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Delta4o t1_j5npi74 wrote

Jep, I'm my own lowest priority and never say or share anything unless it's really important or funny


candeur t1_j5nxz5k wrote

I lived most of my life like this, but now I'm at a point where everyone else is even lower on my priority list than myself - they never reciprocate or even value what you do for them, because as much as it means to you, they can't relate and it doesn't mean much to them


SaltLakeCitySlicker t1_j5o6sw4 wrote

Same. I spend most of my free time doing things for other people because I know it'll make them happy. I guess my reasoning is if I can't be happy, maybe bringing it to others will make me happy, even if temporarily


Delta4o t1_j5oawwa wrote

Wanna hear a good one? I work at the same company and same team as my brother. Last week he was late for the 2 hour long train ride, so I ordered coffee for him for when he showed up (he does the same for me). I was standing in the door of the train and he was still not there. I heard the whistle and thought "fuck it, I'll take the next one with him" and stepped out as the doors were closing. When he saw that I willingly missed the train he said "omg you stupid idiot, why the F didn't you take the train". He barely spoke to me during the 2 hour train ride.

When we were at the office he ratted me out to my colleagues and they laughed at me...

People have always laughed at me for missing busses or trains and have never done anything about it. I decide to not leave my brother out in the cold and I get yelled at...


SaltLakeCitySlicker t1_j5ocvkh wrote

Yeahhhh you gotta pick who you're doing things for. For instance, I keep bees and sent out about 7-8 gallons of honey to friends and family across the country. I had asked if they'd want it and would use it beforehand. Half the people didn't even send a text saying they got it, let alone are using it or a thank you. So guess who doesn't get any next harvest?