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Kind_Scholar4612 t1_j5elcqr wrote

Wow its so beautiful! Amazed that its possible to make such nice thing!


lucao6 t1_j5erxwj wrote

It's just wonderful


makealisztforme t1_j5ext3c wrote

This is absolutely stunning. Props to you for managing to create this beautiful work while managing children!


Reject444 t1_j5f9hf3 wrote

This is absolutely amazing work. At first I thought it was a photograph with heavy filters applied. But no; It’s a painting!?! Awesome job! You’re super talented, OP; thanks for sharing your beautiful art with us!


ProJedi-ad t1_j5fsw2t wrote

I love the style of this! Awesome job!


Jaketh3girl t1_j5ful7w wrote

This is stunning work, you should be extremely proud. What medium did you use, oil?


OstrichBagel t1_j5fyol0 wrote

That is incredibly beautiful!! Congratulations!!


duarte2151 t1_j5fys4v wrote

Such a beautiful piece. Reminds of my good times in AZ. Thank you for that.


woollyhatt t1_j5glqlz wrote

Thats absolutely amazing! I would give an arm and a leg to have that hanging in my living room


ceruleanpure t1_j5gtam5 wrote

Oh wow! This is gorgeous, OP! What medium is this? Acrylics? Oil?


AngelicDevilz t1_j5i1r8d wrote

Terrible. It looks like you just based it on a photo instead of painting it there. Why bother at that point. Such low-form art


Igor_not_Egor t1_j5i2fb7 wrote

You're very talented! I just looked at your profile and I absolutely love your landscapes. The skies in your paintings are incredible. Kudos!


Souxsiee t1_j5iaaam wrote

Truly stunning. You’re very skilled at your craft!


TamsinGDArt OP t1_j5iolp2 wrote

Art is entirely subjective so I absolutely respect my work will not be everyone’s cup of tea. This is a commission piece of the canyon requested by a client who was married there, it is not from one photo but three different photos to get the best aspects of each. En Plein Air is a fantastic way to capture a landscape for sure and something I do obviously do but as I am based in a little village in England the Grand Canyon is a stretch too far to travel to between my daughters naps. I hope you meet with kindness today x


AngelicDevilz t1_j5it9g3 wrote

I knew it was pictures. If you wanted to be an artist you should have lived somewhere were abortion was legal so you could strive for greatness. You cannot take commissions and consider yourself a true artist. Art is inspired. It is better to go hungry for art than to debase oneself to the requests of some lesser commissionaire.


TamsinGDArt OP t1_j5jmlo6 wrote

I would posit that as the Masters worked almost solely to commissions there are a great deal of people who would hold a differing opinion to you but variety is as they say the spice of life. Still, it’s important to not accidentally be a bit silly on the internet. Have a lovely day x