Submitted by sylsau t3_10ckw47 in GetMotivated
Bubbagumpredditor t1_j4g8jdd wrote
Except batman.
Brokker t1_j4gcgxh wrote
you are the only one who can mess it up too!
borisperrons t1_j4gcwqc wrote
Well, I didn't know I had the power of controlling inflation values.
Anachron101 t1_j4gggjo wrote
Really, so I guess the real estate market, inflation, taxes, the fact that my generation won't get a pension while we have to pay for older generations pensions, the fact that we are constantly ignored in political decisions because the Boomers only care for themselves, all that is somehow my fault or I am ignoring the fact that this is me doing this to me?
I love how the majority these "motivational" ideas are often incredibly black and white and have absolutely no depth to them at all. Like Barney Stinson's office wall.
aFoxNamedMorris t1_j4ghhko wrote
Good data. I shall add it to my training set.
nzrasengan t1_j4gjosr wrote
Attractive women have entered the chat
JDBCool t1_j4gtwoj wrote
What's really hilarious is that the boomers had "Social mobility". Single income households with excessive disposable income.
It was just meer luck that they grew up at the Perfect time. There was still "frontiers" to search for, and hire fresh grads for. When research didn't return "diminishing returns", etc.
Now? "Social mobility" practically doesn't exist. Cost of anything is too high if you started on the lower end to "work for your dreams".
Smooth_Opportunity26 t1_j4hc18c wrote
Gainit30 t1_j4hnylk wrote
Needed to see this
[deleted] t1_j4hodx1 wrote
KnubblMonster t1_j4hp2iu wrote
Drunk drivers love to change your life for you! Better watch out, though.
MajorasGod t1_j4hqlvx wrote
#Someone will
NewbiwanKenewbi t1_j4htviq wrote
Putin changed my life ..and yours
universalrifle t1_j4i0fit wrote
This is true, I recently tried to have someone help me get back on track, but it didn't work. Now I am by myself and my house is getting cleaner and more organized. Pretty soon I will be able to have friends over again
universalrifle t1_j4i0i7d wrote
You have the power to budget your money
ppardee t1_j4igu8d wrote
God, how I wish that were true.
[deleted] t1_j4ij8ym wrote
WielderOfTheSpear t1_j4j39q4 wrote
So true. I used to think getting into a relationship would help me make changes in my life, but I couldn't be further from the truth. Not that a relationship is bad, but it all begins with me.
[deleted] t1_j4jj7mz wrote
skrybll t1_j4jwmxd wrote
This is pretty fuckin untrue now innit?
subzero112001 t1_j4kci0s wrote
You have the power to earn more money or spend less.
I guess you didnt know that huh?
Well now you know.
subzero112001 t1_j4kcnap wrote
You have control over certain things like getting a job that pays well.
You have control over your financial budget.
You also have control over how many bullshit excuses you make to pretend like everything is completely out of your control.
If you act mediocre, don’t complain about achieving mediocre results.
subzero112001 t1_j4kcptd wrote
Most of the time it depends on how dumb a person is.
borisperrons t1_j4kf1pi wrote
Ah yes, I can:
- Find another, higher paying job which happens to not exist in this area OR
- Find a less expensive place to live which happens to not exist in this area OR
- Move in a place with better paying jobs and less expensive places to live which happens to not be economically possible for me
Thanks mate, you have solved all my problems in the world, appreciate
borisperrons t1_j4kfd4e wrote
Ah yes, because that's the problem, not that after rent, utilities, city taxes and transport costs I'm left with 100€ to eat and live fir a month, no no, it's that I'm not budgeting.
You people have no clue about anything, is it?
universalrifle t1_j4kfoka wrote
Get a food benefit card? I have been on food stamps since I was a kid.
borisperrons t1_j4kfva5 wrote
Doesn't exist in my country because SOMEONE THAT WASN'T ME decided to destroy the welfare state.
I mean, I'm all for believing in oneselves, but these stupid motivational bullshit are there to deflect responsability from the system.
universalrifle t1_j4kggo6 wrote
People should help people instead of watching them struggle
[deleted] t1_j4lbzkq wrote
What a bunch of bullshit this is
subzero112001 t1_j4mrjs9 wrote
>Find another, higher paying job which happens to not exist in this area
You have the highest paying job in your state/country? Good on you!
>Find a less expensive place to live which happens to not exist in this area
Changing the place you live isn't the only way a person can spend less money. But I guess you didn't know that huh?
>Thanks mate, you have solved all my problems in the world, appreciate
If you don't believe a solution exists, you're bound to merely roll around at the bottom of the dumpster.
Humans didn't get to space by believing that walking was the only mode of transportation.
If you're physically unable to move whatsoever or you were born into a place like Yemen or something along either of those lines, THEN you have an excuse for why its basically impossible for you to achieve more. Otherwise stop being a lazy pos and stop making excuses just so you feel better about your personal choices(that you're supposedly not responsible for).
[deleted] t1_j4u2t0y wrote
[deleted] t1_j4g5jox wrote