_j4bw5p9 wrote

These tend to go hand in hand, stupid bullshit like this reminds me why I hate Reddit


WildPIMP t1_j4bz1e2 wrote

Aka, humbly stacking sats or getting debased by central banks.


mingusdisciple t1_j4c0s37 wrote

Regret still allows me to eat a full cheese pizza just for me


NayamAmarshe t1_j4c1yrd wrote

Discipline is not pain, discipline is the antidote to pain :)


manwhorunlikebear t1_j4c2hj9 wrote

However the pain of disciplin will get you a lot of very cool side effects


Arijan101 t1_j4c2o7e wrote

Everyone must choose one of two pains:

  1. The pain of crytical thinking and using your brain.

  2. The pain of being called out on the internet for letting shallow "motivational quotes" do the thinking for you.


allonzeeLV t1_j4c35m7 wrote

I regret always deferring to my discipline.


peelen t1_j4c3fft wrote

There is another: constant improvisation. ADHD gang knows what I'm talking about.


katz332 t1_j4c56dh wrote

Discipline isn't always painful but regret always hurts.


NebulousOinkler2099 t1_j4c6i4p wrote

I’ve learned to internalize regret. It’s the safer of the two options


MasterMainu t1_j4c8h3l wrote

Discipline, always the discipline.... Don't want anything to do with regret.


h3isenburg t1_j4c9tqs wrote

This is one of the better ones. Let's all fart together.


Penis_Bees t1_j4catbs wrote

That might be true but if you read this as "discipline as a general virtue" it works.

Even when it comes to things as simple as like cleaning your house, it's usually better to be disciplined than to try to catch up later.

It's a skill to work on. And doesn't work out 100% in a vacuum but works as a general concept.


S1GNL t1_j4cb7gr wrote

AKA Choose your hard.


uzOvl t1_j4cd8kk wrote

I prefer the pain au chocolat.


ShredGuru t1_j4cdjjs wrote

You can definitely regret missing out on things for being too disciplined


Hendlton t1_j4ceta7 wrote

It's not even that for me. It's the dumb guy who doesn't really know anything, but things work out anyway. You look a them and think "If I tried any of that, it would go wrong every step of the way."


MrDoe t1_j4cfr27 wrote

I'm currently suffering pain from a broken rib, assuming that is what you are talking about.

I have suffered the pain of discipline and regret, but neither was as concrete as a broken rib.


-Vattgern- t1_j4cimp7 wrote

“Discipline” sir, reporting for duty!


star_witness1 t1_j4cj2c7 wrote

"If you choose not to decide then you still have made a choice."


MaximumEffort433 t1_j4cjh8y wrote

Me, the CEO of ADHD: "I've come here to suffer the pain of discipline and the pain of regret, and I'm all out of discipline."


kjvii t1_j4cjlch wrote

Broke up with a girl 7 months ago. The pain of regret is tough... please choose discipline.


PootenRumble t1_j4crr8c wrote

Persistence - as long as you keep trying without giving up after failure, eventually something works. Failure is a step forward. The “dumb” may just mean a willingness to fail frequently, and that certainly will be the way to find success.

Try it with a goal to fail fast, you’ll learn from every step. And it will end up working out - if you’re persistent enough to not give up.


_cedarwood_ t1_j4cstsl wrote

Lol I get the intention, but life isn't this black and white. It can be both, it can be neither


BastionNZ t1_j4cu67g wrote

It's being disciplined for targeted goals.

I.e "I'm not happy with my body/health"

You either be disciplined and eat good and go to the gym

Or choose not to be and a year later be regretful.


atko3314 t1_j4cw9p7 wrote

I choose the Pain au Chocolat


asrielrising84 t1_j4cy9ta wrote

Or, now hear me out, neither. If you have very very low goals and ambitions then you will have neither.


kevinass t1_j4cybxy wrote

Or lie on the couch and feel great


Expert-Hyena6226 t1_j4d1igr wrote

Actually, everyone will experience both at different times, and about different things. It's inevitable.


QueenPlutoPlant t1_j4d2u1y wrote

I don't believe anybody is truly lazy (in the case of "lazy" being negatively associated). I think people just have yet to find the right motivation for them or are exhausted and need a break to rest, but don't recognize it and see it as being lazy.


futurewolf336 t1_j4da3o7 wrote

You could also have the pain of just not having any luck. 🤷🏽‍♀️🥴


Phyxirian t1_j4dafhy wrote

How is discipline or regret pain? Does it mean hard to deal with = pain?


nik-cant-help-it t1_j4dc58w wrote

What an absolutely bleak narrative.

Also, an either/or argument is typical of a false dichotomy, a logical fallacy.


Rackendoodle t1_j4dlspb wrote

Regret is such a useless and pointless emotion. Regret does nothing to change the past and it nothing to help you in the present. Instead, accept your mistake, learn from it, grow as a person, and motivate yourself to do better next time. Dwelling on the past is a waste of time.


Cinderredditella t1_j4dm5el wrote

Well that's just rubbing salt in the wound. Literally just stepped off the scale with pain in my heart. At least I had the discipline to stay off smoking, but fuck, I hate myself right now.


Spamton496 t1_j4dmf3f wrote

And then, there is the pain of unfreedom.


zebrahdh t1_j4dr3i6 wrote

Jesus mental illness…

Regret nothing, fools.


Insurdios t1_j4ds15k wrote

The pain of now or the pain of later.


aj9393 t1_j4dyc82 wrote

That's I why I tend toward the Stoicism view of the world.

The tl:dr version is, discipline is a virtue. Your goal should always be living according to your virtues, therefore you achieve happiness through the act of practicing discipline itself, rather than the outcome of being disciplined. The idea being that you only have control over yourself (being disciplined) but do not have control over externals (whether or not the discipline produces the desired outcome). You shouldn't weigh your happiness on externals which you can't control.

This is a pretty poor write-up to be honest, and really only scratches the surface, but it might be sufficient to get the point across.


stobors t1_j4dzbyq wrote

Haha, yes, but I never called him step-daddy.

He was one of those old-school assholes that I didn't pick up the pearls of wisdom from as a hard-headed stupid teenager.


eoliveri t1_j4e1r3w wrote

So OP thinks life is nothing but different kinds of pain.


heyredditaddict t1_j4e4new wrote

Holy crap! This is perfectly applied to trading. Thanks for posting this! This is going on my wall and will be mentioned in a future YouTube episode.


_CMDR_ t1_j4e8kp4 wrote

Yeah gonna call false dichotomy on this one.


Adreqi t1_j4eeglt wrote

Only a sith deals in absolutes.

Pain au chocolat all the way.


deweywsu t1_j4eh12c wrote

This is a lie the world would have you believe. There are many other options.


yuckysmurf t1_j4eiutb wrote

Nah…you can just practice casual moderation and be totally fine.


WhyNotRocket t1_j4ezhmk wrote

I’d take NO regrets any day of the week. There is nothing worse when you are “Done” either by death or being stuck in a situation you can never change. For example: not trying something that you knew you were pretty good at but were too scared to fail.


JaeminGlider t1_j4gb2jp wrote

Nah, I don't live with regrets. How? I keep in mind the context of who I was when I made those choices. What I did know and what I did not yet know. Regret doesn't provide support or motivation, so by reflecting on past choices with mindfulness of the context, I don't bring regret into my life.


Blackshirts98 t1_j4hwtfk wrote

I mean yea it is. Pleasure doesn’t create lasting happiness. Money makes it easier to be happier but to a point. Studies have shown after like 110k/the ability to live comfortably money brings minimal happiness


ComprehensiveSmell40 t1_j4jvt0m wrote

but the pain of regret stays for a few days or week or months(extreme) and then it goes , but you have to suffer the pain of discipline everyday .

not saying i choose regret


djahaz t1_j506e5o wrote

At lease quote the man himself. Jim Rohn