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spitfire1982 t1_j5c5b4o wrote

It's faked anyways. Trees don't shoot out new growth from the center of the heartwood.

It's always from the outer cambium layer like this

That's the actual living part of the tree, the center has been dead for a long time.


aveindha25 t1_j5c8ewe wrote

No. It is just photoshopped. This isn't a sapling, this tree is several years old. They just resized it in PS and put it in the stump.


1JoMac1 t1_j5d5et6 wrote

That's a shame. Some of my favorite things to have ever seen firsthand in nature are trees growing out of stumps or rocks


AcceptableAccount794 t1_j5dof0r wrote

I once saw shoots growing out of a cut log that was sitting in a semi-permanent puddle of water in a ditch. It was pretty cool, as in an "A for effort". I am sure the shoots would never get to be trees, but it was really interesting to see.


Woodworkingwino t1_j5d81ht wrote

If people will lie to motivate people what else will they lie about. The next thing you’re going to tell me is that politicians lie to get votes.


DetectiveFinch t1_j5fkraf wrote

That's also a possibility. I had assumed that it was a birch sapling that started to grow in a rotting trunk of some other tree species.